Monday, November 16, 2020




Incredible lifetime time come n goes,

Parent, brother, sister, kin, friend owes,

Family stays for life, a friend in heart,

Blood speaks right, friendship impact,

Life is a song of surprise sorrows n joy,

Friend shares all, erase tear, smile enjoy,

Each day an event gossip, fun pass,

An hour seems a second, home time wash,

Family fun, celebrations, visit in front,

Time with friends, all age memory hunt,


Teenage is an age of innocence whisper wise,

Friend close expresses curious surprise,

School time fun, a rare visit to home like,

Kid’s game flies, return well visit in the bike,

Stories of visit places, the taste of food share,

Exam result, rebuke, pain little enquire,

The relation is a soft, tender feeling of love,

College life enters, school friend dissolve,

New friend, the relationship varies as magic,

Picnic, tour in bike, excursion, hostel life,

Away from a home friend, roommates like,

Trips to town, theater, favorite movies,

Restaurant meals intimacy in memories,

The annual festival, cricket test live in a roar,

Nightlong studies, interactions tea more,

Examinations a test of time, friend near,

Result day good news, friend only clear,

Poor result time friend at closest sight,

Comfort mind, save depression delight,


Real-life mimic reel life scene change,

Service life in strife, new friend raise,

Mature, pacify tortured mind, anger,

Hour of close talks, friend acts savior,

Life on a rough road, family life worries,

Future in service, finance load queries,

A friend is adviser most, reveals a secret,

Family visit memorable feast intimate,

Stage of life, a friend is a family member,

Family functions, bad times a mentor,


Retired life, friend far away, find rare,

Life misses friends close, alone to share,

Kids afar in career, family means wife,

Lonely moments, testing time does strike,

A new friend is a wife to share sorrows most,

Discussion lot, tea time, a trip both is lost,


Ripe age a time reminiscence of a friend,

School, college, career fade, few till the end,

Human life seeks to support, weakest time,

A true friend in need helps lot rare decline,


Sat alone look my life, faces of my friend,

Many are clear or in a haze, quitting a trend,

Memories of time with friend unforgettable,

Etched in the heart with love, the loss is regrettable,

Moring wish, birthday greeting messages,

Little solace to melancholy prevents erases,

Day and night alone meditate these days,

Infinite inner emotions thought envisage,

The last friend is a creator on mine shares all,

Know as meditation, His whispers troll,

Balances life, an age delicate, savor grace,

Lifelong mate, a friend within, failed to trace.

He is the soul, conscience true, advice right,

The curtain goes down slow, spectator nil at the night. 



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