Wednesday, December 28, 2022





Bewilder mind disbelief, the stark reality,

Knows very well dusk to settle quietly,

Why, life thinks day never ends willingly,

Think deeply, night only a dream,

Steals awareness, instills sleep, lays limbs,

Forgotten name, place, identity, and faith,

Inert stays a symbol, non-existent unreal,

Wakes heart again sun rises probe past,

Why persist sun ever sink world was lost,

The name, street, city, or people the same stay,

How come vanished in the darkness play,

This life face strife play rife mistakenly a lot,

Every answer heart retort untrue night but,

Dream visits erase existence, purposes, love,

Open your heart spread wing, soar high,

Love unattainable mind injects addict fry,

Wrong is you, hypocrisy explicit display,

Sunset yesterday, night canopied darkness,

Rose, a beautiful moon if an angelic face,

Wash our heart silvery light cool thrilled,

Aroused passions lust ornate love creeper,

Wished infinite urge endless stay forever,

Burning bright mischief monger sun rises,

Wake up the most deluded rest of us hurt,

Love to live in another world, heavenly real,

Never know us, O' human, disbelieve exists,

Exist we live in darkness moon show path,

Spread happiness, joys profound, soul worth,

Mingle easily with stars winking starry night,

River projects silver plate we swim in delight,

Glowworms lighted our poem of love plenty,

Gardenia jasmine opens petals of love aroma,

We dance our sequence less identity gender,

Less we find name origin color blood splendor,

Body touches body unites ecstatic amorous,

Less hue and cry, molten heart  soaked in tears,

Felt separate bodies soul unites climax thief,

Not human pleasure thief visits in guise creator,

Stills everything our lust pleasure it dawns,

Living idols, we start playing with the sun,

Result of love, another generation is born,

Challenge our authority deletes, ever, night exists,

Under the sun, this generation frightens us,

Livid with our symphony less recognizes day,

Cry out angrily, hello, dark moon, why claim,

Not we belong to you guardians of the night,

Born us only lives  under the sun we see,

You are thin void unreal Lord gave breathe,

We breathe, alert, aware of identities numerous,

Built once roam now thousands still curious,

Love color of skin myriad tongue expresses,

Expression incredibly great slang credulous,

We believed our creator, not you, faithful,

Only to surrender under the sun spread,

As many paths that many fights carnage,

Know to rule under the sun, supreme savage,

Sold for gold unfold bravery, name, or fame,

Our tribes sing for an eon, our valor not game,

Spirit of the night thorn in our heart pierce,

One world, one people, one goal rehearse.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Thorn

Theme: Thorn to dismantle division

Date: 28th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Met on the road future of the country,

Bewildered, a sight that found speechless,

Selling tricolor for a few rupees calling,

May return to someone a pittance help,

A few bread salt as lunch dinner one,

Does not know the child tomorrow can,

Born to parents, never dreamed of arrival,

Natural, grow children, poverty inhibits,

No food for children, medicine while sick,

Buds, disheveled, unwanted vanish, in time,

No tears, cries, pangs of love, surprise,

The world encompasses humans, polished,

Dazzling glass towers limousines in front,

Begs the child ignorant scorns directed,

I was crying thinking of the tiny heart,

Motherland's bosom refuses to feed,

Not a square foot to sleep under a roof,

Thought for December night is freezing,

The little kid must be sleeping in the open,

Struggling   hard to pass the night,

Imagines not crying for help surrendered,

Missing luck, fortune, fate, a future,

The joke of the creator on human life,

Disheveled promiscuous urban life rich,

Boasting upper strata unambiguous,

Vulgar shows stinking naked dances,

Viral in cyberspace youth influences,

Gasping, surprised, tags recent styles,

Think these witnessed streaming sighs,

Motherland protects them, security guards,

Worth seeing mansion ladies in vanguards,

They leave corroding aromas wild,

Revert to the child silently standing,

Bought an entire lot of flags paid to him,

Sat with him on pavements question,

His name he didn't know parents left,

Big cement pipe is the place he lives there,

Works for a vendor selling goods,

Begs at times, gets some money, lives here,

Gave him some food both enjoyed it,

Surprise glued on his face disheveled,

You love me? the blunt question,

I checked my tears and smiled a deception,

It was not compassion, sympathy,

It was not my love, caring heart,

Fail to express the pain, churning mind,

The education humanity taunt behind,

This is a vibrant land, people bright,

Mostly educated wealthy play noble!

