Wednesday, January 5, 2022




Speechless silent minutely link,

Time covers space, round, drink,

Drink subatomic globe curious,

Awake, of galactic river cosmos, (1)


Changes happen times absurd,

Truth falsifying realities accord,

Expands time, millennia, space,

Implodes to atomic point grace, (2)


Cyclic universe globe cycles nit,

Rounds sun, billion-stars greet,

Looked emotional winter night,

White Milkway stars in, sight, (3)


Phenomenon silent happening,

Blue planet events neat cycling,

Implodes life year unfolds wing,

Melting time, dark-valley string, (4)


Real today, past absurd if, sing,

Big Ben wakes up, love bonging,

Supernova powerful-dictator fit,

Threats continent attacks beast, (5)


Gun, smoke frighten weak lives,

Pray, New Year recycle believes,

Implodes supernova, disappear,

Hitler bitten dust, spirit answer, (6)


Human-heart confuse assiduity,

A reality forgets guns absurdity,

Year ended gunpowder smoked,

Aspires human race, less joked, (7)


Waits mutants of Hitler eagerly,

Implode to dust, galactic simile,

Vast nations disintegrated past,

Let earth start rotating, impact, (viii)


Ensures peace, profound peace,

Earth peaceful, sky waters kiss,

Kiss human life, weak prospers,

Terror inferno extinguish, leers, (9)


Death to anarchy dictator, wish,

Freedom heralds implode amiss,

Misses implosion captivity link,

Freedom, humanity tastes wink, (10)


Time implodes, points abstract,

Suffering torture killed distract,

Timeless Milkway human tears,

Reality absurdity lives discover, (11)


Cries loudly dying, in pain feel,

Cry mankind happily time seal,

Escapes felt Corona nightmare,

Hints survival scope life, aware, (12)


Exist humanity love care share,

Migrants live, get shelters, hire,

Unite earth-being saves nature,

Protect blue globe never before, (13)


Starry universe n noticed year,

Sun if, ever smile again better,

Climate controlled save, island,

Realized nations, magic wand, (14)


Time implodes carbon decrees,

Rebuild nature, automatic ease,

January morning mist foggy lit,

Escape poesy out of heart neat, (15)


Time implodes, second ringing,

Past midnight Big Ben Singing,

Wake after four years, in poesy,

Explode second prompts ecstasy. (16)

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