Wednesday, July 21, 2021





Pitch dark before behind n sides,

Shout for help loud, treat chides,

Caution intuition threat progress,

Pit deep enough to savor distress, (1)


Invisible chain hook legs struggle,

Peace happiness love all, smuggle,

Ornate humiliations despise soul,

Root destination obscure lost goal, (2)


Human souls universal nit cipher,

Born equal, die equal nil decipher,

Pyre devour, rich-poor caste creed,

Color, age, gender ash white indeed, (3)


Ashes equalize mortal limbs unite,

Caste, creed, faith, class, color fright,

Darkness walls all around confine,

Social stigma, infectious to define, (4)


Century-old practice, enforce cruel,

Crow n cuckoo differ, myopias fuel,

Debar people enter abode sacrilege,

Abode of Lord prohibit access craze, (5)


Right to question creator’s decision,

Denial tags birthright, castes caution,

Amaze people address, unite chorus,

Mixes mainstream surprise, ruckus, (6)


Independence brings dawn-of-rights,

Centuries in bondage free n delight,

Wall of ignorance indemnity morass,

Assure equal rights dissipate harass, (7)


Honor respect intrudes spirit fluster,

Century-old humility, feel all glamor,

Right to education usher knowledge,

Downtrodden poor, observe privilege, (viii)


Skill, experience expertise all inherit,

Leadership in front nation offer greet,

Open gate of teacher’s life, emotional,

Forget plebeian origin n phenomenal, (9)


Break barriers, homogenous culture,

Titles, little-scar of past caste vulture,

New-generation generates confidence,

Mingle race, colors, gender influence, (10)


Stand independent nation prides nit,

Blemishes of serfdom slavery deplete,

Unity, great strength mightier people,

Fundamental right preamble humble, (11)


Humanity fraternity amity harmonize,

Born plebeian origins lives mesmerize,

Discrimination denial and deprivation,

Buried beneath holy soil, rejuvenation, (12)


Fruit of vision forbearance destiny tip,

Happiness, peace, prosperity unite leap,

Creeper, yonder future transcendental,

Seed plebeian origin tree monumental, (13)


Epitome glittering time, etch euphoria,

Nationality bask citizen in front utopia.

Disbelieve bright horizon sunrise invite,

Thread dreams pray tomorrow, excite. (14)









Tuesday, July 20, 2021





Incredible progress attract time,

Paradigm change happen, shine,

Amaze world close, near-instant,

Least, matter time people distant, (1)


Communication revolutionize nit,

Press finger-tip meet friend greet,

Never before world citizens unite,

Suppression, ban news big fight, (2)


Voice suggest protest n freedom,

Common-man at world platform,

Viral go publicity, do embarrass,

Moving scene impact air morass, (3)


Information age n human literate,

Silent revolution move deliberate,

Writer columnist social reformer,

Cyber-space host a familiar actor, (4)


Every day bring news, future test,

Innovative mind research, invest,

Chronic problems meet, solution,

Skill propagate in speeds motion, (5)


Knowledge n information access,

Free digital medium net impress,

Spreads spider web wider planet,

Remote corner, netizen deliberate, (6)


Conference discuss group involve,

On-line schedule, problems solve,

Entertain world enter, new phase,

Grabs world views n quick-stage, (7)


Immortal song literature text free,

Broad viewers base listener’s glee,

Future of mankind vision caution,

Human greed ferocious projection, (viii)


Terror takes shape, of war frontier,

Battlefields, neighborhood tremor,

Satanic, intension plan city burn,

Innocent bleed in vain kin mourn, (9)


Shatter fabric of society n pitiless,

Trusts secure future, fail distress,

Politics, not polite blunt challenge,

Seething anger for power revenge, (10)


Wildcat strike protest anarchy hit,

Innocent lives suffer, fear discreet,

The pandemic, holocaust, devastate,

Corruption cruel socks, complicate, (11)


Spurious medicine vaccine misuse,

Suffers people, lose strength, ruse,

World, face similar situations serve,

Few n far between, help little solve, (12)


Wave after wave rise, fearful nation,

Media play critical help commotion,

The movement, save world, nature,

Keep human race safe, aims future, (13)


International cooperation acts vigor,

Antagonism fails solemn surrender,

Surrender bitterness revenge hatred,

One world save nature solemn spread. (14)








