Tuesday, November 17, 2020



A companion in life, quietly dilute pain,

Unspeakable agonies, in tear, life regain,

Amazingly rare in tear, on insult, scorn,

On humiliation, hatred, ignore, rejection,

Rich or poor, across age or gender face,

Once in life heart crumples in disgrace,

Path of life is never a bed of roses in the globe,

Rose shares thorn, pierce heart to throb,

Mind resist tear in a canvass of sorrows well,

Calm mind in silence alone, hurt pain swell,

Warm tears disobey, magic, heart in lotion,

Mind consoles self, life evades tribulation,

Mind meets surprise, out of blue, in tear,

The sinking heart soars in joy, ecstasy does clear,


The eldest son in the family, father departed quick,

The mind was dumb, mute, never felt pain prick,

Dry eyes, mind like machine action in a week,

Ignited the pyre, mortal remain consigned,

Near the beach, cremation ground resigned,

Left soon late night, had a dip in pond dark,

Back to home rest in the chair, rewind time stark,

Minute to minute scene passed before eyes,

Looking aimless, in tear, missing him precisely,

Fathomless pain in heart, the shadow that left,

Uprooted the tree, father’s presence did melt,

Hours warm tears disobey, quiet move time,

Decades after in solitude, in tear, him as a teen,


Saw human in tear, in distress, event overtake,

Destroyed home, burnt, swept in flood brake,

Loss of parent for kids, children to mother,

Murder of school kids spraying bullet occurs,

Arsons bulldozed life, means to a street beggar,

Earthquake mimic a scene, a people squatter,

Rebels run mock, mindless killing in ruin,

Mass refugees in high seas, open die clean,

Pandemic erases clean, a family lost most,

Loners look blank, means to live, worst,

Accident happen frequent snaps life soon,

A widow with kids, old parent lacks boon,

Few lose their limbs, rest of life in toil,

The prism of the scope of tragedies life boils,

The world has seen wrinkled face writhe in tear,

The incredible soul never cries out, inert in fear,


Dark moon landscape opaque, in tear stay,

The full moon is silver light, in tear dews spray,

Life is not only an ocean of sorrows, rehabilitate,

Soul conserves with self-effort, hope to replicate,

God is not cruel, men pay for evil deed in time,

Infinite mercy n trust, self-effort smiles shine,

Rag to riches is never fiction, dauntless mind,

Life has shown as real, miracles in tear rewind.

Train accident, plane crash, shipwreck happen,

Death list flash TV, newspaper, the family lose often,

Years pass a person returns alive to home,

Survival stories plenty, in tear family welcome.















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