Saturday, March 30, 2024




Human life, forced to smile sad,

Faced troubles, sorrow, on card,

Tightlipped moved ahead future,

Even humans feel happy to secure, (1)


Self deeds self-guided motive till,

Blind to consequence, fewer heal,

Visit the church, read the Bible, pray well,

For whom we pray, insane dwell, (2)


Watch, million at temple oil lamp,

Burn reverent prayer eyes damp,

For whom do humans pray, ignominy,

Not for other life selfish uncanny, (3)


Dedicate, O Lord, my life surrender,

Serve my community race ponder,

Dying like flies, hunger rampages,

Pious outsides, heinous salvages, (4)


How many people are exploited, says,

Temple-broken gold looted ways,

Where has gone enormous booty,

Humans suffer, are hungry, and pity, (5)


Those plundered in the name of God,

Time is right, justice, blames God,

He heals provided bountiful corn,

His grace we live to discover a morn, (6)


Disgraced His infinite love exists,

Divine command practice resists,

Human feelings of abstract emotion,

Love care sympathy due to devotion, (7)


The calmness quietude peace feel,

Tranquility like lake water be still,

A clear image of reality message lit,

Mind imitates like a lake delight, (viii)


Reads Lord's messages to help well,

The plight of people suffering, duly hell,

Be flood, cyclone, fire, famine, war,

Plight of human long lists to scar, (9)


Jesus living in hearts, Lord willing,

Human life is precious, objects defining,

Served a life in trouble ending his way,

Tomorrow may not be here dismay, (10)


Life is short. face the plight Lord helped,

His abode is my heart acts shelved,

The plight of others saw, cried, prayed sad,

Incapable of removing pain begs inward. 11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Plight

Themes: Human troubles

Written: 30th March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Friday, March 29, 2024





Chivalry blood-soaked past kingdom,

Panoramic still exhibit fears seldom,

Invaders came and looted gold jewel a lot,

Fought brave men, stupendous effort,(1)


Might is right to fight only annihilation,

Conquer the prosperous state notion,

Defeat invites disaster void and horror,

Lost civilization arts craft volunteers, (2)


Betray panorama greenery scenery,

Underneath the soil, a story, history,

Stands rock temples carving cherish,

Kalinga once more raised head wish, (3)


Paradise on the earth unparallel lit,

Beautiful and river mountain delight,

Paladins are tribal honest, innocent,

Humans born amidst natural descent, (4)


They fight with the vagaries of climate,

Centuries-old cultures communicate,

Those created temples art no more,

Kalinga lost the historical art allure, (5)


Tribal festivals consume fascinate,

People are simple, ordinary life, fates,

Know poverty, lack of infrastructure,

Visited villages live serenity enamor, (6)


Paladins of current age survive praise,

Country bowl of rice bountiful raise,

Rice field hills river scenery mesmeric,

Here lives paladin past is past exotic, (7)


Brave people, honest, educated, grow,

Konark shows the story of people owe,

Paladins died once Dhauli Hill cried,

River was red by blood to Asoka defy, (viii)


Turned into a Buddhist return back,

Elderly lady a paladin, her son she lacked,

Challenged the emperor Asoka, she cried,

Give my son you killed, she defied, (9)


Paladin roam, unknown, many love,

Honest, hardworking farmers solve,

Abode of Lord people throng yearly,

Pull chariot in millions love merrily, (1)


Long coastline Chilika Great Lagoon,

Travelers' destination visiting boon,

Paladin build brass silver artifacts,

Homemade clothes are famous, in fact. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Paladin

Themes: Brave humans of the past and present

Written: 29th March 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite







Wednesday, March 27, 2024





Fascinates the world, exotic nature,

Unimaginable beauty lay splendor,

Mesmeric, dawn breaks freshness,

Awful throb heart horizon impress, (1)


Who painted the skies orange exist,

Awaken birds flying chirpings mist,

Alert the world, active spark ignites,

Watch, disbelieve, but possible sites, (2)


Farthest corners, peace, happiness,

Enjoying humans, dreamer access,

Behold bewitched imaginary stays,

Wink, open eyes, true materializes, (3)


Human life witnessed cities, villages,

Awesomely ancient cultural privilege,

The grace of God visited places ruined,

Marauders destroyed inferior wined, (4)


Beastly nature, human figures past,

Hearing the cries, pathos, ever last,

Inhuman cruelty exists, in guise, sad,

Roaming cities fields, plunder mad, (5)