Monday, July 19, 2021





New millennium digital age,

Mobile critical add privilege,

Nostalgic, teenage lack tool,

Half-century-ago wonderful, (1)


Electronics television came,

Computers n software tame,

Mainframe, mini, micro roll,

Brows, monitor screen stroll, (2)


Connect information quick,

Networks worldwide n trick,

Cyber-age, cyberspace trek,

Install mankind sure wreck, (3)


Breaks a chain of free voice,

Inhuman torture hit choice,

Worlds know macabre-plot,

Digital space protests, alert, (4)


Condemns savagery, brutal,

Viral scene of death, critical,

Spread worldwide terror grit,

Better equip society in defeat, (5)


Misuse happen militant con,

Spread hate misinformation,

Bug listens, detect, delete nit,

Safe secure communicate it, (6)


Live bug, hardware software,

Cyberspaces, crash haywire,

Debug ensure safety is stable,

Freedom debug intrepid tool, (7)


Marvels debug, tiny pinhead,

Conspicuous listener live red,

Red like danger, relay speech,

Relay scene movie fast switch, (viii)


Alerts security enough ahead,

Precautions, dangerous avoid,

Talk on mobile, text, video nit,

Bug listens quietly monitor lit, (9)


Record crime total investigate,

Debug crime adventure, relate,

Cyberspace, life faces warfare,

Battles, new dimension share, (10)


Bug paralyzes travel industry,

Wreck havoc defense mystery,

Ink, dedicate my poem battle,

War, between bug, debug rattle, (11)


Far deadly, critical, holocaust,

Simple, bug eliminate life most,

Simple intricate, debug prevent,

Prevent disaster, safety decent, (12)


Astonish content of poem trick,

New age literature digital prick,

Generation moves ahead agog,

Poems sing all intricate debug. (13)


Sunday, July 18, 2021





Know from teenage innocence gift,

Lifelong try to acquire failure drift,

Impossible, appear mind, evade nit,

Purity in life links, innocence greet, (1)


Alliance with truth integrity affirm,

Abhorrence for lies, guise, confirm,

Detach mind, abhorrent, thoughts,

Little, soul lose peace, need efforts, (2)


Like, simplicity, unassuming lead,

Admiration harbors in self indeed,

Rolls passionate, forward time wail,

Touching golden feather quite-fail, (3)


Cool mind contemplate lacuna hit,

Courage disappear, threats life wit,

World, paradise on earth fascinate,

Unreal, spirit search in vain relate, (4)


Bed of roses path of life untrue bit,

Bed of thorn pierce limbs bleed nit,

Innocence, sacrificial goat, practice,

Save precious life shrewdness kiss, (5)


Truth indeed I suffer, false for you,

Know, people never believe or view,

Fraught with danger, often irk fear,

Surrender instinct spit lies inferior, (6)


Unscrupulous mind exploitation all,

Plunder harsh world peace to recall,

Loot shelter food cloth means miss,

Innocence rest of life cry mirth wish, (7)


Forgo all freedom, equality, emotion,

Knows discrimination n indignation,

Torture break spine, humiliate time,

Feel none act like savior secure fine, (viii)


Key-root critical for survival I discover,

Truth-of-my-life, I gain violence, favor,

Cruelty radiate from, face demeanor,

Sock people dramatize my behavior, (9)


Blunt answer soaked with lies best,

Soft word falsehood pretense attest,

Crestfallen today, I admit guilt n sin,

Air-of-menace manage well, unseen, (10)


Survival for fittest is a joke, biggest,

Fang of snake hiss save life interest,

Never snake bite unless we provoke,

No need to touch its tail sleep evoke, (11)


Opens my heart, true friend’s week,

Avoid polite, humble, gentle dislike,

Not me n neighborhoods appreciate,

Obey, respond quickly serve intricate, (12)


Threat on-air, pseudo postures arm,

Achieve everything in life little harm,

Quit, air-of-menace snake face death,

Kids play, hold snake tail lose breath, (13)








Saturday, July 17, 2021





Overwhelm spring my heart miss,

Counting your departure yet wish,

Arrival arouses, deadwood young,

Sprout green leaves, thought, song, (1)


Fragrant foliage bloom lust within,

Passion buried long ago n rhythm,

Miss, thrill pulsating vein feel hurt,

Watch silent flower blossoms alert, (2)


