Monday, October 11, 2021






Love humanity feels unity neat,

Life experience nit people greet,

Overwhelm admiration remind,

Spirit mingles with people kind,(1)


Intoxicate culture widely varies,

Hurt sarcasm surprise, parries,

Myriad belief lifestyles life hails,

Travels spirit perceptions trails, (2)


World of book fascinates happy,

Read novels story lovely crappy,

Worlds witness struggle n peril,

Story entwines characters devil, (3)


Mirrors human cultures perfect,

Social customs traditions select,

Attenuate panorama nature fix,

Narration, move serpentine mix, (4)


Sock prejudices practices, ravel,

Timeless-novels weaves unravel,

Forget human heart start-finish,

Prize author accolade clap wish, (5)


Award winner book free opinion,

Describes reason blind tradition,

Mysterious-festival phenomenon,

Book details nit analysis reason, (6)


Spread information people know,

Criticizes hurt sarcasm rest bow,

Land resemble house close door,

International influence less favor, (7)


Lack people freedom opinion nit,

Never grows, devastate taste quit,

Notice famous novels under-ban,

Art painting model sarcasm scan, (viii)


Misunderstand ethics story span,

Crestfallen, literature realms fan,

Cultures class, sad phenomenon,

People of close society nit disown, (9)


Human-race flourish melting pot,

In contrast close-society all effort,

Allows various opinion comment,

Assimilate views develop, decent, (10)


Ultra-modern society frees equal,

Pays huge for art paintings regal,

Count model novel poem fathom,

Priceless goods preserve museum, (11)


Focus bright human race culture,

Windows destroy burns literature,

Tearful watch such window close,

Liberty equality never grows pose, (12)


Dark valley less sun visible cloud,

Suspicion doubt stark tells proud,

Justify ban sarcasm feel superior,

Inferior or superior, question fear, (13)


Fear reformation realization seek,

Accept blind customs reject meek,

Open-window allows fresh breeze,

Public opinion fundamental cease, (14)


Hard-liners condemns, unfaithful,

Like temporal, darkness obey, rule,

Conservative open society turmoil,

Scornful, hurt sarcasm arts recoil. (15)


Music painting idols novel demise,

Timeless creations buried, precise.

Century, after discovered precious,

Museum preserve thinks humorous!!! (16)






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