Tuesday, March 12, 2024





Sleep on the grassy meadows,

A starry night moon shadows,

Imagined immensity above,

Silent, luminous attracts love, (1)


Part of the creation tiny exists,

Forgets the creator to persist,

Lily blossoms at full moonlit,

The first ray of sunlight sight, (2)


Lotus Blooms welcomes says,

Tearful, I felt divinity displays,

Hunting fear wolf roars fright,

Bats, night creatures fly right, (3)


Magnificent nature tiger roar,

Bird chirp noisy monkey fear,

Deer runs nature playful hail,

Ingrained divine wish prevails, (4)


Human life looks at me, pondering,

His abode in me funny ignore,

Every breath inhaled and exhaled fit,

Automatic in sleep, He exhibits, (5)


His command, I live, act, survive,

Fight for life, think fallen revive,

Wonderful tiny bird build a nest,

Collects twigs weaves the best, (6)


Ingrained ingenuity bird says,

Humans, intelligent life sways,

Look at the lighted metropolis,

Bustling cities, crowds polish, (7)


Schools, colleges, hospitals, many,

Growing people scares money,

Not ingrained divine features,

Mind plays separate pictures, (viii)


Gain and loss appropriate fit,

Losing lives, cruelty, anger, wit,

Swept these thoughts in my mind,

Human turned reason unkind, (9)


Separated from ingrained links,

Circumstance consequent sink,

Link with divine nature follows,

Nature living beings in hallow, (10)


Bee discovers flowers for honey,

Ingrained search love uncanny,

Ingrained human nature share,

Love, kindness, compassion, care. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Ingrained

Themes: Inherited divine nature

Written: 12th March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite


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