Fails mind seek emotions blossom,

Spins earth involuntary get, lesson,

Thought churn memory automatic,

Nostalgic wild young heart ecstatic, (3)


Moved through verdure incoherent,

Spirit roamed across ravines intent,

Merge, soul n nature dispassionate,

Inconsolable life fades love intimate, (4)


Discovers, nature wrought paradise,

Sheer love expresses do feel precise,

Wanderer once found wilderness nit,

Youth left me long back feel discreet, (5)


Evening-of-life twilight years dusk lit,

Intoxicate fragrant jasmine nit intuit,

Nights end n white jasmine gets pale,

Miss scent equally discover life, quell, (6)


Longest night winter evokes emotion,

Cold wind shiver limbs thrill caution,

Freeze heart hot passionate cold-life,

Sweet home warm, keep away strife, (7)


Age decide sleep long night dream lit,

Sorrows unfulfilled hidden to deplete,

Slip nicely reminiscence create, scene,

Mature invites, spirit wander unseen, (viii)


Nameless absent agony, pain intense,

Past, present, future, merge void sense,

Earth rotates around sun turns, page,

Year in life new arrive summer engage, (9)


Longest-day recline limbs under share,

Windy field mango ripen, heart inspire,

Remind endless desires, urge mind act,

Insane youthful life fights bitter, react, (10)


Action, hard work, imaginations, hope,

Achieve under bright sun future scope,

Look intense now nice-roof shelter well,

Fulfills lifetime failures n success hail, (11)


Eventful past enamor struggle sickness,

Love bosom harbor dear earth impress,

Summer days short-night, dream halts,

Rain arrives year progress thunder jolts, (12)


Intense love limb instigate rebel heart,

Wet skin drizzle fuel young mind enact,

Nature invite fountain rainbows brook,

Fresh green pours rain, wet-earth hook, (13)


Aromas nascent steal thought flood nit,

Years roll sequel to solstice rains greet.

Rain recede, Green grain fields enamor,

Spring wait sequel, solstice if harvester. (14) 











Every moment life witness eventful,

Minds react orient thought watchful,

Turn of events sudden surprise nit,

Wait, cool-action reactions discreet, (1)


Peace progress happiness flood well,

Anticipation exhibit people love hail,

Sour eventful time scrupulous alert,

Betrays criminal, powerful n corrupt, (2)


Mischievous mind, design treachery,

Deceitful n criminal resists recovery,

Minions surrender meek n mild, act,

Instantly obey order evil or good fast, (3)


Never distinguish blindly follows nit,

Happy honeymoons turn violent writ,

Disaster cascade people in sock wail,

Social security discipline rule all fail, (4)


Spine, of moral character broken, cry,

Mute, helpless spectacle nations sigh,

Progress minion obey, build stubborn,

Glass towers highways weave n earn, (5)


Education hijacks poverty n illiteracy,

Nation wields wall prevents all lunacy,

Secure security, intelligence sentinel,

Civilized-world feels comfort n prevail, (6)


Thunder news midnight dawn shakes,

Tranquility lost horrible terror wrecks,

Path of eventful national life tense nit,

Promising sentinel raise alert discreet, (7)


Impending disaster highlight transmit,

Broadcast, news loud enough to heat,

Shake people unaware mobilize instant,

Monitor counteroffensive live constant, (viii)


Length n breadth of nation nails action,

Detect crimes, raise caustic-commotion,

Anger of people, force security law rule,

Quell violence, arson, strike, killing full, (9)


Brutal force media exhibit freedom hail,

Expose tyranny, terror, corrupt equal tell,

Mask of pseudo decency civility remove,

Law extends big hands arrest net prove, (10)


Media instigate people positive influence,

Expose corrosion light future confluence,

Medium people’s voice well heard added,

Mass movement on papers, cyber invade, (11)


Achieve objective of reformation firm hit,

Media highlight jubilations faithful greet,

Rustic villager urban of all ages endure,

Newspaper, television, mobiles enamor, (12)


Strongest-pillar support the constitution,

Equality freedom opportunity net union,

Bark at discrimination deprivation date,

Apt listeners of sufferers, communicate, (13)


Invaluable national lives integrity speak,

Little fear promising sentinels face risk.

Selfless dedication to nation media wins,

Symbolize human freedom, voice, dreams. (14)