Knows very well slums exist littered,

Disheveled planning metro glitters,

No road, sea of shanties, tin shed,

Muddy path narrow, serpentine congested,

The child was the product of this place,

Listless, if it grows, defeating death,

Tomorrow's youth, not human living,

Ignorant of love, care, sympathy, family,

Loot, use boot against the world challenge,

Never mind access gold prefer carnage,

House may be the jail immaterial,

Angry, concerned now saw well in him,

The country breeds his tribe, nourishes rest,

A few spend a billion on vulgar expenses,

A minuscule will change the life of disheveled,

The tricolor he sells justifies bedeviled,

Son of the soil, you proclaim democracy,

Equal rights, liberty, voice free, not lunacy,

Take me to school, educate me, impart skills,

Enough strength, the disheveled organized!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Disheveled

Theme: question to land a slum child

Date: 27th December, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Saturday, December 24, 2022





Almost fatal, an accident collapsed,

Unconscious got senses hours after,

Injured skull sutured, lay bedridden,

Thinking my life on tenterhooks dim,

Wee hours look at the wall clock ticking,

Had doubt meet morn contemplating,

Oscillated life for weeks recovered today,

Liked my life begotten back memories,

Lost everything for a year, and so mostly,

Today pens my infinite trust touch holy,

Gave life once more writes poems a lot,

Sings mysterious intention Lord promote,

Love you always little encounter happened,

Feel as my breath motion continues,

Alert  or deep sleep, every breath is a gift,

Know Lord the goes out never come back,

Unless you wish gracefully for me,

Love never measured in my life as intense,

Look at the stony idol silent playing flute,

This flute, my Lord, my spine seven spots,

Top opens to your lips, primordial song,

Each center of mine energizes speech do differ,

Sing for wealth, prosperity, then physical love,

The fire burns to digest, assimilate energy,

Accelerated the place, love or hatred,

Peace or anger attenuates thoughts evenly,

Fewer thoughts in mind, seemingly tranquil sea,

Fail to fathom depth failed miserably,

Hidden jewels love compassion, kindness,

Hidden ego, envy, anger, evil invisible,

Captures mind life capitulates clueless,

Find upper strata place for solace calm state,

Urges soul devout to meet the supreme,

Knows life is a river pristine search ocean,

Meet once merges lose existence soon.

Rise above consciousness abode of the soul,

Look up continuously, unblinking as a goal,

Unaware of deeds of mind inclination hope,

Stays impassionate unattached search scope,

Knows at the top, your presence overwhelms,

Surge to merge the thin wall in the veil is doubt,

Your play is so good, a doubt plays lifelong,

The last breath life remembers you cruel song,

Failed in the end to follow a goal in life,

Waylaid mind wayward, seldom introspective,

Learned after revival new life focused,

Ends my story, dear child, please, listen to it,

Read your letter frightening depressed,

Lost all hope for future think to calumniate,

Punish your tender frame confined to a room,

Forget lunch, dinner, breakfast, gloom,

Chose a dark room fearful of light people,

Hidden within self-made prison suffer,

Know dear, ultimate consequence quits,

Wrong, totally wrong, denial of Jesus' wish,

Ocean-of-compassion arriving, dear wake up,

Look, the star shining inspires sufferers,

Heal His presence instantly finds life loved,

Infinite love Jesus' presence, dear, hug,

Feel his warmth in every fiber tissue,

Disappears quickly painful your issue,

Dark every night ends rises glorious sun,

Darkness is depression kills divine soften,

Spouts green leaves out of deadwood feel,

Once I felt the same way dying, living healed,

That happened for me truly equal Lord,

Trust my words, dear love Jesus, rests absurd!




Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Uplift (Fiction)

Theme: A life Lord decides not mind

Date: 24th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Friday, December 23, 2022





Grew up sensing existential wonder,

Walking in garden blossoms colorful,

Wild honey bee sings, notorious, to loot,

Murmur drying leaves breeze is playing,

Flies a butterfly, beautiful wings stunned,

Who plays, subtly, music of life searched,

Searching the musician vanishing act,

Listening to His creations, enjoying I react,

The youth came throbbing a rebellious heart,

Bathing beauty of nature bare magnetic,

Rain, rain beauty welcomes drenched happily,

Dancing musk dears eyes of adolescence,

The invisible rhythm of maturity eyes seek,

Hops in the air gaily mating moment after,

Felt alone, sick, unreal mind sought mate,

Taunted dipping rain droplets fountain duet,

Amidst rain-soaked nature, why in tears,

The fairy of the dream missing, trick imagined,

Mingle with streams of life noises infect,

The shrilling voice, clapping, roars floor,

Still searching for hypnosis in black hair,

Long enough, my dreamy night expands,

In waves of dark clouds sailing in the wind,

Awestruck,  look at earrings glint, lightening,

Gasp involuntarily, her face turns,

The eyes that I have seen in musk dear,

Her fragrance in her head searches far,

Sifting eyes swiftly captivated me once,

How come the same eyes fascinate to trance,

The long nose, red lips like rose petals,

Shyly felt as if that wily bee to drink honey,

Captured the beauty of nature wet,

Wet earth, I smelled aromas, romantic,

Floating this fragrance impulsive followed,

Plead behind her earnestly for a friendship,

The smile in her eyes, eyebrows netted,

Lips uttered soft inquiries, luck impressed,

Hand in hand, we moved ahead and saw,

The wings of the peacock got colorful dancing,

Conjugal life midnight listen to a nightingale,

Who sings this heavenly music if not you,

Trapped me through beauty, you designed,

Your purposes procreation once wished,

The father's happiness at the birth of a baby,

Nostalgic, acutely unique never forget news,

You are a father of a girl, the voice,

The symphony of my life was fruitful in essence,

In convalesces wreathed every fiber cried,

Understood, what is happiness fulfilled,

Chicks, one after one, rooted in my lap,

Listened to a rhapsody of  innocence, ecstatic,

Flutter their wings, we both smiled,

Your magic wand, calendar pages strewn,

Spellbound, she is praying a melodious song,

Sat near her and listened to she is glorifying you,

You are my eyes, ears, nose, tongue, or heart,

You are my breath feel, you in me long,

You gave sweet husband children,

My rude feeling for the master now molten,

Sang both the spirit of family life,

Symphony divine played that night,

Melted into thin ether superior primordial.   



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Symphony

Themes: Melody of conjugal life

Date: 23rd December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Wednesday, December 21, 2022





Flows life, human experiences,

A woman in society family,

The sweetener of life and beautiful,

Beauty never means her skin only,

Expression of her life, poetic softness,

The immensity of love, compassion,

Infinite care, endless service extends,

Oasis in the dreary desert of life appears,

blistering hot sand dunes life on a test,

Finds a traveler solace at an oasis,

Satiate thirsty heart fountain in front,

Reality image of a woman, encounter,

Parched lips get wet, and she offers water,

Smile at times for a few turns mirage,

Throngs heart for companionship a lot,

Misses by a whisker the soft hands for life,

Thorn becomes her memory living hurt,

I have seen such an elegant lady, speechless,

Obscure remote village rich was landlady,

Palatial mansion  century old crowded,

She had twelve sons given birth in life,

Unfortunately, an age six children perished,

Unknown fever untreated suffered,

One-by-one left the world, mother unhappy,

Lost her husband at an early age,

Life loomed as if that desert sand ended,

Rest six sons grew in time strong,

And stout, bold, adventurous traveler,

Found mother's infinite care and love,

Lived to meet family life wealthy happy,

Children plenty in the family, growing,

Time flows serenely forgotten sadly past,

The woman I saw, an icon for a large family,

Sons, grandsons, and granddaughters grew,

Their mothers included fifty family members,

Head of the family the landlady worshipped,

Charisma and compassion help farmers,

Fast gained as a folklore goddess,

Adored undisputedly admired her soft heart,

Shower gift to weeping eyes brings smiles,

Sons were happy, so the daughter in laws,

Children, the grandkids explicitly in love,

Octogenarian touching a hundred years,

Raised the sandstorm life in the desert,

Monstrous, the cloud of sand continued,

A decade passed, her six sons passed away,

Still alive, the mistress of destiny,

Surprised the village people disbelieve,

Agile, functional, understood time,

Silent, sober, pious by now confined,

People enter the room, touch her feet,

Quietly escape out of the room,

Surprised her twelve sons, her husband gone,

Life flowing through her, surprising all,

Started queue of six widows one by one,

All departed  in a few years it happened,

Eldest grandson, master of the house,

The century-old lady, still living fine,

Today invited to the eleventh day of the rite,

The demise of  the eldest grandson, a ceremony,

Villagers are offered food, delicious plates,

Few are meeting the lady to bow,

She came in a wheelchair to out,

Asked before the crowd if tasteful food,

Next was her request for sweets,

She was relishing her plate lavishly,

Astonished spellbound onlookers were,

An unwanted life stays forget the death,

Enjoys sweetmeat after grandson's death,

Life in her adherences bewildered all,

Death around her taking all duly,

Unwanted soul death never liked to touch... 



 Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Unwanted (Fiction)

Themes: life outlasts longevity if a curse

Date: 21st December 2022, Cuttack

Picture: Courtesy Google

@ Copywrite



Tuesday, December 20, 2022





Never get astonished life happy,

Imagine a crossroad watch people,

The world is funnily in four directions,

I saw in life the stream of people,

Each one is opposite going distances,

Unknown their destination cross here,

Not the motion of life I have marked,

But life meets after traveling distance,

Fate forces separate people far off,

Job hooks to a place for part of life,

Impossible to escape from duty stays,

Separated blood yearning missing one,

Hungry in look wait patiently sadly,

The date of the calendar rolls faster taunts,

Still opportunity to meet extends,

Not deliberate compulsions confines,

Separate family members wait and wait,

A porter by profession carries luggage,

Upon the arrival of a train, I look closely,

Surprised has seen warm tears,

Sobbing silently, stand wait for arrival,

Unfathomable their impatience,

I stand with them for luggage,

Silently standing, their eyes lost,

Wait for that split second to unite,

Arrives the monster hissed proudly,

In time reached the station,

Search eyes like dears windows,

Coaches roll quickly and halt before them,

I look at smiling faces waving wildly,

The man in life wife missed for years,

Children grow up with curious eyes,

Wait for their father went abroad,

Missed for years probing understandable,

I see their happiness meeting him,

The life unites people I witness,

Friend opposite scene, I felt the opposite,

Heartbroken, I cry too, felt tearful,

They were not mine, empathy overtakes,

Old couples came to the station,

Their only child, a young man, leaving,

Joining for service overseas is lucrative,

The pleasant news sank in sorrow,

Knew very well the chick of Yester years,

Spread his wings flying far off,

Root their prepared nest, perhaps,

The future poses a question son will return,

Empty will be house emptiness heavy,

I look at them, the mother sobbing,

Reclines her head on the chest of her son,

The child was tearful and hugged her tightly,

Ma, I shall return little worry,

Allow me happily smiling to join,

Wiped my tears, knew the smiles

The pretension of a mother her love thick,

Father, I introspected, a rock stature,

The pain of separation is  fathomless,

Trying his best to accommodate failed,

Embraced his son, kissed his forehead,

Go dear, cherish your future, and pray to God,

His son touch his feet, tears wet his feet,

I offloaded his luggage and gave him a card,

Printed of Lord's face a belief laced with,

He offered enough money, and I returned,

I hugged him, to return when back home,

My book of life ring of scenes touching,

The son returned after a decade with a family,

His old father, I saw alone, queried,

He recognized me, told her demise,

The platform where the son saw his mom,

For the last time never thought of losing her.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Porter

Theme: Witness life scenes touching

Date: 18th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite