Monday, October 11, 2021






Infinite belief enrich life bewilder,

Less evaluate nature trust allure,

Generations travel customs neat,

Adore inherited cultures in spirit, (1)


Accent notions practice volunteer,

Celebrate rules procedures adore,

Pride soak rituals gaiety profuse,

Participates children youth muse, (2)


Sing glories, divine mother sweet,

Symbol of peace prosperity intuit,

October celebration immense feel,

Idol display ancient art, craft seal (3)


Incredible dress ornaments shine,

Reverberates alluvial soil n hymn,

Ancient myth tell worship mother,

Links, feminine creation empower, (4)


Human strength, courage root, will,

Dispassionate will bring power fill,

Source, mother bestows power, well,

Decimates evil, motherhood prevail, (5)


Impart true-knowledge wakes soul,

Behold nature earth soil exist goal,

Reflection of mother, subtle image,

Enchanting beauty enamors craze, (6)


Festival nine-day here spring net,

Blossom cipher mature, propagate,

Bountiful harvests nation witness,

Display gratitude to soils express, (7)


Idol soil take shape immersion nit,

Cycle Dussehra, Diwali light night,

Families unite at home once a year,

Sweet memory writ yet glisten tear, (viii)


Corona time night curfew, threaten,

Restrict decoration crowds darken,

Threat Covid spreads faster impact,

Festive atmosphere dilutes distract, (9)


Million home affected miss nearest,

Solace to security n health dearest,

Urge within dries up less travel far,

Confines at home family feel, scar, (10)


Somber occasion solemn prayer lit,

Lit inner heart her arrivals explicit,

Nature sings her glories green field,

Wildflowers smile spread joy yield, (11)


Animals bird playful look blue sky,

Gentle white cloud sail wings high,

Phenomenon October incite n recite,

Contours of conflict exhibits excite, (12)


Shadow of hope hopeless reality lit,

Overwhelm heart life disappoint nit,

Sorrows mirth sings duets perplex,

Desire limitless encompass reflexes, (13)


Mysterious golden earth loves living,

Scant Mother likes n children dying,

Golden her apparel silver jewelry nit,

Tearful surplus grains her love gift, (14)


Waits moistened eyes year October,

Let Corona disappear festive usher,

Hope disappointment tests entwine,

Contours of conflict life best define.    (15)






Appeals earnest mankind unaware,

Conscience lost savage feel declare,

Plunder earth resources greed rule,

Forest cover, disappear thinks fool, (1)


Science predicts consequence dare,

Destruction intensify, people share,

Famine water scarcity illness prowl,

Appeal crisis moments, service goal, (2)


Help, help loud cries humanity feel,

Grueling period realize survival seal,

Unite world now or never fight clear,

Save blue planet green forest nature, (3)


Balance fades recovery remote warn,

Conservation enormous efforts arm,

Plant a tree massive drive influence,

Fund efforts support feels immense, (4)


Stares desert barren field dry rivers,

Future forecasts dark period severe,

Climate erratic ruin harvest predict,

Dry spell unseasonal rain floods hit, (5)


Common, feature earth notice sheer,

Complicate earthquake cyclone tear,

Plantation foremost objective notice,

Conserve water precious to practice, (6)



Major projects highlight, in program,

Village participation important arm,

Youth program strives, focus-water,

Plantation of tree pastime to, assure, (7)


Resources of nation channelize feel,

Foremost job priority selects n drill,

Ends story here, sad write warning,

Nation at war divides less yearning,(viii)


Bitter quarrels n plunder, resource,

Blindly commit, error less-remorse,

Science predicts threat future neat,

Mass starvation sickness lives meet, (9)


Science technology search solution,

Invention pleads humanity caution,

Intelligent animal unique universe,

Joint effort only escape root source, (10)


Watch forest fires, hurricane floods,

Sinks heartfelt hurt n spills blood,

Humanity scant concentrates lives,

Savage mind search cruelty strives, (11)


Listen to cry, yell help loud enough,

Life sinks dying moments yet laugh,

Hunt dogmas vice prejudices infect,

Society when reform realize dissect,  (12)


Discover blunder correct, capitalize,

Crisis of confidence melt crystallize,

Lost hope gather cloud pour defeat,

Meets crisis of confidence n explicit, (13)


Survive humans depend, green earth,

State alter oasis of confidence mirth,

Ahead, few decades, critical, to thrive,

Unite mankind Faces disaster strive (14)










Neglect temple of peace exasperate,

Radiates tranquility silent emanate,

Peace bliss attenuate, lives prosper,

Precious neglected pagoda whisper, (1)


Reject, O’ mankind anger n hatred,

Essence creation of world betrayed,

Pagoda messages friendly heart nit,

Service to needy poor ignorant feet, (2)


Wanderer believer of lover care feel,

Dedicate entire life voluntarily seal,

Doctrine, formless creator peruses,

Reject physical pleasure life-amuse, (3)


True pleasure in simple life mingle,

Ideal lifestyle win temptation tingle,

Somber attitude innocent smile nit,

Human lives pagoda teach to greet, (3)


Impermanent human life quit feel,

Lose friend foes equally, waste kill,

Crime to humanity war aggression,

Unprovoked attacks n destruction, (4)


Unfathomable sins spirit acquires,

Dark deeds black history requires,

Requires presence of pagoda total,

Teaches history, holy learn mortal, (5)


Mean, worship to lord n save lives,

Salvation realizations n life strives,

Pagoda cipher lifestyle practice hit,

Rigid rule, clean life purity explicit, (6)


Practice lifelong enables person-fit,

Healthy n happy life rarer discreet,

Reject dogma prejudices enlighten,

Ordinary human life percept often, (7)


Moss weed creepers pagoda covers,

Fearful, savage world sock, cowers,

Lament lingering plight death sick,

Run ignorant raise fight loot weak, (viii)


Human history recent event sours,

Agonies slavery cage pigeon hours,

Perishes life tortured prisons open,

Less freedom, threat arbitrary con, (9)


Pagoda appeals conscience rejects,

Domination n exploitation, objects,

Inspire human heart n benevolent,

Equitable share of happiness bent, (10)


Cherishes human freedoms n care,

Ignore class-creed caste-color dare,

Children of God notion equal dwell,

Male, female, old young child swell, (11)


Earth nature, bountiful, nourishes,

Equal-right liberty offers furnishes,

Little discrimination among people,

Pagoda invite unite discover mingle,  (12)


Ancient old culture pagoda symbol,

Dense forest hide age misses recall,

Minute’s atomic flash vaporizes life,

Twin city face oblivion horror strife, (13)


Listen-please bell ring peace sound,

Let not human sin crime let hound,

Let not human race face extinction,

Pagoda messages n grime caution. (14)












Love humanity feels unity neat,

Life experience nit people greet,

Overwhelm admiration remind,

Spirit mingles with people kind,(1)


Intoxicate culture widely varies,

Hurt sarcasm surprise, parries,

Myriad belief lifestyles life hails,

Travels spirit perceptions trails, (2)


World of book fascinates happy,

Read novels story lovely crappy,

Worlds witness struggle n peril,

Story entwines characters devil, (3)


Mirrors human cultures perfect,

Social customs traditions select,

Attenuate panorama nature fix,

Narration, move serpentine mix, (4)


Sock prejudices practices, ravel,

Timeless-novels weaves unravel,

Forget human heart start-finish,

Prize author accolade clap wish, (5)


Award winner book free opinion,

Describes reason blind tradition,

Mysterious-festival phenomenon,

Book details nit analysis reason, (6)


Spread information people know,

Criticizes hurt sarcasm rest bow,

Land resemble house close door,

International influence less favor, (7)


Lack people freedom opinion nit,

Never grows, devastate taste quit,

Notice famous novels under-ban,

Art painting model sarcasm scan, (viii)


Misunderstand ethics story span,

Crestfallen, literature realms fan,

Cultures class, sad phenomenon,

People of close society nit disown, (9)


Human-race flourish melting pot,

In contrast close-society all effort,

Allows various opinion comment,

Assimilate views develop, decent, (10)


Ultra-modern society frees equal,

Pays huge for art paintings regal,

Count model novel poem fathom,

Priceless goods preserve museum, (11)


Focus bright human race culture,

Windows destroy burns literature,

Tearful watch such window close,

Liberty equality never grows pose, (12)


Dark valley less sun visible cloud,

Suspicion doubt stark tells proud,

Justify ban sarcasm feel superior,

Inferior or superior, question fear, (13)


Fear reformation realization seek,

Accept blind customs reject meek,

Open-window allows fresh breeze,

Public opinion fundamental cease, (14)


Hard-liners condemns, unfaithful,

Like temporal, darkness obey, rule,

Conservative open society turmoil,

Scornful, hurt sarcasm arts recoil. (15)


Music painting idols novel demise,

Timeless creations buried, precise.

Century, after discovered precious,

Museum preserve thinks humorous!!! (16)






Wednesday, October 6, 2021





Illusive realm steals everything,

Destitution, craze mesmerizing,

Shortest-life euphoric slaughter,

Fear, anger, decimates laughter, (1)


Unknown-stranger gets identity,

Born equal socks caste insanity,

Looks tense n darkness distinct,

Acquire baby color creed meant, (2)


Grows aware soundly n division,

Name of God differ, link illusion,

Birthday celebrates first n name,

World fractured millions n same, (3)


Titles surname tail bars freedom,

Homogenous mixture school con,

Quota reservation n differentiate,

Divisiveness breeds life, fascinate, (4)


School lessons child knows caste,

Religion segregates, admire haste,

World change quickly, youth feel,

Community separates wall whirl, (5)


Book ethics morality teach unity,

Human races blood equal sanity,

Attribute birth-death nit happen,

All face same-fate reality shaken, (6)


Language region culture taste all,

Anonymous youth answers recall,

Segregate community wall nation,

World several rooms big mansion, (7)


No permission trespass crime nit,

Word human utters freedom feet,

Enormous fallacy humans caged,

Quarrel eon bitter fights enraged, (viii)


Dogmas mean education degrees,

Notions prejudices master agrees,

Research fundamental theory nit,

Less, teach one race one world lit, (9)


One action mother gives child dot,

Across races nations, same-effort,

New-born baby indoctrinated well,

Cast gender color nation title yell! (10)


Exist, illusion separates till death,

Under grave on pyre burn, length,

Length lifespan cage invisible full,

Flesh bones merge with soil mule, (11)


Illusive identity so real on, ground,

No course of study teaches sound,

Body, soil water fire air void unite,

Merge back with elements insight, (12)


Lose, caste, creed, color, nationality,

One human race fail acceptability,

Laughs spirit human-wisdom fire,

Lunch destruction devastates ire, (13)


Savage, mind begs for peace total,

Deceive evil knowledge die mortal,

Fail to notice bird with wings free,

Animal living species equal n tree, (14)


Borders education, school, college,

Absent for living form get privilege,

Nature accommodates well, subtle,

Faces human race oblivion, nestle, (15)


Laughter satires moronic n realize,

Sink realization n laughter, precise.

Laughter acknowledges survival lit,

Unite,  human race save earth greet. (16)