Thursday, November 19, 2020




To err is human, mind traps,

The most powerful one nicely wraps,

Wraps righteous path, a trickster,

Wrong deeds seem right n allure,

Mind spreads spider net of lust,

Thought gets caught acts most,

From seer to ignorant, all age,

Female or men fascinate n craze,

Envy, greed, dreams too big soon,

Life adopts the wrong root, a short boon,

Crime does happen rule-breaking,

Every second it occurs, nor shaken,

The rule follows in time most get caught,

Art to escape the law, in court well fought,

Clemency to admitting fault in time,

Few reconstruct life discipline fine,

Humanity is awake to a precious life,

Clemency is an award, scope to thrive,

Crime sees anger, greed, jealousy,

Hatred, blind notion, loot property,

Violent mind hurt, kill merciless,

Clemency in the block, crime senseless,

People in dark unaware do commit,

Crime once proved clemency permit,


Womanhood a curse time rewinding,

Child marriage, dowry, bride burning,

Kidnapping, domestic work, slavery,

Illiteracy, in the chain to home, treachery,

A crime of civilization for century cruel,

Clemency to girl education, skill swells,

The dark age of rule liquidated bride is pride,

Girl grows up as the leader in facets stride,

Social lift, finance, internet, health,

Clemency has seen social crime to death,

Clemency to cursed life early death,

A modern woman attracts plenty of wealth,

Wealth is not an asset, means of life most,

Experience, skill, bravery, vision trust,


Poorest teenage in dirt, savage, sick,

Centuries back, a cursed life, human tricks,

Deprived education, health, food, cloth,

The crime of mankind, slave, servant both,

Runaway, orphan, illicit kid begs pity,

Compassion brought clemency, beauty,

Shelter to the street child, free education,

Health care, nutritious food, the book often,

The child is the future of mankind alert in care,

Clemency to soft rule, caste, poor share,


Ancient myth, divine ran to golden deer,

Wife got kidnapped, no clemency to the seer,

The symbol of truth, the right path erred once,

Played a dice game blind, bet wife at once,

No clemency for an enlightened banished,

Clemency got opaque, the royal race vanished,

A murdered approached sage to kill, loot,

The sage told his sin, the family refused fruit,

An ignorant realized pleaded for clemency,

Advised to utter Divine name Rama ecstasy,

Years to a decade, killer rant name in reverse,

Continuous “Mara” changed to name indorse,

Great sage wrote Ramayana, the clemency of course,

Clemency denied kings of two ages discreet,

Turn a murder to sage to cleanse, complete.


Wednesday, November 18, 2020




Imagine a baby cries loud,

Angelic face anger clouds,

Mother’s milk satiates soon,

Worth watching smiles won,

The mind is pure innocent love,

Image of soul readily absorb,

Puzzles mind arrogance rule,

Growing age mind never cool,

Curios look inborn, iron dust,

Human nature magnet most,

The child learns to walk, talk all,

Anger, unhappy, brood recall,

Learn joy, fun, laughter, clap,

Teen disobeys naughty slap,

Time yet of ripe on arrogance,

In school, dress, look, fragrance,

Car, Tiffin box, chocolates, gift,

Teacher’s care extra widen the rift,

Arrogance germinates bud pink,

A simple look, a poor boy sink,

Arrogance grow faster in mind,

Humble, innocent, simple blind,

Wealth, glamour, success grows,

Ignore near, brood, mood shows,

Discipline, rule, obey, falters more,

Warning, penalty, unmindful clear,

Adulthood sees mind arrogant often,

Brooding, in mood, anger, depression,

A rich life, name, and fame, glamour,

Crowd applause like mad, clamor,

Asset grows fast, gold is a resource,

Path of progress, money outpours,

The mind is no more master to rule,

In citadel arrogance dictates cool,

Own world arrogant expects to cower,

A gesture, follower, mentors shower,

The profession is a rainbow of color,

Art, music, singer, actor, dancer,

Writer, painter, architect, doctor,

Scientist, intellect, pleader, leader,

Business, commerce, media, sport,

Beautiful men, women, legend most,

Wealth power, fame corrupts the mind,

Absolute status arrogance rekindles,

Arrogance leads to the ego, the self is blind,

Soul, conscience stranger fails to rewind,

Evil rules life ego controls the character,

Arrogance is flavor corrodes quicker,

Sadness, depression, tension, anger,

Life sinks in arrogance, none to hear.


Death, reclusion, aloof sad life story,

Erase arrogance, humble gets the glory,

Arrogance dissolves quickly in care,

Donate most wealth, simple share,

Serve poor, needy, kids or sick most,

Valuable in life purified, the ego is lost,

Wisdom character reborn within,

Arrogance melts gentleness shine,


Arrogance tricks mansion, asset,

Two yards brave, a pot of ash to rest,

Lifelong a bed, two yards in need,

Half of life rests lures greed indeed,

The human need for shelter, food small,

Greed triggers arrogance, soul crest fall.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020



A companion in life, quietly dilute pain,

Unspeakable agonies, in tear, life regain,

Amazingly rare in tear, on insult, scorn,

On humiliation, hatred, ignore, rejection,

Rich or poor, across age or gender face,

Once in life heart crumples in disgrace,

Path of life is never a bed of roses in the globe,

Rose shares thorn, pierce heart to throb,

Mind resist tear in a canvass of sorrows well,

Calm mind in silence alone, hurt pain swell,

Warm tears disobey, magic, heart in lotion,

Mind consoles self, life evades tribulation,

Mind meets surprise, out of blue, in tear,

The sinking heart soars in joy, ecstasy does clear,


The eldest son in the family, father departed quick,

The mind was dumb, mute, never felt pain prick,

Dry eyes, mind like machine action in a week,

Ignited the pyre, mortal remain consigned,

Near the beach, cremation ground resigned,

Left soon late night, had a dip in pond dark,

Back to home rest in the chair, rewind time stark,

Minute to minute scene passed before eyes,

Looking aimless, in tear, missing him precisely,

Fathomless pain in heart, the shadow that left,

Uprooted the tree, father’s presence did melt,

Hours warm tears disobey, quiet move time,

Decades after in solitude, in tear, him as a teen,


Saw human in tear, in distress, event overtake,

Destroyed home, burnt, swept in flood brake,

Loss of parent for kids, children to mother,

Murder of school kids spraying bullet occurs,

Arsons bulldozed life, means to a street beggar,

Earthquake mimic a scene, a people squatter,

Rebels run mock, mindless killing in ruin,

Mass refugees in high seas, open die clean,

Pandemic erases clean, a family lost most,

Loners look blank, means to live, worst,

Accident happen frequent snaps life soon,

A widow with kids, old parent lacks boon,

Few lose their limbs, rest of life in toil,

The prism of the scope of tragedies life boils,

The world has seen wrinkled face writhe in tear,

The incredible soul never cries out, inert in fear,


Dark moon landscape opaque, in tear stay,

The full moon is silver light, in tear dews spray,

Life is not only an ocean of sorrows, rehabilitate,

Soul conserves with self-effort, hope to replicate,

God is not cruel, men pay for evil deed in time,

Infinite mercy n trust, self-effort smiles shine,

Rag to riches is never fiction, dauntless mind,

Life has shown as real, miracles in tear rewind.

Train accident, plane crash, shipwreck happen,

Death list flash TV, newspaper, the family lose often,

Years pass a person returns alive to home,

Survival stories plenty, in tear family welcome.















Monday, November 16, 2020




Incredible lifetime time come n goes,

Parent, brother, sister, kin, friend owes,

Family stays for life, a friend in heart,

Blood speaks right, friendship impact,

Life is a song of surprise sorrows n joy,

Friend shares all, erase tear, smile enjoy,

Each day an event gossip, fun pass,

An hour seems a second, home time wash,

Family fun, celebrations, visit in front,

Time with friends, all age memory hunt,


Teenage is an age of innocence whisper wise,

Friend close expresses curious surprise,

School time fun, a rare visit to home like,

Kid’s game flies, return well visit in the bike,

Stories of visit places, the taste of food share,

Exam result, rebuke, pain little enquire,

The relation is a soft, tender feeling of love,

College life enters, school friend dissolve,

New friend, the relationship varies as magic,

Picnic, tour in bike, excursion, hostel life,

Away from a home friend, roommates like,

Trips to town, theater, favorite movies,

Restaurant meals intimacy in memories,

The annual festival, cricket test live in a roar,

Nightlong studies, interactions tea more,

Examinations a test of time, friend near,

Result day good news, friend only clear,

Poor result time friend at closest sight,

Comfort mind, save depression delight,


Real-life mimic reel life scene change,

Service life in strife, new friend raise,

Mature, pacify tortured mind, anger,

Hour of close talks, friend acts savior,

Life on a rough road, family life worries,

Future in service, finance load queries,

A friend is adviser most, reveals a secret,

Family visit memorable feast intimate,

Stage of life, a friend is a family member,

Family functions, bad times a mentor,


Retired life, friend far away, find rare,

Life misses friends close, alone to share,

Kids afar in career, family means wife,

Lonely moments, testing time does strike,

A new friend is a wife to share sorrows most,

Discussion lot, tea time, a trip both is lost,


Ripe age a time reminiscence of a friend,

School, college, career fade, few till the end,

Human life seeks to support, weakest time,

A true friend in need helps lot rare decline,


Sat alone look my life, faces of my friend,

Many are clear or in a haze, quitting a trend,

Memories of time with friend unforgettable,

Etched in the heart with love, the loss is regrettable,

Moring wish, birthday greeting messages,

Little solace to melancholy prevents erases,

Day and night alone meditate these days,

Infinite inner emotions thought envisage,

The last friend is a creator on mine shares all,

Know as meditation, His whispers troll,

Balances life, an age delicate, savor grace,

Lifelong mate, a friend within, failed to trace.

He is the soul, conscience true, advice right,

The curtain goes down slow, spectator nil at the night. 



Sunday, November 15, 2020




Unknown in the world, a hood dark,

The arrival of a strange, in-home hark,

Open the door, none is visibly clear,

Shivers spine, heart tremble in fear,

Not fiction, a fact of life across the globe,

Every night a knock, a siren or sob,

New millennium twentieth century,

Shatter hopes, freedom naïve luxury,

No more sweet dreams till year-end,

Unknown stranger in fear transcends,

The world is agog with devastating news,

Millions in a sickbed, populace confuse,

Wave after wave stranger visit strong,

Counter unprecedented proved wrong,

Cities billion inhabit in lockdown,

Highways, flights blocked a few letdowns,

Who risk get sick, treating center full,

Pyre is burning day n night, no rule,

Ignorant poor middle-class in-crowd,

No symptom spread carrier is loud,

Time-lapse a year school college close,

Business, industry, commerce froze,

Secure remedy, prevention, the cure is late,

The nation waits for a solution, look alert fate,

A stranger stole all happiness, host in tear,

Blank look, empty heart, child, elder fear,

Car festival, Holi celebration of color,

Dussehra season, idol immersion décor,

Festival of night lamp-lit homes cracker,

Desolate metros, ghostly towns in a shutter,

Confined to home life wishes in pretense,

Where is Diwali, Dussehra pain is intense,

Temples in the lock, idols in dark all alone,

Devotee misses, prayer fades, noises none,

Eric silence, empty roads in the late evening,

Life celebrates the festival of light wishing,

The stranger is a messenger roams near,

Message to mankind, co-habit well here,

Remind black deed of a species to pollute,

Ravages of clean earth, payback tribute,

Playing with life form evil purpose dwell,

The message conveys to cleanse species well,

Nature in respite, cleaner, fresher green,

Animal, species flourish, appear in the breed,

Roam free in cities, search food in greed,

Nature evolutes a stranger warns vicious,

The paradigm of lifestyle clean, simple precious,

Nature may take back messenger in time,

Ignore the message, stranger erase fine.

Khaki dress pull, empty road, chariot run,

Ban on a festival of color, the light time shown,

Immersion of mother, Dussehra alone,

Message’s warning to remember long,

Impact of the arrival of stranger unique time,

Trampled all dreams, the joy of life, do incline.