Saturday, March 30, 2024




Human life, forced to smile sad,

Faced troubles, sorrow, on card,

Tightlipped moved ahead future,

Even humans feel happy to secure, (1)


Self deeds self-guided motive till,

Blind to consequence, fewer heal,

Visit the church, read the Bible, pray well,

For whom we pray, insane dwell, (2)


Watch, million at temple oil lamp,

Burn reverent prayer eyes damp,

For whom do humans pray, ignominy,

Not for other life selfish uncanny, (3)


Dedicate, O Lord, my life surrender,

Serve my community race ponder,

Dying like flies, hunger rampages,

Pious outsides, heinous salvages, (4)


How many people are exploited, says,

Temple-broken gold looted ways,

Where has gone enormous booty,

Humans suffer, are hungry, and pity, (5)


Those plundered in the name of God,

Time is right, justice, blames God,

He heals provided bountiful corn,

His grace we live to discover a morn, (6)


Disgraced His infinite love exists,

Divine command practice resists,

Human feelings of abstract emotion,

Love care sympathy due to devotion, (7)


The calmness quietude peace feel,

Tranquility like lake water be still,

A clear image of reality message lit,

Mind imitates like a lake delight, (viii)


Reads Lord's messages to help well,

The plight of people suffering, duly hell,

Be flood, cyclone, fire, famine, war,

Plight of human long lists to scar, (9)


Jesus living in hearts, Lord willing,

Human life is precious, objects defining,

Served a life in trouble ending his way,

Tomorrow may not be here dismay, (10)


Life is short. face the plight Lord helped,

His abode is my heart acts shelved,

The plight of others saw, cried, prayed sad,

Incapable of removing pain begs inward. 11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Plight

Themes: Human troubles

Written: 30th March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite




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