Tuesday, November 8, 2022





Telling the truth of life honestly,

When life gets extinguished,

The shadow that follows always,

Loses its existence in the world,

Surprising it is called a ghost,

The signature for existence is sacred,

I find the shadows of a big tree,

Sit often under the tree in the shade,

Not only cool in hot summer,

The peace and subtle happiness flow,

Fiery hot winds get discipline,

The breeze induces sleep restfulness,

Forget myself, watched the open field,

Find cattle taking rest at midday,

In life, surprisingly found the shadow,

Not physically, but on my mental plane,

Here is a woman, my life partner,

Why she named the better half,

Felt her existence me her shadows,

Looked at her love promised me,

To walk hand in hand life long,

It happened to my parents,

Generations scripted eloquently,

The service is  priceless and invaluable,

The cement that holds family stronger,

Procreation God defined duty,

The mother is brick for the motherland,

The first teacher for every citizen,

Undeniable instill human character,

A pure, virtuous, loving heart acquires,

Human knows to tolerate or struggle,

Watch her from close her watchful eyes,

Watching always alert for her children,

Countless services for children,

Human society fails to pay back,

She feeds the nation with a leader,

In every sector of work, a mother inspires,

I find her presence in my life,

Felt like her shadow basking in love,

Never seen love any substance,

Only experienced love reason for life,

Life survives, grows, and prospers,

The shadows on someone's head,

Never felt its existence enriching,

Amazed, the established famous spirit,

The spine of the stout man is his wife,

Inconspicuous behind the  limelight,

Her support, same as the shade of trees,

Any leader can well recline breaths,

The place is her bosom stubborn,

Happily drinks her husband's worries,

Share has a meaning I found,

Behind her, my wife steals pain,

I saw her pale face fight to hide,

If there is any worry, her husband,

Minute observation, rest, medicines,

Ever tries to intrude into mind-space,

Comforts  her husband, forces him to sleep,

The first person to take pride in victory,

An accident that became a disaster,

I survived near death fought only,

In a state of delirium, unaware of the state,

My life was on the knife edge of life and death,

Not for a day or weeks, but a whole year,

A damaged brain and age troublesome,

Six years passed, and I recovered knew,

All the time I was under her shadow,

She brought back my life, defeated fate,

Ink fails to elaborate on her service, care,

Entangled my diminishing hope,

Her shadow was the rope,

Snatched me out of teeth of death.


Title of Poem:  Shadow

Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Theme: Wife's presence in life

Date: 7th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Monday, November 7, 2022






Believed in me principle followed,

Life provided opportunities enough,

Friend's envy witnessed my success,

Knew hard labor pays ultimately,

Poor background, merit helped a lot,

Got immense help from society,

Provided me necessary funds to study,

Never asked anything in return,

These Godly faces disappeared slowly,

Gradual my aspiring heart asked more,

Surprised God willing obtained timely,

The education gave titles suffixes,

Career noteworthy skewed sharply,

Looking back on my upbringing in a slum,

Poor parents laborers very rare,

Wish their child to get educated,

Provided due care and love shelter,

Never felt hunger and trouble,

Success in school and scholarship,

Brought immense relief to parents,

I found a philanthropic source on merit,

By whom I could see life established,

The long story each day I bemused,

But fortunate, fate decided,

High profile careerist contemplates,

In silence, watched costly gadgets,

Never believed I could possess,

Today I have bungalow shiny costly,

Disbelief friends, visible aloofness,

Doubt in their mind If be recognized,

I love my root, old friends are gold,

Simple heart, innocently willing to help,

Telling my story, I find help friend,

The greatest solace, peace of my mind,

Faithful to the people I grew up with,

There was the girlfriend from my school,

I helped her with higher studies,

Unmarried research-scholar felt obliged,

We keep our friendship intact,

I find in life my life partner rich,

From a wealthy family established,

She was beautiful, educated too,

Loved my merit, less background,

We get married, family life is sweet,

Here we find our lacking childless,

My wife was desperate for a child,

For years medical science tried,

She conceived a child, fruitful,

On the day of delivery, the sad news,

The child and mother could not survive,

Long was operation only the failure,

I disbelieved this incident for a few days,

A gradual change I could not detect,

Border of madness felt life is ending,

Gave everything I had to relatives,

Left my home the time was so depressing,

I roamed the streets alone, cried out for her,

Hoped against hope, she will return,

Searched the dead-of-night corner of streets,

Madly sleeping in the street.

One day my girlfriend collected me,

Sheltered me with food, clothes,

Entangled to her sympathy passing time,

Years passed looked at the  calendar,

Entangle sad life miraculously survived.


Title of Poem:  Entangled

Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Theme: Friend a rope life is entangled

Date: 6th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, November 6, 2022





The hypnotizing moment I experience,

Walks alone on the golden beach,

How similar is the time this evening,

Evening in a lifetime has arrived for me,

Watch the orange hues infect me,

Find glowing my soul in my heart,

Watch the setting sun obeys Lord,

Soul, mine, luminous within too,

Forgot the glorious sun, find now,

Sought my heart silvery the moon,

Preferred the star cat night alone,

The beach vanishes under darkness,

Listens to incessant roars of waves,

Breaking at the soar, whitish foams,

Glowing in the dark surprised,

Waves of thoughts crash  through me,

Electrifies my heart the beach,

Compare my heart as if this ocean,

Fathomless is depth, I carried unaware,

Treasure such as love and compassion,

An expanse of ocean in color  now,

Twilight years, if seeking this color,

Happiness visible on the lonely beach,

Ocean-of-life I stand observing in joy,

Wearisome tried wings homebound,

I looked at birds' silhouettes to nests,

Leaving the beautiful blue sky graying,

Spread orange color the setting sun,

Go back birds to your nests at dusk,

I leave the world in darkness covered,

Take rest, if sleep visits, pray,

Tomorrow's dawn in the sky is a grace,

A few of your mates may be missing,

Released from the dungeon freed,

The birth of dawn is a guarantee, sure,

Rise your soul elsewhere, of course,

The world will give you a home,

You shall find your tribe family too,

I will recognize your arrival well,

My warmth will help you to grow,

 I was listening to a stream of thought,

Thinking the sun wishes for flying birds,

Looked at me, closed my eyes,

Sat on the beach listening to the wind,

Blowing unseen the beginning or end,

Touched my limbs the sensation felt,

As if whispering, O' soul come out,

The freedom you seek, mingle with me,

Flow for eternity deathless feature,

I touch every soul as with you,

Wait till the night watch experience,

The ocean and the sky exist,

Invisible to eye stay for infinity,

Visible you thousands of stars,

The moon will rise in all splendor,

Elude your heart lust encounters,

Forget the twilight impassioned,

The realization of homing birds negates,

The silvery waters, lighted beach,

Entice your limbs to seek pleasure,

Felt really so true now I cried,

Want to live longer, a life enjoys,

To live, to plunder pleasure,

Matching with  bottomless depth,

Astonished to view my heart in action,

Calmed the song of silence in the dark,

Induced me, a being, for the destination.


Title of Poem: Destination

Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Theme: The song of Life

Date: 5th November 2022, Cuttack,

@ Copywrite







Saturday, November 5, 2022




Confess my worries once captured,

Marriage never means a bed of roses,

Sought the married life pink a future,

Watch my better half at my side always,

Get her support at troubled times,

How much I loved loneliness perished,

Her presence in my life I sought, deeply,

Experienced in my heart after marriage,

Intimacy was first observed as sweet, unique,

A different dimension of  conjugal love,

Soft as feather touch healing effects,

Erased one faced failure that hankered,

Got meritorious student career studies,

How much I wished good job worthy,

To wash parents' burdens, education costs,

They were happy with my studies, praised me,

Behind their help left a big loan,

Watch mother's hardship sacrifices,

Innumerable circumstances but sold her gold,

She was dreaming of her son getting established,

Famous and respected in society to happen,

People will discuss the names of the parents,

Dream, infinite dreams, her eyes I saw,

Ma, your hardship will be paid,

Promise to you I shall erase your sorrows,

Knowing my father's immense hardships,

Middle-income salary study is costly,

Making additional money working overtime,

Watched his tiredness, his look sleepy,

Silently observed my parents' love,

Their only dream child grows soon,

Gets happiness with long life,

There will be no wanting in a child's life,

Get settled with a wife after marriage,

These are God for me were dreaming,

Wishing never speak on the grandchild,

Everything I knew in my heart, aware,

I felt my marriage was their happiness,

Mother's silent prayer for me, my home,

She visited many times watchful minutely,

Advises my wife elaborately to proceed,

She talked and talked to her warned too,

Only desire my home get settled,

Can withstand the vagaries of life in general,

Her lifelong passion for her son to face,

Survive troubles in family life,

Problems come, disappear afterward,

Finding solution maturity is essential,

Phenomenal is her endeavor the goal,

Her child remains happy ever after,

Knows twilight years to arrive,

Ma never thought about this issue,

An avatar of  tolerance and suffering,

Today father got retired and told my wife,

She embraced me, got surprised,

Fortunate to get you as my husband,

You think so detail about your mother,

Understand my child will be grown up,

The track of your mother, I foresee,

Bring your parents to our home soon,

Let them get a relaxed and peaceful life,

Pay back your duty dues you can't pay,

My darling, her dispassionate words,

I discovered she is a mother too!


