Showing posts with label HELLO ENGINEER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HELLO ENGINEER. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2021





Cloudbursts thought pour analyze,

Dissect microscopic issues tantalize,

Forget O’ mind realm people trusts,

Creations last century stand toasts, (1)


Marvel, architects pyramid effort,

Intricate ingenuity select introvert,

Complex factors logic intrigue roll,

Peace by peace, design connect toil, (2)


Years take complex analysis theory,

Applies unique experiments history,

Thousand, maps correlate structure,

Enormous hard labor finalize sheer, (3)


Forgets family kid responsibility nit,

Workaholic nature attitude discreet,

Least require award accolade direct,

Innovative-mind churns solve effect, (4)


Innumerable models build examine,

Test, strength-of-survival stand fine,

Drawing symbols geometric figures,

Lines in color indicate plan secures, (5)


Contemplate your work bridge long,

Massive concrete steel girder strong,

Withstand cyclones, hurricanes, wind,

Lightening vibration weights remind, (6)


Million, vehicles speeds loads higher,

Pillars, all share load, traveler safer,

Highrise building concrete dam rise,

Engineering-marvel, people surprise, (7)


Modern age craze robotics space jet,

Aircraft oceanic machines, in effect,

Drones, spacecraft microelectronic,

Telecommunication tests ultrasonic, (viii)


Digital world spread tentacle sweep,

Computer networked worldwide tip,

Armaments medical equipment new,

Hello, engineer creation world review, (9)


Worlds like stalk new machine a lot,

Car vehicles boat mobile yearly cost,

Endless creations discoveries most,

Hurts mankind devastate lives lost, (10)


Accident criminal use crime misuse,

Machine technology complex amuse,

Sock humanity death machines roll,

Vaporizes existence in minutes call, (11)


Benefactor offer engineering marvel,

Cruel criminal human entwine ravel,

Modern world big question survives,

Destruction disappear, helps revives, (12)


Food cloth medicine health protects,

Dismantle war machine life corrects,

Gift of knowledge engineer acquires,

Human-race, security time requires, (13)


Engineer’s day solemn pledge claims,

Service to mankind selfless regains,

Least oblige dictator tyranny crime,

Quits defeat aggressors oath prime, (14)


Lifelong passion path adventure nit,

Lonely walk ravel knot sutures tight,

Intelligent machines, compete-spirit,

Distant future allures space flight. (15)