Showing posts with label KALEIDOSCOPE OF LOVE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KALEIDOSCOPE OF LOVE. Show all posts

Thursday, July 1, 2021





Feeling deep affection, mature,

Essay emotion, intarsia suture,

Speechless overwhelm entwine,

Love, encompass, heart between, (1)


Mind heart limb invisible lurch,

Manifest immaculate feel touch,

Wordless to define explain best,

Nectar of self feel, translate test, (2)


Love stuff embodiment of divine,

Pure, selfless sustain world fine,

Critical, component, life balance,

Sans love, existences avalanche, (3)


Fountain rainbow color enchant,

Blue river ocean sky love instant,

Green forest icy slope mountain,

Charms beauty nature maintain, (4)


Season ornate hot cold and rain,

Bloom flowers fragrant hue tame,

Earth-nature writes poems, love,

Human sorrow sickness, dissolve, (5)


Love cures erase scars n console,

Divine love mother exhibit enroll,

Nine months in womb feeds soul,

Secret, universal life sprouts goal, (6)


Love physical, mental abstract lit,

Love spiritual, ethical radiates nit,

Love from heart receive response,

Lover beloved duet poetic course, (7)


Husband-wife, parent-child swell,

Citizen earth nation people dwell,

Apparent love transpires both, list,

One side love game, sports, feast, (viii)


Physical love, conjugal, romance,

Abstract love affection wild dance,

Kindness, compassion n care root,

Least, earth-matter explain n moot, (9)


Mental love, emotion, devotion feel,

Where exist in-body, fail mind reel,

Surrender, oblation passion quell,

Love arouse intense feel lives hail, (10)


Spiritual divine love towards Lord,

Trust Creator reciprocates accord,

Spiritual love human heart shelter,

Path of realization loves surrender, (11)


Universe, in voids, manifests planet,

Earth, water, air, fire, space, relate,

Atom attaches with atom cohesion,

Define bond only love neat sustain, (12)


Love disappear world vanishes nit,

Exist, void only, universal explicit.

Equality notional, life inherit clear,

Mighty-meek rich-poor love secure, (13)


No power can deprive, heart-loving,

Laments lovelorn in dungeon sing,

Hate, scorn, abuse person all love,

In spite, warning, threat, love, elope. (14)


Ask how love looks, draw a picture,

Open up lotus Sunrises surrender,

Petal detaches from mud water lit,

Fragrance kaleidoscope love, depict. (15)