No shame, repentance exists torture,

Marauder owe beastly cruel nature,

Contemplated why humans exhibit,

Lord created loves evil deed resists, (6)


Helps with or without prayer often,

The noble mind serves others, softens,

Clueless years passed, find reasons,

Astonished, mind betrays, treasons, (7)


Desire physical mind control, master,

Human life is helpless, fails to muster,

Visualized marauders, action sadly,

The killing, looting, torturing, madly, (viii)


Born to die in fighting less repent,

Dawn, the beautiful day, not decent,

Creatures of night love darkness,

 Stealth their steps creeping mess, (9)


Alarmed civilians, homes ablaze,

Bombed school, insanity stays,

Heart soaked with hared anger,

Marauders lead life sadly monster, (10)


Unwanted in the world paradise,

Marauder, not Lord's child precise,

Utopia marauder absent message,

Human search for century essays. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Marauder

Themes: Cruel humans

Written: 27th March 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, March 26, 2024






Wake up from deep slumber stay,

Keep your eyes closed yet another day,

Overcome remorse of unfulfilled life,

Time has stolen another day thief, (1)


Dreamed many things house gold,

Wished to travel places lives mold,

Wanted children many education,

Established status transformation, (2)


Fulfilling wanting of beloved hopes,

Endless thoughts, desire develops,

Unmarried, unsuccessful, in gloom,

Keep sleeping tearful hope bloom, (3)


Another day, the dawn a surprise,

May I get up opportunities seize,

Each of my wanting capable life,

Desperation, frustration, are thief, (4)


Poison mind heart sinks, perplexes,

Cry for a shoe without leg reflex,

Standing behind no legs leads to life,

For a shoe madness raise a strife, (5)


Dream cursed life for a wristwatch,

Visited showroom costs match,

Failed to purchase sad discovered,

Armless a human famous revered, (6)


Pricked mind, his life tormented,

Wake up from the bed, he commented,

Checked a shoe or wristwatch fit,

Family home children time delight, (7)


Bright sunshine, fresh air inspired,

Right time, dear man, it is required,

Spring has come blossoms, natural, 

Wintertime flowers less magical, (viii)


That deserves mango tree a fruit,

Only mango fruit, not an apple, a root,

Wake up at early dawn time, wait,

Fight for your dreamless frustrate, (9)


By working to achieve deserving gifts,

Destiny Fate luck beliefs less rift,

Sunsets night arrives, life perish,

Unfulfilled works once a life wish, (10)


Dawn breaks, who knows, chirping,

A soul with freedom wings flying,

Fascinating the world Lord plays,

Each dawn new beginning ways. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Dawn

Themes: Opportunity   

Written: 26th March 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Monday, March 25, 2024






Saw the world the first sight etched,

Fascinated imagination far sketched,

Human life is bewitched by initial surprise,

Colors the spectrum astonished prize, (1)


Discovered gradually colors existence,

Flowers, bird's wings, animal presence,

Mimic fish in seas coral reef bemused,

Even fruits colored human skin is used, (2)


Lord's creation intent potent message,

Human emotion season climate craze,

Subtle presence color differs in meaning,

Red to halt yellow slow blue allowing, (3)


Sadly, humans use black, sinful, evil,

Human skin black inks pen on anvil,

White and black day and night stays,

Shadows grayscale playful dismays, (4)


Metals gems colorful, attractive taste,

The rainbow's seven colors, the arch crest,

Examined world offers color indeed,

Found discrimination cast or creed, (5)


White black yellow skin blood same,

Only red color blood vein blue tame,

Eyes blue, black, brown, differentiate,

Lost the message of Lord complicate, (6)


Humans discriminate, not living beings,

Spring arrives with splendor singing,

Happiness, peace, love, divine graces,

Human lust, greed, envy, anger, traces, (7)


Symbol life should burn the colors,

Revive and spread love live splendor,

 The morning sky is orange to bright,

Evening setting sun gray come night, (viii)


Twilight years, I realized brightness,

Why searching everywhere impress,

Sit quietly, watch the light brighter,

Garlands of flowers colorful creator, (9)


Love, deep within, for His creation,

Deep blue, the earth rotates in motion,

Unique among planets, colors differ,

The splendor of human life think to infer, (10)


The spring festival of color nature plays,

Spray color leaves flowers in many ways,

Discriminate colors decipher colors,

The splendor of human life, divine picture. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Splendor

Themes: Life is colorful 

Written: 25th March 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite