Showing posts with label INTRUSIVE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INTRUSIVE. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2022





A mute witness observed very closely,

Found solace in your presence a lot,

Instrumental, your encouragement.

I could rebuild my life from downfall,

Frustration shadowy covered mind,

Depressed  felt very lonely befriends,

Wanted to trust someone reliable too,

Betrayed by own blood and kin, sadly,

Opening my heart loved at first sight,

I know you have different aspirations,

Uniting in life inconceivable understood,

Your ambition a mission in life differed,

We parted, promised to be close friends,

Later part of life, I found great solace,

In testing times, troubled and clueless.

You listened to owes hours late at night,

Your crisp pointed solutions inspired,

Invaluable gains strength to face dawns,

Never I became intrusive to your life,

You were as if a mirror watching me,

Where are your images virtual,

 It answers me, always when I inquiry,

Knows to telephone only to talk,

Never asked you to see each other,

Discuss our lives, exchanging facts,

That was a promise you left the country,

The story is unique in both trust,

It was after midnight you called me,

That was the call from you surprised,

You are coming home with the child to meet,

Requested to be the caretaker if not adopted,

Continued not to ask further waited,

Know we trust, for a long, I assured you,

You met me later, handed over her,

Shining eyes probing me, willing to stay,

The dot between eyebrows and bangles,

Missing noticeable, your black hairs,

She didn't answer and fled silently abruptly,

Blocked her in front, curious and concerned,

Angry rudely, I retort, neither you nor her,

Stay with me, do not allow you both,

Pulled her with the girl to my home,

Sat near to her and told her, never tonight ask,

Have dinner, sleep well both,

Tomorrow we shall decide on future actions,

One question, you are not married yet,

I confirmed, single and unmarried.

Why I retort, you are intrusive,

Obeyed me, had dinner, both slept,

The next day, I took them, adopted the girl,

Declared to court as her father signed,

Pale was my friend's face, hold,

She signed as her mother, born abroad,

Her journey abroad for a higher degree,

Her daughter is the result of the relationship,

The co-student got married and fled,

Orphaned my deed, never forgiven,

The next day we both got court marriage,

Manicured her forehead with vermilion,

Gold bangles inserted into slim hands,

She was crying, sobbing silently.



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Intrusive( Fiction)

Theme: Parallels meet at the horizon

Date: 12th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite