Sunday, December 31, 2023





Youth age adolescence touched,

Life mischievous wild searched,

Stupefied, speechless stood to say,

Executive rock work lives sway, (1)


Female idols, curvy, voluptuous,

Dancing poses creeper onerous,

Lasting millennia dance, attract,

New world female sealed, in fact, (2)


Not temple dancer family wives,

Educated, equal to men, drives,

Drive locomotives, plane fighters,

Joining army, navy, to frontiers, (3)


Education, medicine or research,

Women attractive actors scorch,

How beautiful O actress smiled,

A nation across ages getting wild, (4)


Cinema, many stories, impressive,

Widescreen youth glued, believe,

Dream beautiful actress natural,

Ephemeral fairy hunt nocturnal, (5)


Repercussion every beautiful life,

A girl in the street replica strike,

College life love romances linked,

Degree interview career blinked, (6)


Forgotten love film actress older,

Teenage, romantic, not shoulder,

Learn this much every girl saw,

Beautiful angelic promises vow, (7)


That lifelong I shall love, stay lit,

Impossible short life, one delight,

My love, my beloved, better half,

Bitter cold I fail to share all scarf, (viii)


Transformation, each year seen,

I saw posters, attractive screens,

Temporary human life is short joy,

I can make happy my love enjoy, (9)


Respect in street bus rail flight,

I saw a few attractive idols slight,

Remind the ephemeral beauty,

Wrinkles appear couple in duty, (10)


New Year seven decades passed,

How many actresses, life splashed,

Dreamed of beautiful actors, female,

Enriched my romantic youth sail, (11)


Ephemeral, I understood, is a life,

A burning candle burns no strife,

Versatile, Lord's infinite mercy,

Year after year, I live to see wish, (12)


Host happy New Year greet a lot,

Missing a few, I liked time escort,

Stolen life attachment, I am a fool,

Ephemeral burns a candle mule, (13)


Beautiful girls in fantasy actresses,

No more they exist the same less,

Wiser, tearful, kneel before the Lord,

Ephemeral a candle lit, accord, (14)


Look at beautiful flowers floral,

Happy New Year, phenomenal,

Candle my life it flower blossom,

Ephemeral, elusive life is welcome. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of the Poem: Ephemeral

Themes: highlights life impermanent yet wild

Written: 1st January 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Saturday, December 30, 2023






Confess, convey, where ever, stay,

You ruled my heart, boldly I say,

Not ashamed, dear, we were one,

Loved each other dream began, (1)


Future adolescence touched lit,

Sensation wavering night light,

Moonless full moon dreamers,

Dawn destroyed dreams tears, (2)


Faded the scenes, sequel miss,

Our college campus park kiss,

It was an intimacy in understanding life,

Marriage, job, family, links strife, (3)


Never could think impossible,

Our love the marriage is simple,

Today, I have my family settled,

Fewer thoughts love is bristled, (4)


How many nights have you cried, say,

Got mute, deaf, dumb, feel away,

I was a thorn in your life twig,

Removed mercilessly crushed fig, (5)


Class, dear class, the glass wall says,

We saw each other met dismay,

Fewer can society allow grants,

Parents rejected a reminiscent, (6)


Your father joked with me a lot,

Inquire about bungalow escort,

Showed me rows of cars, bikes,

Described long list of costly likes, (7)


Pointed at family a hollowness,

Love conjugal life less impressive,

What matters the most lecture,

I left your home perfectly sure, (viii)


Poverty and love wall divided,

Classless woman wins United,

The vermilion sacred thread lit,

Bangles colored colorless sight, (9)


Home, sweet home, heavenly lit,

A husband and his wife struggle to fight,

Confess today I acted foolishly,

Married in our relationship quickly, (10)


Sudden was the news you left,

Traveled abroad life single felt,

Twilight years confess my guilt,

You visit in my dream due tilt, (11)


Infinite questions, arguments,

Keep silent eyes down laments,

Vanishes your visits yet stealth,

Reminisce encounters, wealth, (12)


Never I can forget not can visit,

Fewer I dare to think and write,

Keep intact my love for you live,

Till me last breath you, I believe, (13)


You give life to me felt cowered,

Your devotion and dedication showered,

The truth is paradoxically, true hit,

At different continents less meet, (14)


Sleep dreams stealth a presence,

Everlasting, our love still intense,

In stealth, we touched sensation,

Fag end-of-life love, a revelation. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Stealth

Themes: Reminisce of the first love

Written: 30th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Friday, December 29, 2023





