Wednesday, March 13, 2024





Mesmerizing scenic lake blue water,

Sailing merrily singing think secure,

Drunken elixir of luxury plethora lit,

Boat of my life lake imaginary sight, (1)


Behold reality happening, automatic,

Hard effort aspiration hope ecstatic,

Thought money object of life ensures,

Gold is wine fame woman immature, (2)


Waylaid whirlpool drag underneath,

The dark bottom of a lake, scary beneath,

Though snake monsters exist in fear,

Reluctant to drop gold asset allure, (3)


Between horns of the dilemma, life,

It happened in my life terrify strife,

Tension worries risk endangering a lot,

Fight tooth and knell for gold effort, (4)


Licked people, feet for a penny loved,

The royal life, pompous work solved,

I rose and rose higher, unaware of a fact,

Fall is so sudden less alarm in fact, (5)


Popular, praise, bond, fade quickly,

Find today the bottom of the lake meekly,

Rich to rags hard encountered sad,

Life a destitute family left treated mad, (6)


Evening age creeping slowly, depresses,

The bottom of the lake image impresses,

Permanent darkness frigid exists,

Ghost of my spirit dream yet resist, (7)


Hope is the virtue I swim to the top,

Swim over the blue lake to save, luck,

Escape from the nadir to stability fit,

Abode of the Lord, heart wish merit, (viii)


Caught sight of lives amidst nature,

Rock bottom necessity lives enamor,

Serenity beauty freshness profusely,

Leads life bare minimum incredibly, (9)


The peace, happiness, and joy are scantly visible,

Lacks rich and famous nadir trouble,

I realized that day encountered a nadir,

The object of human life is not gold a fakir, (10)


Balanced life necessity for existence,

Nadir of my life warned consistency,

Found happiness and contentment, I believe,

For the rest of my life, ordinary survive. (11)  



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Nadir

Themes: Human needs a balanced life

Written: 13th March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite

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