Wednesday, August 30, 2023






Unseen amalgam in the offing,

A capital of billion plus people,

Escaped out of slavery, freedom,

Scintillating democracy stable, (1)


Astonishing fraternity cohesive,

Hundreds of languages, dialects,

The platform of all religions is vibrant,

Dismantled caste creeds sight, (2)


Equal rights constitution fight,

The chasm of gender closed feat,

Emancipated womanhood treats,

Education equal right bestowed, (3)


Strength, feminine, strong roared,

Youth innovative, skilled, literate,

Confidence visible land debate,

Unity solemn promise prospers, (4)


Nation first, nation building vowed,

Fractures animosity, suspicion,

Society, once torn apart, now scorn,

Hate corruption exploitation fight, (5)


Election cleans administration.

The occasion country guides the world,

Pronounced leadership forward,

Global views appreciate the honor, (6)


The capital of the nation is decorated,

Country leaders powerful, converge,

Proclaim peace doubts submerge,

The bond will be streamlined well, (7)


Innumerable glitches to be ironed out,

The summit untying knots express,

Frame clauses acceptable rule press,

Facilitate economy commerce travel, (viii)


Solve critical factor time encounters,

Frame futuristic rules signed news,

Spread like wildfires statements,

Blaze over the globe leaders face, (9)


Acclaimed, applauded, forgotten soon,

Fades the sighed paper time culprit,

Allies inimical suspicious verbatim,

Interpretation will differ extremely, (10)


Still, humanity expects bonhomie,

Earnestly, humanity dreams of fraternity,

Urges the world to build friendship, amity,

Leaders in one city, discussion dinner, (11)


Sideways meets bridge relationship,

Remind the framework for decades,

The moment the world united stay together,

Hope world find peace prosper, (12)


Eliminate war, mend nature, fragile,

Find clues to meet climate, hostile,

They will come with guards, cars,

Book top hotels security in alert, (13)


Closed the capital city lives blocked,

Ordinary life watch telecast awed,

Leaders, they arrive, meet, depart,

Camaraderie visible feeble impact, (14)


Hang me or clap bona fide glamour,

One world, one family, one future...

Camaraderie visible virtual royal,

Smiles, hugging, handshake regal. (15)  


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Camaraderie

Themes: One world, one family, one future 

Written: 30th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Tuesday, August 29, 2023






Life never believed to be realized,

The dream castle chased, prized,

Reality today, a thousand miles away,

Education established past scar, (1)


Left the sweet home feels, grew once,

Parents high school all romance,

Teenage, meritorious, schoolboy,

Scholarship, top results to enjoy, (2)


Life intimated catastrophe badly,

Car accident parents' news, sadly,

No more love presence happened,

Remember elder sister saddened, (3)


Ten years senior to me in age felt,

She was forced to join a job dwelt,

Only earning member, she shared,

Infinite love attention grew cared, (4)


Unmarried forced to lead life will,

Single her status the teacher still,

Her life as a mother, teacher, friend,

Under her umbrella grew to mend, (5)


Survivor of family incident horror,

Graduated, willing overseas offer,

The day of the voyage was sad, teary,

Sister hugged tightly, times scary, (6)


Little dared to look behind moved,

During the flight, cried silence grooved,

Stood an image, a rock transfixed,

Overseas job busy life family mixed, (7)


Years rolled, to visit her failed pity,

Family, children, and home if gritty,

Fail to find, excuse her letters rare,

Terror in eyes her invitation scare, (viii)


Life compulsions, unable to visit,

The sadness he felt, his sister's love treats,

Surprised, he received a package,

Unboxed the gift her Rakhi craze, (9)


His heart choked teary lamented,

His promise as a brother taunted,

Everything in his life to prosperity,

Sister stood and supported him parity, (10)


Siblings lived the day disaster hit,

His hand holding the silk tread lit,

Emotion broke down melancholic,

The divine brotherly link, ecstatic, (11)


He cried, binding on his wrist lovingly,

Tried to contact her and talk to her fully,

His worst fear is her invitation to calm down,

Come home her voice sweet balm, (12)


She informed me her age, a bit crippling,

Falling sick need help call ringing,

Listened to her, instant his decision,

His survival, only sister, her protection, (13)


The time arrived to keep his promise,

To provide protection, sister prize,

Duty, subject emotive, he selected

A mother, teacher, and friend detected. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Unboxed Gift

Themes: Rakhi, a brother's promise to his sister

Written: 29th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Monday, August 28, 2023





