Wednesday, January 5, 2022




Speechless silent minutely link,

Time covers space, round, drink,

Drink subatomic globe curious,

Awake, of galactic river cosmos, (1)


Changes happen times absurd,

Truth falsifying realities accord,

Expands time, millennia, space,

Implodes to atomic point grace, (2)


Cyclic universe globe cycles nit,

Rounds sun, billion-stars greet,

Looked emotional winter night,

White Milkway stars in, sight, (3)


Phenomenon silent happening,

Blue planet events neat cycling,

Implodes life year unfolds wing,

Melting time, dark-valley string, (4)


Real today, past absurd if, sing,

Big Ben wakes up, love bonging,

Supernova powerful-dictator fit,

Threats continent attacks beast, (5)


Gun, smoke frighten weak lives,

Pray, New Year recycle believes,

Implodes supernova, disappear,

Hitler bitten dust, spirit answer, (6)


Human-heart confuse assiduity,

A reality forgets guns absurdity,

Year ended gunpowder smoked,

Aspires human race, less joked, (7)


Waits mutants of Hitler eagerly,

Implode to dust, galactic simile,

Vast nations disintegrated past,

Let earth start rotating, impact, (viii)


Ensures peace, profound peace,

Earth peaceful, sky waters kiss,

Kiss human life, weak prospers,

Terror inferno extinguish, leers, (9)


Death to anarchy dictator, wish,

Freedom heralds implode amiss,

Misses implosion captivity link,

Freedom, humanity tastes wink, (10)


Time implodes, points abstract,

Suffering torture killed distract,

Timeless Milkway human tears,

Reality absurdity lives discover, (11)


Cries loudly dying, in pain feel,

Cry mankind happily time seal,

Escapes felt Corona nightmare,

Hints survival scope life, aware, (12)


Exist humanity love care share,

Migrants live, get shelters, hire,

Unite earth-being saves nature,

Protect blue globe never before, (13)


Starry universe n noticed year,

Sun if, ever smile again better,

Climate controlled save, island,

Realized nations, magic wand, (14)


Time implodes carbon decrees,

Rebuild nature, automatic ease,

January morning mist foggy lit,

Escape poesy out of heart neat, (15)


Time implodes, second ringing,

Past midnight Big Ben Singing,

Wake after four years, in poesy,

Explode second prompts ecstasy. (16)




 Billion-human perform observe,

Blind faith ignorant life deserve,

Pours milk on rock idol prayers,

Pouring milk on river life shares, (1)


Laughs educated mind practice,

Teaches milk production notice,

Milk flood progressive enriches,

Million, women, produce teaches, (2)


Cows revolutionize a milk flood,

Effect health growth and blood,

Newborn baby queues and olds,

Milk nutrient, healthy beholds, (3)


Cows symbol of prosperity exist,

National, movement, due persist,

Milk nectar love well appreciate,

Emphasize generation to create, (4)


Poor villagers worship, cow best,

Treated as mother sacred attest,

Serve, cow domestic demonstrate,

Milk floods urgent time dictate, (5)


Source, cow, flow nectar of love,

Service to humanity life observe,

Manure cow dung farmer need,

Horn, skin, bones useful indeed, (6)


Live or after death, serves neat,  

Dedicates humanity, holy treat,

Defeated, education knowledge,

Slaughter cows exports amaze, (7)


Nectar of love illiterate observe,

Worships cows, loving preserve,

Offer milk to idol nectar of love,

Ghee butter cheese sweets above, (viii)


Farm struggles draught-famines,

Cow’s milk home produce shines,

Trust female pour milk to river,

Prayer fertile lands grow secure, (9)


Water for animal agriculture fit,

Faith, people offer milk to greet,

Flows river nectar of love water,

Thirsty heart know, feels better, (10)


Flowers yield honey bees’ crowd,

Nature provides fruit canes loud,

Nectar of love juice well nourish,

Water deep underground cherish, (11)


Bore-well, fountain springs link,

Pour earth nectar of love think,

Mother earth mother nature nit,

Cow resemble mother milk treat, (12)


Sad, human less-realize, benefit,

Cow slaughter nightmares meet,

Ban cow slaughter land request,

Promote breeding gold manifest, (13)


Where humanity goes cut woods,

Eat mountain n minerals goods,

Earth nature destroyed river dry,

Water feeds industry, poorest fry, (14)


Nectar pure human feels protect,

Water milk juice vegetarian best,

Universal motherhood, pure love,

Flow nectar of love mothers solve. (15)




Sparkles life greens attractive,

River serpentine, life selective,

Water precious saves nurture,

Opens river navigate life sure, (1)


Flood emotion, rocky bed stay,

A drop of water think, dismay,

Rain rarely visit, drying forest,

Beautiful nature fades honest, (2)


Pity, human greed grabs land,

Urbanizes, guises magic wand,

Industry road housing, spread,

River symbol of life stay dread, (3)


End-of-road to disaster nearer,

River nourishing if, disappear,

Animal life in the wane notice,

Puzzled, year change practice, (4)


Let humanity feels worrisome,

Protect nature halts migration,

Hunger, thirst, decrease people,

Famines year inherited simple, (5)


People leave homeland shelter,

Open skies migrant deed here,

Plunders woods rampart total,

Barren land blistering natural, (6)


Lost rivers, dense forest winds,

Freshness in-dream less finds,

Sick, female children feel pain,

Arrives year migrations regain, (7)


Surrounds emptiness if, silent,

Homeland once paradise went,

Dream poetic heart life realize,

Conserve water, conceptualize, (viii)


Rainwater underground store,

Massive effort fight lives sheer,

Stop exodus earth can change,

Water lakes alter soil all craze, (9)


Grassland, desert plantations,

Yearlong-effort to decade runs,

Not fairy tell, single human fit,

Changed miracle life effort grit, (10)


Big forest, grassland, and lake,

Change desolation, fertile wake,

Cows, buffalo, cattle, crowded,

Milk production grows lauded, (11)


Regain village serenity, factual,

Disbelieve urban lives, natural,

Proposals many sketch paper,

Gains dust gradual disappear, (12)


Illiterate for urban people best,

Time sings villager wise, quest,

Revive nature water, important,

Simple villager, experience fact, (13)


Gujarat state n village women,

Million strength n felt awaken,

Collects milk, dairy revolution,

Milk River flows across, nation, (14)


Rich, prosperous folk celebrate,

Messages they exist milk relate,

Contemplate, migrant get alert,

Lay future, in their hand effort, (15)


Self-belief helps humanity deal,

New Year’s new aspiration, heal.

Song Milk River inspires most,

Time passes dreams, never lost, (16)




Mist enwraps cold morn lonely,

Askance raise doubt feel, solely,

Sun invisible path windy haze,

New Year, first dawn yet craze, (1)


Lackluster, missing gaiety nit,

Apprehensive mind least greet,

Empty road fog envelopes best,

Observe eastern-sky; seek rest, (2)


Immerses in thought year now,

Continues worry, anxiety show,

Nation witness rising infection,

Human move in mask caution, (3)


Uncertain future war, continue,

Confinement again live, review,

Election rallies, crowd massive,

Epidemics behind, less believe, (4)


Overcrowded market threaten,

Arrives year lives less awaken,

Intense thought foggy clouded,

Less, world changes, shrouded, (5)


War looms n gunpowder smell,

Preparing, for fierce-battle well,

Peace elusive missing life seek,

Negotiate but surrender, meek, (6)


Cover dark war cloud, pretend,

Miss, trust cooperation intend,

Bring, amity brotherhood hires,

Year Lord’s grace love inspires, (7)


Dishearten life famine exist nit,

Rural life lack water pain, exist,

Tyranny people face draconian,

Nations lost freedom barbarian, (viii)


Equality liberty absent, hungry,

Lacks food shelter cloths angry,

Year least changes lives suffer,

Autocracy world witness, loser, (9)


Ghost of Hitler in-resurrection,

Fears mankind spread weapon,

Nature n earth worse changed,

Year less find promise amazed, (10)


Climatic hazard still worrisome,

Migration loom large, time come,

Sadly realize, year less-changes,

Torrential rain flooding amazes, (11)


Life tortured, lack a water drop,

Water, food scarcity to crop up,

Lives spend-huge for tasty food,

Life perishes, lack food if, brood, (12)


People live in, home crowded-city,

Lacks shelter life cursed reality,

Costume car cost gold, lifestyle,

Lacks human cloth n immobile, (13)


Women lead country educated,

Lack female-life freedom caged,

Youth child, in sport, win gold,

Million cost people spend bold, (14)


Street children orphan picture,

Poverty trap newborns, torture,

Lacks treatment food child yield,

Failure reason coins, life shield, (15)


Mankind, still far from equality,

May New Year bring prosperity!

Sadly year no remedy n believe,,

Askance infinite, if, prayer relive. (16)





Quietude encompass life serene,

Silence pervading spread divine,

Equanimity life experience feels,

Subtle presence, unknown seals, (1)


Whisper murmuring leaves fine,

Gentle breeze touch n feminine,

Speechless splendor behold nit,

Splendid etch tantalize twilight, (2)


Transcend crimson rays, touch,

Creator, behind nature I search,

Speechless surrenders sublime,

Emancipate choked voice shine, (3)


Prayer bottom-of-heart singing,

Temple bells enchant, chiming,

Tearful remember world if, sick,

Resurrect virulent mutant peak, (4)


Pray almighty trust existing nit,

Merciful Lord, wash sins, defeat,

Year arrived, usher health pink,

Future generation children link, (5)


Cry out loud, O’ merciful savior,

Never newborn get orphan here,

Lose parents ever possible grow,

Earth revives, pristine love glow, (6)


Let human race under oath nit,

Protect nature n climates greet,

Catastrophe fierce-climate went,

Fight human sacred war accent, (7)


Benefit-of-doubt, prayers assure,

Tantalize twilight, less blunder,

Grant human life blessed haze,

Dry nature earth, lifeless stage, (viii)


Mend horrible practice, salvage,

Green earth bridal nature stays,

O’ Lord Aural immense witness,

Amazes purity opulent impress, (9)


Shade expansionist greed quiet,

Stop exploitation, save life duet,

Let earth discover peace, liberty,

Freedoms, colors get prosperity, (10)


Freedoms to race, ethnic beauty,

Stay tradition culture assiduity,

Tolerate different faith, practice,

Lord, pray, human gets justice, (11)


Enamor universal brotherhood,

Concept, one world understood,

Freedom equality visible secure,

Tantalize twilight dawns assure, (12)


Womanhood chained prejudice,

Illiteracy hunger deaths suffice,

Her love, under-veil hide-smile,

Smile world in mask wear style, (13)


Lord, haze punishment a mask,

Freedom for women deal, task,

Year assures, equal free female,

Prejudice n practices blackmail, (14)


Stop girl child confined, educate,

Rich, poor male-female vindicate,

Future generation meets future,

Tantalize twilight year n prayer, (15)