Title of Poem: Dispassionate

Pem: Bijayananda Mishra

Themes: Dispassionate words of the wife

Date: 4th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Friday, November 4, 2022




 Childhood witness fluid character,

Memories, much forgotten sweeter,

Astonished still remember grandma,

Etched in memories floods at times,

Quiet mind sits silently, contemplate,

How closely I was to her bemused,

Charisma, I have seen in parents,

But the sheer love adoringly caresses,

Consolation, her attempt succeeds,

Defeats childhood anger groundless,

Unyielding mom's requests get angry,

Usual attempt to fast stubborn flees,

Mom runs after me, exhausted, sits,

Holding her head with palms look,

Her silence warns me of dad's beating,

Ultimate is a weapon to defeat by crying,

Laughs at myself, ashamed of the act,

So much anger sheathing visible,

All drama automatic in fear of dad,

Get successful, snatches victory,

Victory over mom, dad prefers silence,

Warns grandmother both sternly,

They accuse grandma pampered me,

Express their helplessness often, my fort,

My fort was Grandma's lap, recluse,

She knows all naughtiness support,

Loudly say in my favor always,

Assured of safety, hide my face,

Undoubtedly she hugs me patronage,

My constant harbor if in pain, troubles,

Childhood unexplained fears hunt,

Fever, weakness, vomiting, wounds,

She is only allowed to be near me,

Close to her, I cry with pain sleep,

Her warm palm on my forehead,

Much later, I adored the touch dearly,

Why I feel so comfortable is a mystery,

In family Grandma's presence in my heart,

The soft feeling, if experienced only by her,

Never saw her in life till her last day,

She quit, and it was kept a secret from me,

Never faced beating, anger, scolding,

Her sweet talks remain unique lingers,

Confess I disobeyed dad and mom,

Never could bypass her advice,

It never comes like warnings but request,

My effort was to obey wholeheartedly,

One condition that I couldn't tolerate,

Making her unhappy was impossible,

Dad was surprised by the hold Grandma got,

Made me much more disciplined, sober,

Taught politeness I followed till today,

Learned her soft voice chosen words,

Conquered heart of people tasting times,

Listen to their praise to be polite,

Knew the credit point to Grandma,

Her advice to shed anger, pretensions,

Shamelessly pushed my face to hers,

Promised never to commit these mistakes,

Simple promises, I admitted, are gold,

The personality I carry today gets respect,

Children are envious of this quality,

Never I can get angry, prefers silence,

Hate telling lies, fail to pretend,

My wife and children know to respect me a lot,

But this fluid character built by her,

Tolerate troubles, exhibit infinite care,

Owes to her consolations love,

Read mythical books Ramayana,

Mahabharata I read to her in evenings,

She patiently listens to and explains,

Today I know how linked to my root,

Missed her presence physically the most,

But she is only for me the unforgettable


Title of Poem: Unforgettable

Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Date 3rd November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Thursday, November 3, 2022





The roof is strong and protects,

Observed attentively, it stood,

Seven decades my lifetime,

I have taken shelter under it,

Forgotten memories born here,

Passed childhood, myriad events,

Countless memorable moments,

Have seen parents demised,

One by one departed true,

Left me siblings, a brother, and a sister,

I have seen their marriages,

Migrated to overseas abodes,

Grew with their families bigger,

Visited parental home pilgrimage,

Still attending festivals at home,

Periodic but blood attracts,

Their root, children never forget,

Parents' bedroom unspoiled,

The wall frame of duo oil paint,

Fresh flowers and scented sticks,

Children and grandkids offer flowers,

Sit there a few minutes silently,

Love these moments, remember,

Reminds infinite care and love,

Apparently, living through them,

This feeling is overwhelming present,

I preferred my city and our home,

Maintains faithfully, life has seen,

The arrival of kin departure times,

Recorded every year pictures frozen,

Watch occasionally them think,

They, each of them, grew here,

The home touching a century,

Mesmerize its presence duly,

I stayed here, preferred my place,

Coaxed for lucrative career and city,

Opportunities one should not leave,

Life waits for travel, distant town,

New home, neighbors are thrilling,

Significant sights, temple, parks,

Notable zoo, the university is famous,

Wider  shopping mall communication,

Traveling to scenic places, pilgrimage,

Electric sock listening to children,

My wife alerted watches me, confused,

I cry out to kids, my pilgrimage,

My home is the most sacred place,

I can't find enough courage to leave,

In my youth, seeking a future elsewhere,

The invisible power I felt pulled back,

Opened parents' bedroom and looked,

Little sadness, tears, felt calmness,

Hardly can tell a peace experienced,

Unearthly, a feeling, don't desert,

Life never means earning gold,

Limbs need luxury, pleasure surely,

It is only the mind a culprit plays,

Seduced your brother and sister,

A thousand miles away made livelihood,

Their children lost connections,

The old town where forefathers lived,

Cremated here and dust vibrates,

Our family history, roots, branches,

A tree huge, centuries-old, relatives,

Home links to all migrated in time,

Precious link of blood still connects,

Diwali occasion home is crowded,

Three generations a hundred arrive,

Celebrate blood unites unearthly,

Stream of thought flow in that room,

Felt listen to my heart pleading,

Don't leave your parents to quit home,

Never think of selling an ancient house,

Intact, beautiful, proud influences,

Friend, my nemesis, happy, I failed.


Title of Poem: Nemesis

Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Date: 3rd November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite reserved