A sequel to family, migrated mesmeric,

A thousand miles sailed serfs, historic,

Island, isolated sugarcane crop fields,

Forefathers toiled, animal lives, yields, (1)


Forgotten past, a few centuries passed,

Liberated from serfdom a time lashed,

The business community grew gradually,

Spices, turmeric, dry chilly basically, (2)


Tamarind, mango fruits, variety prefer,

Family market local goods lives differ,

Never forgotten the distant land left,

The most ancient civilization life felt, (3)


Under the rule of foreigners, exploited,

Forefathers, serfs, freedoms violated,

Today, educated, visiting ancient a land,

With family, children ask or demand, (4)


Not asking citizenship, rehabilitation,

Amazed, view the ancient civilization,

The temples, monuments, or palaces,

Turmeric, tamarinds, mangos, spices, (5)


Sweet and sour food vegetarian live,

Enjoying freedom democracy thrive,

Visited villages, peasants resembled,

Once upon a time, forced, traveled, (6)


Found past family pedigree exists,

Live sacred to me supreme persist,

Landless village laborers cultivated,

Landlord owned lands crops looted, (7)


Family pedigree I saw transformed,

Indian peasants, own land prospered,

Markets like our family group now,

They education gadget travel show, (viii)


Still sell a few turmeric, tamarind,

Mango, guava, jackfruit, remind,

Village products crop many links,

The ancestor's land a future winks, (9)


I told my children, Indian farmers,

Family pedigree sailed to harbors,

Settled in far islands knew a past,

Our festival custom practices last, (10)


Time century ago separated, we all,

But studying our past relations hail,

That is a memorable visit to India,

Childhood dream pedigree phobia, (11)


I must see how is farmer present,

Now, there is no sadness, resentment,

Most prosperous, free, wealthy farmers,

Owner of his land, his fate master, (12)


Back to our island nation writing,

Family sale species grocery fitting,

Backyard, a tamarind tree stands,

Sour past sweet mango demands, (12)


Family pedigree farmhouse fame,

Fly over the globe product name,

Product name stamp pedigree fit,

Out title, we came from India neat, (13)


Title link with state district place,

Who kept the title pedigree grace,

Noted in my diary visit the land,

Tearful tribute to past no demand. (15)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Family Pedigree

Themes: Indian farmers once migrated

Written: 29th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite  




Thursday, December 28, 2023





Driven sadly by poverty and hunger,

Union strikes love war-mongers,

Oratory skill inborn gifted ignite,

Campus afire, disturbed respite, (1)


No exam courses now standstill,

Teaching staff angry voice shrill,

The cost of education is prohibitive,

Middle-class poverty line restive, (2)


No action degree exit campuses,

Test time interviews pick buses,

Hours wait to stand no food paper,

A few minutes change life secure, (3)


Disaster strikes, failure happen,

Worry tension line evil sharpen,

Bleak future, no godfather move,

How many jobless, study, prove, (4)


If proven qualification is matchless,

Career competitive job distress,

Plum posts a game of chance hit,

Luck, future, modern life defeat, (5)


The notoriety he gained in university,

Conflict of mind, he passed duty,

Brilliant mind fought and lost,

His history of rebellious life, cost, (6)


Successful in administrative jobs,

He rejected the post, parents sobbed,

Joined political party help children,

Underprivileged children weaken, (7)


Below the poverty line help matter,

His activity great news shatter,

Parody meritorious life reward,

Hawk-eye, he caught the coward, (viii)


Who deserves no reservation,

Society needs competence earn,

Be a doctor, engineer, educator,

Safety security books prosper, (9)


Left his future career to reject life,

Serving people whose strife,

Reach to the help spontaneous,

Such people not a few numerous, (10)


Conflict of class creed divisive,

Hypocrisy blind faiths deceive,

Start fearing corrupt darkness,

Growing youth bold impress, (11)


Their courage, strength of mind,

Detach from the gold past reminder,

United feeling proud, innovative,

Spread over the world addictive, (12)


Of culture and custom remit,

The land is getting richer in height,

Conflict youth today, cab driver,

Manages a canteen, grocery store, (13)


Join the army defense industry well,

Overseas job, qualified life swell,

Looking at the horizon century,

Country youth spread, mercury, (14)


Rose from conflict social status,

A prosperous Diaspora famous,

Rebellious, dauntless, turbulent,

Striking at home abroad is latent. (15)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Conflict

Themes: Indian Youth Future

Written: 28th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite