Friday, December 2, 2022





Come dear to the temple of  the Lord,

It is time to express our gratitude,

Season completing a circle is so kind,

Our lives could solve problems a lot,

Unacceptable situation messiah saw,

Evening hours quiet when frightens heart,

 I felt holy lines from the Bible vibrate,

Calming consequences are often noticed,

Who dear watched our trouble neatly,

Planned beforehand clears obstacles,

Let us walk, hands clasped together,

Let perfumed candlelit prayer deep,

Reverence let overflow shine tears,

Let's not wipe the running emotions,

Jesus, we love you, feel your presence,

Unearthly sense is marital complexity,

Like thick mist canopied or lives,

Witness luminescence pervade,

Melts the misty, mysterious hurdles,

Guides us to the subtle presence of love,

Express darling surrender serenely,

Feel His protection inviolable heals,

Sit here quietly, look at our Lord sweet,

Exists everlasting permeates scent,

Sensed when seriously ill waylaid,

Forgotten Him, thought, time to quit,

Saw your paleface tears dried marked,

The scale of the pain in your heart is more,

This life taunts but teaches nicely,

From the corner of my eye watched the light,

 The subconscious mind watched a tunnel,

At the far end, it was dazzling bright white,

Invitingly whispers  heard my soul,

Love you get up it is evening,

Sit both on the mat and read slowly,

No pleading is needed moves time,

Dusk proceeds to a night end too,

Sleep dear, happily feel I am near,

Your sleep will seem an eon, perhaps,

Morning glories of sun thrill you,

This is  an event we experienced unspoken,

The undertone of rebirth is unbelievable,

A cracked skull, a delirious state,

Lost memory failed to realize the time,

On a bed in ICU watched a wall clock,

The hour hand was circling and looked at,

Forgot dawn and dusk existed only,

Scarcely felt that life may fly afar,

Escapes for good gives freedom,

That came to me the cross silhouette,

Silent assuring dear hold me,

I shall collapse no more explain,

A few years after, I am walking fine,

His compassion is oceanic luminescent,

Cured fractured bones live recovered,

Let me offer my life if a candle burns,

Tell Jesus how your smiles returned,

The glow of radiance beauty found,

Mental states got a paradigm change,

Profusely you pray, surprised mostly,

As if our Lord smiles toward Your voice,

Transcends through the confines of sweet home,

Undertone, your husband offers a bosom,

Decimates the loneliness of couples fondly,

Jesus coveys the undertone we live. 



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Undertone

Theme: Benign belief

Date: 1st December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite








Thursday, December 1, 2022





Love you, darling how intense I felt,

Fortunate to have your company near,

Loved you before marriage magnetic,

Attracting your sweet face poetic essays,

How many silent moments it captured,

Incapacitate my reason I dreamed you,

An Inkling of ideas less could realize then,

Love is not infatuation but much more,

Breathless, the nearing time for marriage,

Boundless happiness unknown tomorrow,

How will you like me to feel the behaviors,

A myriad of thoughts you harbor for me,

When will you express hidden wishes,

Time will reveal conjugal love uniting,

Learns to accommodate is unacceptable,

Behest behind right path influences,

Acquire wayward mind disciplined a lot,

Nature harboring anger softening slowly,

Ill feelings hurt, humiliation hidden,

Erases your promising request defeats,

Forgets prejudices link practice  tried to,

An exceptional effort to provide pleasure,

Not the lust of mind mischief prone,

Getting sober near you, darling smiles,

The charm you hold the closest feel, in fact,

Not single, alone in a crowded world,

Far from noisy life disgusting to live,

Cherish your company in seclusion,

Gossip endless awake night ends only,

Breaks new dawn, you inspire me a lot,

How much invisible-strength spine gets,

Your palms on my shoulders body rest,

Feel trickles of tears, a joy unearthly,

The warmth of  the body aspire focused,

Achieve someday only to please you,

Watch your proud face only for me,

Credit unspoken words well understood,

Furthermore, tuff jobs today established,

Name only namesake owes to requests,

The fame that soaks your heart proud hidden,

The care canopies your love give energy,

A bright mind is very positive and inspired,

Beauty is hidden in deeds is fragrant,

This ensures your close observation,

Protects from bad-companion rumors,

Protects from addiction, the mind tries,

Moments after, life sinks into a nightmare,

The soft-manicured hand is strong as steel,

Save dear my life, numerous predators,

Happy today live n content you praise,

Look at you mischievously and chosen,

Like my shadow feel in your absence,

Protective prayers subtle induce, prohibit,

Never allows a wrong step  for a reason,

My love abiding that coagulated settled,

Like ground under my feet strong,

I can't break your heart, broken promise,

We stay together under the sun,

Love each other binding below a moon,

Sleep both closely in a meadow,

Watch the twinkling stars drunken,

Incapacitate unruly mind satiate dependence.


 Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Incapacitate

Theme: Marital relation divine

Date: 30th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Wednesday, November 30, 2022





Opened chapter of life reminiscent,

Wounded-heart carries the scar lingers,

Confess the page of a book of life wronged,

Never could know the blunder till twilight,

The First chapter of life childhood, a village,

Lap of the nature succulent greens view,

My parents were loving, poor,

The only son, their heartache,  adoringly,

Pet of the mother her immense help,

My sickness time watched her near,

The touch care, recovers, links her,

The love experience realized divine,

Her anger, scolding less touched me,

Melts her concerns and worries with a hug,

Move to shop malls holding her,

Grew up with flying colors from school,

The page turned to doubt her secretly,

The whole village was taking an evil,

Just one-eyed, I started to observe,

The prejudice germinated in me,

Start hating her afterward, a witch,

Neighbors told, friends told, gossiped,

Rumors solidified in mind suspected,

Left the village for the city, ended graduation,

The third chapter of my life career family,

Established in a distant town settled,

Wealth, luxury, comfort nearer life,

Crossed famous name news to my village,

The village head visited me and honored me,

It was the evening of my life, the next chapter,

Agreed to go home to attend a function,

Life forgot the parents, teenage,

Never ashamed, let me with fate,

Villagers eloquently praised achievements,

Expressed their overwhelmed joy and love,

The function was over village head enquired,

Whether to visit home, meet your mother,

Still living old father no more present,

I knew the last cottage was mine well,

Agreed, went home, dark, silent,

Opened  the door and discovered her,

She was sleeping still inert and cold,

No more breathing, ma just departed,

A letter in her hand, a few pages,

Her handwritten addressed to me,

My son, I loved you in my life always,

You think of me as a one-eyed witch,

It is not correct you didn't know,

When you are a kind played cricket,

The ball hit your left eye, blinded,

I only gave my one eye it was operated,

Successes with a lot of costs got eyesight,

Your left eye is that of mine only,

Never told you this or never asked,

I came to know you hate me as evil,

Separated from us hungry for few days,

Hearing you are coming to the village,

Hope to visit home, my last hours,

Let you know your left eye is healthy,

Gift of mine I continue to see,

Feel my presence through the eye,

Not the chapter, the rest of the pages,

Repentance will hunt till the end,

Her gift, I could see the world.

My inconsolable blunders...


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Gift

Theme: An eye of mother gifted

Story: Fiction

Date: 28th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, November 29, 2022





In a big world, humans get wild,

Empire of splendor, luxury, dreamland,

Amaze metropolis, glassy towers,

Kissing the sky, he gets awestruck,

Floor upon floor reveals goldmine,

Show your talent pickup to capacity,

Journey accomplished one day,

Travel from a poor-country suburb,

The dirt and mud were once ruling life,

Hunger below the corroded tin shed,

Knew childhood the pang deathlike,

Sick and sunken eyes alert, worried,

Know well without a morsel of food,

The youth is ill, may die in a few days,

No one near him to provide water,

Sleeping inert youth death is freedom,

Life astonishingly entwines spellbound,

A group search found the youth,

Taken to hospital malnourished,

Treated for a week, getting normal,

He won a jackpot of a million with a ticket,

The syndicate searched him and found,

His name, identity recorded duly,

This dying youth today a millionaire,

Highly educated gold medalist scientist,

Doctorate in space technology,

Alas, unemployed in the city, banished,

The state of a country needs leaders,

Mint a mountain of gold as an actor,

Business never means logic, decency,

Corrosive interactions fail opponents,

Business swallows everything slowly,

Lock stock and barrel swindled,

Left the opponent, empty hands,

A destitute by now roaming wayward,

Dies untimely news headlines,

Education backburner earn a lifetime,

Earn a politician in a day equally,

Looking back, the youth his past is past,

Standing  in front of a tower studied,

The land of opportunity he reached,

A lot of hope gathered to work hard,

Proved his caliber in technology,

Not the money but a name,

Felt sobbing not to die ignominious,

But his merit, qualifications honored,

Fetch dignity, and respect, work timely,

His achievements will be given credit,

Met the corporate leaders, the board,

The hour-long interview was impressive,

Excellent salary, residence the job,

The industry is a monster the existence,

Full of talented people rarely sleep,

The sprawling high-rise buildings are busy,

Crowded day and night, ingenious mind,

He found the harbor to anchor,

Here definitely here is waiting a life,

Prospered, recruited,  to develop an engine,

A force multiplier he got satisfied,

A decade of research, hard work,

Today he expects accolades, respect,

Surprised the news flashed differently,

The corporate head covers the headline,

Applauding a great people impressed,

dismayed in darkness is speechless,

Auburn curly hair getting white,

No more crying, feeling sad a little,

Everything is fine not a native,

Not a white tongue English is brown,

I am now rich, a rich person,

He packed his bags to his land to recluse,

Finds seclusions from a corrosive  world,

Happy, a  destination he understood.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Corrosive

Themes: Exploitation

Story: Fiction

Date: 29th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Monday, November 28, 2022






Born amid morass, learned to pray,

Save me  from the quagmire soon,

Let me live, O Lord, wings in the bud,

Let me grow under the luminescence,

The warmth gives to my soul enough,

Feel comfortable in your presence,

Delimit denials dignified conscience,

Lumen shining within is the north star,

Destroy inborn duplicity, attenuate lust,

Percolates nectar of love sympathy win,

Grows in elusive heart divinity sleep,

Provides cool shed, creeper blossoms,

A fragrant mind smells musk within,

Foolishly musk dear run wild scents,

Seen compassion through serving,

Take care of the sick, feed the hungry,

Shelter to provide destitute selfless,

Love, respect parents, the mother is god,

Prostrate to the teacher to learn letters,

Give me the soul's voice speak softly,

Learn, to learn lifelong, endless mine,

Quit knows the temporal world carries,

Humility, politeness, love, mother teaches,

Acquire sacrifice tolerance endeavor,

Give me a spine of steel strong to fight,

Preserve my dignity, freedom, liberty,

The fight witnessed the Mahabharata,

War of righteousness  supreme sacrifice,

To eliminate vice evil in guise exists,

Provide me the pair of eyes to notice,

To erase malice lies, flatter or abuse,

Subtle senses to discriminate sound,

Provide me taste for empathy healing,

Senses to touch life painful soothing,

Offer let me fruits juices corns milk,

Let me satiate the hunger for the leftover,

Procreate a divine wish to give love, parental,

Strength to take care of baby, growing,

Forget I mine we our words transient,

Melting these illusions to thin ether,

Feel your presence that you wish,

Born to fulfill your motive to complete,

Sing O soul loudly, the glory of the divine,

Part of him in sojourn to fly abode,

The bud within will grow to wings,

Escapes out of chest bones a dungeon,

The flying you soul wing spans wide,

The universe is small soon to reach home,

Inking this midnight thinks the Ukraine,

The winter, piercing cold, children open,

Hungry refugees in open ground,

Passing winter in an alien land, homeless,

Happy Xmas I am crying disobeys tears,

Running to sympathize with their souls,

Fighting this morass, I started inking,

Lord has not given humans devastated,

Forgotten Jesus tearful on the cross,

Dripping blood coloring earth is forgiven,

Alas, the human heart fails to notice Him,

Bruised, scarred divine frame man evil,

Sagacity in heart, pray Jesus loves you,

Forgive the human, may the river of love flood,

Twilight years arrived senses you living,

Had your divine grace ecstasy in quitting.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Sagacity

Theme: Melting to divine love

Date 27th November 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, November 27, 2022





In the dead of night, it was silent,

Lost in lands of deep slumber,

Forgotten my existence reality,

Temporal seemingly nonexistent,

Soul metamorphose to butterfly,

Colorful wings fly to a dreamland,

It was ringing, melted into a surreal world,

Half-awake lifted the mobile phone,

A voice shrieked, called, please listen,

A female tone unknown floated in the air,

Left asleep, quite awake,  surprised,

Went off the call as suddenly it came,

Unknown number bewildered I felt,

Who can call me at this wee hour,

Not at all familiar surprised a lot,

Confused, slept again, ringing again,

It was the same voice pleading to hear,

It switched off again, left me perplexed,

Switched off the telephone if weird,

The day was disturbed felt hunting,

Please listen, please hear me,  repeatedly,

Switched-off the mobile completely,

Clueless tried to forget the episode,

The eerie incident that night lingered,

 Phony call Left me t myriad thoughts,

She must be a female at trouble called,

That night was mysterious for me,

She knew my phone number and tried,

Tried to contact me for help urgently,

It was not a dream number existed,

Suspense in suspension prevailed,

Accepted one of the calls, phony disturbed,

I was sitting in a restaurant having tea,

Sneaked out of busy office time jolly mood,

Singing silently, touchingly, who are you,

Calling me in the early morning fading soon,

O angel, let me meet you at least once,

Tell your owes, open your heart,

Listen to all your sorrows to solve them,

Phony voice why melted into thin air,

This left me curiosity confusing mostly,

Remained shadowy under the veil,

The thought stopped as suddenly,

As my sleep was disturbed by a call,

A decently dressed female politely asked,

Addressed me by calling my name,

Looked at puzzled never seen her,

She asked me to sit on the chair,

Then she told me she was my friend's wife,

My friend was the closest in the college,

She saw me, knew during her marriage,

Her husband was praising me always,

That night was the last day of his life,

Cancer terminated wish to talk,

To talk to me, she rung twice,

Her son, a doctor, switched off promptly,

Her son informed his father was no more,

Her husband's mobile was thrown into a river,

The phone call was phony,

Never could think it was for my pal,

At his last breath, he wished,

I held her hand clasped and cried.  


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Phony

Theme: Phony call that was not

Story: Fiction

@ Copywrite