Teenage electric and awesome,

Unaware time curious at home,

The hunger to know, love books,

Luxuriant time unearthly hooks, (1)


Lack tension, worry, enjoyable,

Stories enormous thrill enable,

Probes innocent life, encounter,

The world is not a dream here, (2)


Fear lurks, flutters bird, wings,

Horror, heart thrills, in strings,

Remind childhood, stories, love,

Understood attraction dissolve, (3)


Relationships delicate, feathery,

Link attractive girls, imaginary,

Youth touched limbs magnetic,

Rebellious heart, throb ecstatic, (4)


Book addicted to book changed,

No fairy tale king queen crazed,

Adventure, horror story crimes,

In bus, rail journey park times, (5)


Library frequent visitor search,

Forgotten reality dreamy lurch,

Invisible witness to crimes wet,

Perspiration under a fan, create, (6)


Fail to know time appetite lens,

Thinks faster for consequence,

The thrill, heart kneel, to novels,

Soul pass unearthly hour veils, (7)


Forget duty, career, friend, wait,

Vexed life adulthood to debate,

Look at the mini library sadly,

Modern-human resting hardly, (viii)


Work, at work, eat, drink, right,

Work in the day, work at night,

Man and machine book dusty,

Look behind the past life misty, (9)


Touched life, work amass gold,

Lottery urban life asset resold,

Broken-hearted lost everything,

Fluctuate luck life wasted ring, (10)


Heard once lunacy, aristocrat,

Discover himself at a road flat,

Not fiction or novel, embroiled,

Material world mindless toiled, (11)


Foiled aspiration, dashed hope,

Survival is a question, no scope,

Twilight years lost job lost gold,

Lost family lost kids home sold, (12)


Make no mistake, family, kids fly,

Young life prosperous stay high,

Forgotten their link time values,

Know their pleasure are virtues, (13)


Failed to find a solution in books,

Searched life experienced looks,

Everything left me let me quit,

Paradise only a concept invite, (14)


Aura spectral out of reality lit,

Exist in heart, nature definite,

Time is short, to leave now learn,

Paramount soul finds sojourn. (15)      


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Paramount

Themes: Extremely important life recluse

Written: 28th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Sunday, August 27, 2023





Intense scrutiny, life searches,

Contemplate world manifests,

Life span decades, hit century,

Desires type shining mercury, (1)


Fluid nature moves, stays rarely,

Gold symbolic coin lust fairly,

Eons life witness fight rivalry,

Gold changes heart savagery, (2)


Father, son, in bitter battle try,

To ditch to cheat to curse lie,

Appropriate property cruelty,

Sons deprived widow mother, (3)


Her destiny is a shelter home,

Gold her possession lo stolen,

Look at a gold ring gem sparkle,

Once loved acquired struggle, (4)


Son wants my chain or rings,

In bank deposit loan strings,

Confess his study, successful,

His voyage abroad career rule, (5)


Link the loans mortgage gold,

Bank, appropriated home sold,

Neither rings nor house to stay,

Meager pension rented house, (6)


Gold created the chasm wide,

Twilight years, alarms divide,

Today, coin in hand, but gold,

Tomorrow, alas, someone, hold, (7)


Tried, built house mortgaged,

Lost my son lost home gazed,

A lifelong friend amassed gold,

Beautiful mansion asset hold, (viii)


Pride visibly thanked his luck,

Luckiest guy in the city, sock,

Gold never can provide joy,

Miseries from sickness envoy, (9)


Family quarrel jealousy fuels,

Peace, happiness, left a sequel,

Golden life analyzed lo failed,

Tall skyscrapers, city life link, (10)


Gold transformed life, yet sink,

Seen enough tension, worries,

Let hundreds of tragic stories,

Not any of friends, well to do, (11)


Failed to say happy, tell rude,

Escape, escape, be alone live,

Leave hunger for gold, believe,

Simple life serenity in nature, (12)


Human nature is pure assure,

Landscape rustic is paradise,

Golden cornfield ripe surprise,

Wind plays sways standing crop, (13)


Found the value spirit envelop,

Not gold, granaries are golden,

Gold can never be food shaken,

To live to grow to propagate tell, (14)


Coin or gold can save lives well,

Fasting, let feel the hunger truly,

A morsel of food, happiness fully!

Golden aura cornfields ripened. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Golden

Themes: Alas, gold is not golden

Written: 27th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite