Showing posts with label SOLEMN PROMISE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOLEMN PROMISE. Show all posts

Friday, July 2, 2021





Dawn; offer new day life a page

Desires intoxicate future craze,

Marvel life-stream curve decent,

Face rock in front n circumvent, (1)


Pass through dense forest cross,

Gentle flows water, n slope rush,

Resembles life lead, quiet hours,

Troubles in front, face, nil cowers, (2)


Evades situation moves forward,

Conscience intuit action, reward,

Events happen, adventures write,

Read life-page, encourages right, (3)


A human story, books entertain,

Voracious reader novels reclaim,

Forget hour, day, night, enamor,

Silence rules life mind, in-picture, (4)


Feel, self witness silent page run,

Devastate, human life little scorn,

Rebuilds life forget departed soon,

Fade memory consoles lane boon, (5)


Amaze sojourn life-stream search,

River of life all meet, future lurch,

Page details objectives achieve nit,

Human story-book detail fight grit, (6)


People make the river-of-life flow,

Human courage, strength all glow,

Read engross a people determined,

Builds castle-in-air real, esteemed, (7)


Overwhelm achievement n inspire,

Volume, of Life-page, will conspire,

Entourage thrill, anger, cry, laugh,

Emotions entice, dispel fear, graph, (viii)


Spike climax n pleasure fall sharp,

Bottoms touch story, morass harp,

Thrill choke heart turn page revive,

Mysterious nation progress survive, (9)


River-of-life in spate swift, current,

Flood event at once place warrant,

Sweep people unsettle quickly clip,

River of tears smear pages to weep, (10)


Disaster mix festival, celebrate twin,

Disaster unite people rejoice serene,

River of life get polluted muddy twit,

People’s similar corrupt nature neat, (11)


Angry-river, life enrage violent harm,

Read horror-filled pages joys disarm,

Tension fear grip worry page forward,

Ends book river-meet- ocean reward, (12)


Human life, merge with society own,

People’s life meets nation, the ocean,

Book, ends, nation stand-proud, rise,

Citizen support vow solemn promise. (13)