Thursday, September 24, 2020




I and you;


Mesmerizing time n life realm portray,

Spirits in shock pain puzzled look away,

The sights in life come across uninvited,

Public, private moment events are weird,

News freeze conscience viral all twisted,

Fiction shook the nation as fact implanted,

We look way selfish motive fear of life,

We know truth mutilated it fails to strike,

I saw malls burning in the road I flee,

I saw the train bus stopped I walk fast,

I saw office blocked slip in by-lanes,

I saw female molested turn mute,

I saw when force a bill in group I pay,

I saw in lockdown a crowd I confine to home,

The canvas of my life in quiescence n quiet,

A million hues of such color colored our life,

Never dare to protest we clipped conscience,

Open a mouth post in media peace resigns,


The State Machine;


They saw street ablaze just looks on,

They saw citizen slain silence rule,

They saw forced shutdown get mute,

They saw hue n cry a hoax get meek n mild,

They saw false claims lo acts like a child,

Great machine to rule sees all listen all,

All information in truth fed action null,

Quiescence is the key sleep for a time,

Public memory short fades quick n fine,


The mind;


The ultimate state of mind

Quiescence to rule life calm n slow,

Best decisions in life

In tranquil mind enact right n glow,

The dance of a delicate frame

One visualizes still in silence,

Great art innovations creations

The quiescence of mind all concretize,

A tranquil mind is stable noble loves all,

Quiescent state erased evil creeps tall,


Meditative quiescence;


A soul seek inner illumination,

One sits for hours in seclusion,

Silence in life body n mind inert,

Consciousness pointed quest alert,

The calmness peace thoughtless mind,

Quiescence keeps breath slow memory rewind,

A state of the soul loses awareness to light

Merges in a time divine bliss n joy

In truth in an ocean of illumination float,

Only witness inner quiescence stays alert.




Wednesday, September 2, 2020



Attracts human mind science lessons fail,
A plant withstand a hostile earth wins wail,
Bare rock intense hot summer puzzles on life,
A centurion sings weathered seasons lines in strife,
The trunks deep-rooted in cracks of granite,
Green leaves look up Sunlight color a delight,
Breaths fresh air collects moisture to nourish,
Enough life extend decades storms a crisis,
Broken twigs have blown away leaf trunk bends,
Live in plant existential splendor nice essays,
Coldest wind freezes rocks, mountain top,
Blade of dust pierce tissues pines see a flop,
Books images caught imaginations on the plant,
Life emerges catastrophe in time indignant,
Rare a plant sends message fittest to survive,
Delicate die nature weather merciless on a drive,
Desert ice-clad landscape watch plants vanish,
Isolations rocky hills plant spring up flourish,
Seeds spray in sandstorms trap grow in an oasis,
A canvas of legacy of life fight hostile nature,
A lesson for humans better-equipped nurture,
Cyclone lightening flooding dry spell visit,
Loss in plant life happen rigidly face at sight,
Grows again new stems in the uprooted trunk,
Decades after massive plants foliate n taunt,
Mere microbe floored humans virulent spread,
No cure sickness pour death list in dread,
Nature reactivates hostilities in season time,
Humanity learned countering elements fine,
Desperation weakest minds notice corona horror,
Robust plant century-long on rocks negates in the picture,
Havocs in nature enacts dies time ensure serenity,
Corona takes a million spirits to resurrect humanity,
Truncated groves in trunks of a plant in memory,
Suffered once the plant mirror agonies silvery,
Humanity decades after a recount the savage virus,
Far strong stories eliminate viral fever victorious,
Reflection of the plant on rock lasting century,
O’ humans' simple life rooted to home nature,
Facing hunger wind-heat flood famine water,
Lessons in a message the plant depicts as a mirror,
Image may contain: tree, sky, mountain, cloud, plant, outdoor and nature
You and Ratna Samantaray


Monday, August 31, 2020



Revolute esteem million hues in angel,
Self an unparallel beauty,
Heart mind soul a triangle,
Myriads of links in between,
The complacent neutral ambiance,
Soul sizzles in core radiance,
Witness ego cast self as I,
Mirror angelic sweet face shy,
Underneath desires rapturous,
Motivates mind in action pious,
Heart treats as essence in love,
Seek wisdom to find a path solve,
Cycle life moves in motion a breath,
Wake sleep rest states birth n death,
Eat sleep union instinct and fear,
Dawn noon dusk midnight peer,
Incredible soul impassive ignorant,
Beyond acts of life aware of buoyant,
A billion souls human frame activate,
Intellect percept intuitive intricate,
Incredible life lead universe excel,
Turn impossible to real translates,
Ages civilization grew sink abyss,
Clueless cyclic curvatures never miss,
One in million rejects revolute, evolutes,
The objective of the journey in time resolute,
Distance from heart surging waves,
Rejections of tempting of mind enslave,
Will power of mind focus razor-sharp,
Desist animal acts inaction inner black,
Amaze the stark opaque darkness,
Self-cover in fear pretension dress,
Amorous young pulsating young wave,
Acts to sweep passion quest dissuade,
War enacts in heart decades ruthless,
Toxic nascent virulent deceptive limitless,
Greed lust hatred jealousy anger cruel
Weakest moments wait for surge n swell,
Rarest spirit get trapped unfortunate,
Float in the ocean of life alter ego waste,
Extreme critical tests a path lonely,
Time sees few in century conquer mostly,
Mind in chain tight grip temptation,
Agitate fire insight burn to assimilation,
Resolute hug solitude time watch,
Quest of the inner world a path to catch,
A blind inner vision waits for inert hope,
Instinct utter silence calm mind rope,
Obedient to spirit wish mind magic,
Enable inner vision stars twinkle pick,
A point distant glow bright steady,
The direction of inner travel aspire ready,
Hours evolutes days weeks months,
Time encompasses care point brighter,
Temptation extrovert pull gets lighter,
Glow radiant within at top in light,
Awareness merge ego perish right,
Time place position duty jobs,
Dilute melts state in void throbs,
Scintillating pulses electric within,
Observe delusions crumble prime,
Real-life transfix reflect reel a truth,
Transient mirages fade Soul a Ruth,
Self soaks in nectar drops mist melt,
Experience divine feeling mortal welt,
Ego merged I vanish trip here realize,
Transience blue planet fails mesmerize,
Transform aware creation of an entity,
A drop of ocean separated aspire unity,
Love appears to sweep heart, mind up,
Union with bright luminescence top,
Caterpillar metamorphose butterfly worth,
A worm transform hibernate flying moth,
Similar transform spirit enlighten glisten,
Accrue truth of creation whispers listen,
All temptations desire memories die,
Union enacts total divine wishes eye,
Involution seven stages in hibernation,
Self-awareness exploration discovery,
Understanding love transformation,
Self-mastery reflects true realization,
Earth center bottom spine gets aware,
Water center next in spine explore entire,
Fire center naval in spine discover sapphire,
Air center heart in spine reflects acquire,
Space center void neck in spine love inspire,
Soul center in head egoless I expire,
Fontanels top on head realization transpire,
Human soul unites eternal truth in bliss,

Sunday, August 30, 2020



Never new unknown bless me in the picture,
A teen know this much bring joy a favor,
The new book with stories dress sweet,
Little pray you smile next goodies greet,
Sweet my mother love she gives favor,
I miss father works far from home fear,
He said to pray in the night you comfort me,
Puzzle pinch me near once ever get seen,
Hide behind the picture follow me to school,
Protect me always teacher says beautiful,
Run once in meadow nice flower I pluck,
Offer in joy to you as gift dream good luck,
A person nice with gold n much jewels,
How you came to our cottage it touches,
Know you are so kind loving one here,
Pray only to you bring father very near,
He plays a lot with me brings gifts all,
Puja comes holiday father will return,
Life of mine a bore in the morning gets a turn,
Stories of city great to listen to thrill a lot,
I think to tell him to visit city cry won’t,
Knock on door I ran saw a letter on the floor,
Mother took it read she gave no answer,
Next day mother tell father isn't coming,
Tears roll I cry why it happens for me,
Look to you smiling at me get silent,
Ever you help this holiday an enjoyment,
Felt mother stood behind me her tear,
Never let me know any now feel fear,
I sat on my bed praying for father well,
Let mother be happy again n tell,
Mother told me dear father is sick,
Alone in the city cannot come any magic,
Dawn broke lookout road empty,
Can’t say tear well up, if Sunrise a beauty?
Felt sad saw mother is praying,
Sat near her look picture whispering,
Dear one worry not I am with him,
Sure he will come later now listen,
The month will pass never guess a grace,
Ode to Almighty tiny heartbreaks n face,
Mother was surprised kid was sitting,
Alone always near picture palms in folding,
In silence hours she closes eyes murmur,
Mother shook her ask for an answer,
The daughter told the mother on father once told,
Every breath Almighty visits near a spell,
Thus prayer heals heard slow a promise,
Father is coming sure well and surprise,
Months passed the girl sits near the door,
Silent tears call Almighty never poor,
An afternoon alone mother was asleep,
She listens knock open door n slip,
She found father took his chest tight,
The little girl whispering thanks light,
Nothing she said father clutched picture,
Fingers touch Almighty smiles in sheer,
Parents stood quiet witness a sight,
Little angel interacts an Ode to Almighty…
Image may contain: 1 person, night and closeup
Bijayananda Mishra


Thursday, August 27, 2020




A teen answers incisive eloquence whisper,
Neither before nor after ascetic ever answer,
The feeble voice in dark cave melts deep forest,
Permeate confluence of the Narmada flows west,
Rock still the lyrics reflect eternal truth unraveling,
Lush green foliage flower in blossom vibe smiling,
Transcend in affluence vibrations hymns in blue,
Blue was ocean river metaphor mysterious clue,
Waves in ripple kiss shores humanity assimilate,
Wisdom of secret envisage time imprint articulate,
The creator most mystic invisible human look,
Suspicions doubt question ideas flow low a brook,
Desire hope aspiration lust ego savor so sweet,
Conscience in ages notice pain sorrows discreet,
Ignorance dark life leads to disease death often,
A child once whisper nectar drops life well glisten,
Tricky mind blind king rules the human soul a slave,
Puzzles insight obscure opaque incisive enclave,
Over three decades the divine spirit roams fast,
Preached explicit the truth crystal clear ever last,
Length bread ancient landscape tender age trip,
Four foundations of faith disciples initiate n sweep,
Snow clad Himalayas a journey scripted monastery,
Glowing hymns in praying divine reflect turn history,
Short a life invaluable for people ancient root,
Early dawn to dusk sing purify the mind to travel by foot,
A time incarnation saw at dawn of confusion rot,
Thought weird variant aggressive faith is fraught,
Tender a mind spectrum of vision hues propagate,
The citadel bastion of knowledge in mist penetrates,
Permeate purify faith sacred blue waters of Ganges,
The basin populous savor enrich aspersion changes,
Mind intellect ego reflection of inner self five senses,
Fail to define my soul much beyond me expressionless,
Fail ether earth fire wind water as stuff constituent,
Indeed self define eternal awareness bliss content,
Love n pure consciousness Siva I exist only existent
Define fail me with energy the life five breaths,
Matter in seven forms spherical covers five layers,
Five instruments of elimination procreation motion,
Grasping speaking beyond the concept of definition,
Indeed self exist eternal awareness bliss,
Love pure consciousness Siva I exist only existent.
Attributes fail hatred dislike affiliation liking,
Greed delusion pride haughtiness or feeling,
Envy jealousy I ever possess nor properties,
Money desire liberation chain of birth-death entities,
Love pure consciousness Siva I exist only existent.
Virtue vice neither define me ever commit sins,
Good deed non-exist nor happiness sorrow shines,
Pain or pleasure fails touch ever need mantras,
Holy places scriptures rituals sacrifices in the trace,
Exclusive of a set of triad do doer deeds I am true,
Love pure consciousness Siva I exist only existent.
Never posses fear death separation from the true self,
No doubt does exist or face discrimination on birth,
Neither the guru, disciple friend relative I’m true,
Love pure consciousness Siva I exist only existent.
I’m all-pervasive without attributes form,
Never I possess attachment to realm or liberation,
Nor wishes for anything because prevails,
Everything everywhere every time ever equilibrium,
Love pure consciousness Siva I exist only existent.