Sunday, July 4, 2021





Miracle liquid melts metal soon,

Solvent nit result, feature boon,

Gold, iron, lead dissolve solvent,

Seek within potion melts decent, (1)


Harder than iron hurt my anger,

Knife-edge thin, revenge sharper,

Hatred, jealousy, ego poison lead,

Find within plenty, helpless bled, (2)


Miracle search in me potion solve,

Bleeds my life clueless n dissolve,

Dissolve pain, agony, sorrow total,

Miracle solvent search in me pal, (3)


Decade roll struggle rest comfort,

Quietude bring thought fell alert,

Wordless heavenly potion insight,

Dark-mind fail, notice exist sight, (4)


Wait, I shall narrate, all discover,

Immaculate in guise mist allure,

Wink eyes instant darkness nail,

Focus patiently, misty light trail, (5)


Silence etch melodious song well,

Within, deep conscious hear hail,

Whispers slow conscience, advice,

Discipline mind practice, practice, (6)


Discover solvent love potion pour,

Surrender, devotion, trust enamor,

Soak body blood, tissue cell bone,

Dissolve anger ego greed, all gone, (7)


Rinse wrong deed sin guilt n scar,

Merge soul with light, within afar,

Wake from trance deep sleep state,

Miraculous experience fade detect, (viii)


Illusory the realm, fantasy invites,

Temptation desire duet nit recites,

New-born child in me overlook all,

Clean mind limbs energy enthrall, (9)


Lose practice mind blinds wisdom,

Paradise castles in air spirit roam,

Cycle-of-blunder cure life manifest,

Book of my life queer I investigate, (10)


Solvent abuse mislead to delirium,

Intoxicants paralyze, soul oblivion,

Watch humanity joins smoke fuel,

Insanity live, priceless-lives derail, (11)


Hallucination vision unreal, I run,

Solvent abuse cleans great potion,

Fag end of my life n solvent abuse,

Never mean drug weed lust amuse, (12)


Fail total control mind lie pretense,

Wear iron-mask writhe pain sense,

Solvent reflect divine potion n aura,

Reluctant, I admit, practice chimera. (13)


Chimera fails end breath reassure,

Breath end, realize He, forgive sure.

Precious Life I waste, mistake think,

Solvent, solvent-abuse differ I blink. (14)











Saturday, July 3, 2021





Ultimate aspiration emblem,

Pictures mirage, soul blame,

Moon, never descend, touch,

Desire lovelorn heart search, (1)


River of tear disobey control,

Agony flood miss ocean call,

Ocean of hope passion loom,

Beatitude, river merge boon, (2)


Tear of agony meets passion,

Fulfills human heart beacon,

Beacons happiness overflow,

Family friend n relative glow, (3)


Parent, wish child’s marriage,

Askance hideous couple haze,

Wanton, desire for a child clip,

Clip wings of conjugal life nip, (4)


Man’s ego hold back tear test,

Tumult surge hurt mute best,

Wife open expose ruins bitter,

Askance acute rot frame litter, (4)


Humanity, face an urge allure,

Child, grand-kid hunt future,

Before, conceive kid worship,

Prayer Lord endless, do weep, (5)


Fate, fortune, luck friend-less,

Want acute moon miss stress,

Mysterious world surprise nit,

Family with kid noisy discreet, (6)


Sibling number exceed prayer,

God’s curios play let kids rare,

Never, I question childless life,

Smile only mask, guises strife, (7)


Strife, emotion, thought, relate,

Hunger for sweet kid frustrate,

Draw canvas of the dawn wait,

Cruel human graceful, negate, (viii)


Deny outright birth of a child,

Read murder infanticide wild,

Prevent birth, daughter curse!

Dowry, womanhood if source? (9)


Illegitimate child innocent earn,

Add orphanage one parent con,

Wed legitimate child grow nice,

Divorce soon, parents practice, (10)


My way or high way roam child,

Beguile life in womb blame wild,

Savage human pray Lord insult,

Lord’s love beast nature assault, (11)


Untold, ocean of tear not hunger,

Endless, ocean of tear Lord Fear,

Child image of Him innocence all,

Malnutrition illness illiteracy toll, (12)


Neglect human future ruins root,

Bemoan beatitude hack your foot.

Questions conscience of morality,

Bemoan beatitude check mortality. (13)










Friday, July 2, 2021





Dawn; offer new day life a page

Desires intoxicate future craze,

Marvel life-stream curve decent,

Face rock in front n circumvent, (1)


Pass through dense forest cross,

Gentle flows water, n slope rush,

Resembles life lead, quiet hours,

Troubles in front, face, nil cowers, (2)


Evades situation moves forward,

Conscience intuit action, reward,

Events happen, adventures write,

Read life-page, encourages right, (3)


A human story, books entertain,

Voracious reader novels reclaim,

Forget hour, day, night, enamor,

Silence rules life mind, in-picture, (4)


Feel, self witness silent page run,

Devastate, human life little scorn,

Rebuilds life forget departed soon,

Fade memory consoles lane boon, (5)


Amaze sojourn life-stream search,

River of life all meet, future lurch,

Page details objectives achieve nit,

Human story-book detail fight grit, (6)


People make the river-of-life flow,

Human courage, strength all glow,

Read engross a people determined,

Builds castle-in-air real, esteemed, (7)


Overwhelm achievement n inspire,

Volume, of Life-page, will conspire,

Entourage thrill, anger, cry, laugh,

Emotions entice, dispel fear, graph, (viii)


Spike climax n pleasure fall sharp,

Bottoms touch story, morass harp,

Thrill choke heart turn page revive,

Mysterious nation progress survive, (9)


River-of-life in spate swift, current,

Flood event at once place warrant,

Sweep people unsettle quickly clip,

River of tears smear pages to weep, (10)


Disaster mix festival, celebrate twin,

Disaster unite people rejoice serene,

River of life get polluted muddy twit,

People’s similar corrupt nature neat, (11)


Angry-river, life enrage violent harm,

Read horror-filled pages joys disarm,

Tension fear grip worry page forward,

Ends book river-meet- ocean reward, (12)


Human life, merge with society own,

People’s life meets nation, the ocean,

Book, ends, nation stand-proud, rise,

Citizen support vow solemn promise. (13)










Thursday, July 1, 2021





Feeling deep affection, mature,

Essay emotion, intarsia suture,

Speechless overwhelm entwine,

Love, encompass, heart between, (1)


Mind heart limb invisible lurch,

Manifest immaculate feel touch,

Wordless to define explain best,

Nectar of self feel, translate test, (2)


Love stuff embodiment of divine,

Pure, selfless sustain world fine,

Critical, component, life balance,

Sans love, existences avalanche, (3)


Fountain rainbow color enchant,

Blue river ocean sky love instant,

Green forest icy slope mountain,

Charms beauty nature maintain, (4)


Season ornate hot cold and rain,

Bloom flowers fragrant hue tame,

Earth-nature writes poems, love,

Human sorrow sickness, dissolve, (5)


Love cures erase scars n console,

Divine love mother exhibit enroll,

Nine months in womb feeds soul,

Secret, universal life sprouts goal, (6)


Love physical, mental abstract lit,

Love spiritual, ethical radiates nit,

Love from heart receive response,

Lover beloved duet poetic course, (7)


Husband-wife, parent-child swell,

Citizen earth nation people dwell,

Apparent love transpires both, list,

One side love game, sports, feast, (viii)


Physical love, conjugal, romance,

Abstract love affection wild dance,

Kindness, compassion n care root,

Least, earth-matter explain n moot, (9)


Mental love, emotion, devotion feel,

Where exist in-body, fail mind reel,

Surrender, oblation passion quell,

Love arouse intense feel lives hail, (10)


Spiritual divine love towards Lord,

Trust Creator reciprocates accord,

Spiritual love human heart shelter,

Path of realization loves surrender, (11)


Universe, in voids, manifests planet,

Earth, water, air, fire, space, relate,

Atom attaches with atom cohesion,

Define bond only love neat sustain, (12)


Love disappear world vanishes nit,

Exist, void only, universal explicit.

Equality notional, life inherit clear,

Mighty-meek rich-poor love secure, (13)


No power can deprive, heart-loving,

Laments lovelorn in dungeon sing,

Hate, scorn, abuse person all love,

In spite, warning, threat, love, elope. (14)


Ask how love looks, draw a picture,

Open up lotus Sunrises surrender,

Petal detaches from mud water lit,

Fragrance kaleidoscope love, depict. (15)














Wednesday, June 30, 2021





Wonderful-world I exist watch,

Float smooth, life needs catch,

Struggle enough, amass, asset,

Means deplete quickly n reset, (1)


Dawn breaks hungry stomach,

Delicacy cook food limbs ache,

Unbridled crush tongue relish,

Gather groceries endless wish, (2)


Empty belly curse mind cruel,

Work hard, earn enough quell,

Satiate thirst, hunger, limb rest,

Beautiful house comforts best, (3)


Intuit mind lure furniture trick,

Pleasure body seek, earn prick,

Need, expand, infinite, enjoy life,

Steal most of, time thinks strife, (4)


Sweet home, food cloth, goods,

Convince, lucid heart in woods,

Dream-world intimates variety,

Prestige position worth society, (5)


Increase friendship invite feast,

Delicious cuisine offer irk least,

Celebrate birthday anniversary,

Marriage, festivals mood rosary, (6)


Familiar person admiration nit,

Sweet, gift, sweet talk smiles lit,

Budget year, end grow in, spiral,

Loss in business incomes viral, (7)


Infect worry tension let burrow,

Fetch money no honey, sorrow,

Debt a disease spread wide nit,

Life painful sick limb mind twit, (viii)


Tension melt frame first wrath,

Intuit solvency discipline worth,

Solvency factor surmise, myself,

Lifelong save n insure, safe help, (9)


Minds go astray well squander,

Vagaries of lust, desire wander,

Luxury comfort asset infectious,

Opulence fuel, inferno cautious, (10)


Watch tragic life citadel crumble,

Rich turns like, beggar n humble,

Burns ego to ash spirit tearless,

Food, cloth, shelter to live sense, (11)


Realizes ruined lifetime forward,

Self-correction after little reward,

Past error hurts never heal total,

Begins life, solvency tells critical, (12)


Endless stories of broken-home,

Family distances cry debt broken.

Simple life n moderate necessity,

Intuit solvency incomes, gratuity, (13)


Secret, way to save conscious nit,

Difficulties, rise cruel expense hit,

Cut according to cloth, measure,

Lifelong, solvent, intuits treasure. (14)