Showing posts with label PARAMOUNT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PARAMOUNT. Show all posts

Monday, August 28, 2023





Teenage electric and awesome,

Unaware time curious at home,

The hunger to know, love books,

Luxuriant time unearthly hooks, (1)


Lack tension, worry, enjoyable,

Stories enormous thrill enable,

Probes innocent life, encounter,

The world is not a dream here, (2)


Fear lurks, flutters bird, wings,

Horror, heart thrills, in strings,

Remind childhood, stories, love,

Understood attraction dissolve, (3)


Relationships delicate, feathery,

Link attractive girls, imaginary,

Youth touched limbs magnetic,

Rebellious heart, throb ecstatic, (4)


Book addicted to book changed,

No fairy tale king queen crazed,

Adventure, horror story crimes,

In bus, rail journey park times, (5)


Library frequent visitor search,

Forgotten reality dreamy lurch,

Invisible witness to crimes wet,

Perspiration under a fan, create, (6)


Fail to know time appetite lens,

Thinks faster for consequence,

The thrill, heart kneel, to novels,

Soul pass unearthly hour veils, (7)


Forget duty, career, friend, wait,

Vexed life adulthood to debate,

Look at the mini library sadly,

Modern-human resting hardly, (viii)


Work, at work, eat, drink, right,

Work in the day, work at night,

Man and machine book dusty,

Look behind the past life misty, (9)


Touched life, work amass gold,

Lottery urban life asset resold,

Broken-hearted lost everything,

Fluctuate luck life wasted ring, (10)


Heard once lunacy, aristocrat,

Discover himself at a road flat,

Not fiction or novel, embroiled,

Material world mindless toiled, (11)


Foiled aspiration, dashed hope,

Survival is a question, no scope,

Twilight years lost job lost gold,

Lost family lost kids home sold, (12)


Make no mistake, family, kids fly,

Young life prosperous stay high,

Forgotten their link time values,

Know their pleasure are virtues, (13)


Failed to find a solution in books,

Searched life experienced looks,

Everything left me let me quit,

Paradise only a concept invite, (14)


Aura spectral out of reality lit,

Exist in heart, nature definite,

Time is short, to leave now learn,

Paramount soul finds sojourn. (15)      


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Paramount

Themes: Extremely important life recluse

Written: 28th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite