Tuesday, January 30, 2024





The spark of young life strikes,

Unaware, sensuous, why I like,

Speechless, mute, sense dumb,

Vanishes the sight sad numb, (1)


Encounter an unknown mark,

Strikingly beautiful, a car park,

Got down fair complexion, tall,

Auburn hair, golden, shiny curl, (2)


Attractive eyes, inviting lips lit,

Astonished that day in delight,

Never dared to venture induce,

Feared to introduce, bit, seduce, (3)


She looked, got surprised, styled,

Time happened, distanced smiled,

Fewer I could forget the female,

She haunted in my dream veil, (4)


Male heart juxtaposed dreamy,

The Lord, notorious act steamy,

Tears found the secrecy of life,

Till today, I dream her a belief, (5)


Who knows which birth usher,

We get united man-wife allure,

Fulfilled my aspiration gossip,

Introduce mine to her live sip, (6)


A tourist from an alien country met,

Her visit to my city youth date,

Unknown her name address lit,

Confuse decades passed defeat, (7)


Her appearance is different now,

Time, earth revolves, season show,

So is me, wrinkled face in the mirror,

Her beautiful face behind sheer, (viii)


A tear once I loved an unknown,

She showed me my youth grown,

The throb wild mind rebellious,

Romantic ecstatic life delirious, (9)


I loved having a family life, children,

Romantic my life, loved, smitten,

The beach, her smile, giggle, run,

Awestruck, jaw dropped, no fun, (10)


Adulthood, madness, remember,

Admonish wild lust gone amber,

Sober at twilight years consider,

Beauty, once a spark of life usher, (11)


Looked at the green hill river forest,

Her face attenuated noted arrest,

Deep green eyes sky matching lit,

Mingled nature found in discreet, (12)


Understood alluring world eludes,

Never forgot the spark it colludes,

Missed her for life unknown stay,

Admonish link with past, dismay, (13)


Fewer, she grew old, stayed young,

Romantic life admonished a song,

Attractiveness manifests, surrounds,

The human mind capitulated sounds. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Admonish

Themes: Spark of young heart reason admonish

Written: 30th January 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite




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