Showing posts with label SOLVENT REFLECT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOLVENT REFLECT. Show all posts

Sunday, July 4, 2021





Miracle liquid melts metal soon,

Solvent nit result, feature boon,

Gold, iron, lead dissolve solvent,

Seek within potion melts decent, (1)


Harder than iron hurt my anger,

Knife-edge thin, revenge sharper,

Hatred, jealousy, ego poison lead,

Find within plenty, helpless bled, (2)


Miracle search in me potion solve,

Bleeds my life clueless n dissolve,

Dissolve pain, agony, sorrow total,

Miracle solvent search in me pal, (3)


Decade roll struggle rest comfort,

Quietude bring thought fell alert,

Wordless heavenly potion insight,

Dark-mind fail, notice exist sight, (4)


Wait, I shall narrate, all discover,

Immaculate in guise mist allure,

Wink eyes instant darkness nail,

Focus patiently, misty light trail, (5)


Silence etch melodious song well,

Within, deep conscious hear hail,

Whispers slow conscience, advice,

Discipline mind practice, practice, (6)


Discover solvent love potion pour,

Surrender, devotion, trust enamor,

Soak body blood, tissue cell bone,

Dissolve anger ego greed, all gone, (7)


Rinse wrong deed sin guilt n scar,

Merge soul with light, within afar,

Wake from trance deep sleep state,

Miraculous experience fade detect, (viii)


Illusory the realm, fantasy invites,

Temptation desire duet nit recites,

New-born child in me overlook all,

Clean mind limbs energy enthrall, (9)


Lose practice mind blinds wisdom,

Paradise castles in air spirit roam,

Cycle-of-blunder cure life manifest,

Book of my life queer I investigate, (10)


Solvent abuse mislead to delirium,

Intoxicants paralyze, soul oblivion,

Watch humanity joins smoke fuel,

Insanity live, priceless-lives derail, (11)


Hallucination vision unreal, I run,

Solvent abuse cleans great potion,

Fag end of my life n solvent abuse,

Never mean drug weed lust amuse, (12)


Fail total control mind lie pretense,

Wear iron-mask writhe pain sense,

Solvent reflect divine potion n aura,

Reluctant, I admit, practice chimera. (13)


Chimera fails end breath reassure,

Breath end, realize He, forgive sure.

Precious Life I waste, mistake think,

Solvent, solvent-abuse differ I blink. (14)