Wednesday, January 5, 2022




Sparkles life greens attractive,

River serpentine, life selective,

Water precious saves nurture,

Opens river navigate life sure, (1)


Flood emotion, rocky bed stay,

A drop of water think, dismay,

Rain rarely visit, drying forest,

Beautiful nature fades honest, (2)


Pity, human greed grabs land,

Urbanizes, guises magic wand,

Industry road housing, spread,

River symbol of life stay dread, (3)


End-of-road to disaster nearer,

River nourishing if, disappear,

Animal life in the wane notice,

Puzzled, year change practice, (4)


Let humanity feels worrisome,

Protect nature halts migration,

Hunger, thirst, decrease people,

Famines year inherited simple, (5)


People leave homeland shelter,

Open skies migrant deed here,

Plunders woods rampart total,

Barren land blistering natural, (6)


Lost rivers, dense forest winds,

Freshness in-dream less finds,

Sick, female children feel pain,

Arrives year migrations regain, (7)


Surrounds emptiness if, silent,

Homeland once paradise went,

Dream poetic heart life realize,

Conserve water, conceptualize, (viii)


Rainwater underground store,

Massive effort fight lives sheer,

Stop exodus earth can change,

Water lakes alter soil all craze, (9)


Grassland, desert plantations,

Yearlong-effort to decade runs,

Not fairy tell, single human fit,

Changed miracle life effort grit, (10)


Big forest, grassland, and lake,

Change desolation, fertile wake,

Cows, buffalo, cattle, crowded,

Milk production grows lauded, (11)


Regain village serenity, factual,

Disbelieve urban lives, natural,

Proposals many sketch paper,

Gains dust gradual disappear, (12)


Illiterate for urban people best,

Time sings villager wise, quest,

Revive nature water, important,

Simple villager, experience fact, (13)


Gujarat state n village women,

Million strength n felt awaken,

Collects milk, dairy revolution,

Milk River flows across, nation, (14)


Rich, prosperous folk celebrate,

Messages they exist milk relate,

Contemplate, migrant get alert,

Lay future, in their hand effort, (15)


Self-belief helps humanity deal,

New Year’s new aspiration, heal.

Song Milk River inspires most,

Time passes dreams, never lost, (16)


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