Showing posts with label PROXY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PROXY. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 22, 2024




Live and watch shadow proves,

Existence of life displays, moves,

Differs reality shadow replicate,

Life extinguish shadow vindicate, (1)


Philosophy strike mind allocate,

Responsibility duty to investigate,

Infinite trust human his shadow,

Exhibit faith unique to his widow, (2)


Soul mate led life together united,

Husband no more devote lighted,

Exist shadow of her husband she,

Remembrance of love intact shrive, (3)


Hubby and mate duet resonance,

Reality and proxy in consonance,

Seen and experienced divine link,

Soul mate tied yet heavenly think, (4)


Action duty responsibility relates,

Reaction planning proxy creates,

Emotional reflection tribute stay,

Physical existence lost proxy lay, (5)


Remember wedlock happy lives,

Romance, fights, quarrels, reprieves,

Widowhood soul mate resembles,

Memories scantly die ensemble, (6)


Reality and proxy matchless lit,

Marriage couples are unaware of light,

Proxy meager stamp of actions,

Shadow figures physical forms, (7)


Human learns the virtue of perfection,

Teachers preaching live correctly,

Propagate teachings exactly fit,

Proxy of the teacher job delight, (viii)


Immersed in deep thought, stay,

Soul belongs to the Lord, yet lay,

Mind acts as a proxy betrays sad,

Cause of human misery reward, (9)


Desire temptation attachment,

Mind is the actor's proxy lament,

Detached impassioned celibacy,

Life of a sage, proxy life ecstasy, (10)


Proxy is son, daughter, relations.

Authorized to carry out action,

Proxy the trust faith enumerate,

Human action heart elaborate. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Proxy

Themes: Shadow for someone

Written: 22nd May 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite