Sunday, November 15, 2020




Unknown in the world, a hood dark,

The arrival of a strange, in-home hark,

Open the door, none is visibly clear,

Shivers spine, heart tremble in fear,

Not fiction, a fact of life across the globe,

Every night a knock, a siren or sob,

New millennium twentieth century,

Shatter hopes, freedom naïve luxury,

No more sweet dreams till year-end,

Unknown stranger in fear transcends,

The world is agog with devastating news,

Millions in a sickbed, populace confuse,

Wave after wave stranger visit strong,

Counter unprecedented proved wrong,

Cities billion inhabit in lockdown,

Highways, flights blocked a few letdowns,

Who risk get sick, treating center full,

Pyre is burning day n night, no rule,

Ignorant poor middle-class in-crowd,

No symptom spread carrier is loud,

Time-lapse a year school college close,

Business, industry, commerce froze,

Secure remedy, prevention, the cure is late,

The nation waits for a solution, look alert fate,

A stranger stole all happiness, host in tear,

Blank look, empty heart, child, elder fear,

Car festival, Holi celebration of color,

Dussehra season, idol immersion décor,

Festival of night lamp-lit homes cracker,

Desolate metros, ghostly towns in a shutter,

Confined to home life wishes in pretense,

Where is Diwali, Dussehra pain is intense,

Temples in the lock, idols in dark all alone,

Devotee misses, prayer fades, noises none,

Eric silence, empty roads in the late evening,

Life celebrates the festival of light wishing,

The stranger is a messenger roams near,

Message to mankind, co-habit well here,

Remind black deed of a species to pollute,

Ravages of clean earth, payback tribute,

Playing with life form evil purpose dwell,

The message conveys to cleanse species well,

Nature in respite, cleaner, fresher green,

Animal, species flourish, appear in the breed,

Roam free in cities, search food in greed,

Nature evolutes a stranger warns vicious,

The paradigm of lifestyle clean, simple precious,

Nature may take back messenger in time,

Ignore the message, stranger erase fine.

Khaki dress pull, empty road, chariot run,

Ban on a festival of color, the light time shown,

Immersion of mother, Dussehra alone,

Message’s warning to remember long,

Impact of the arrival of stranger unique time,

Trampled all dreams, the joy of life, do incline.     


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