Friday, September 1, 2023






Inexpressible heartthrob dwells,

Expectant eyes look at sky fuels,

Hope plays every hour cruel fail,

Dark clouds hovering crane nail,(1)


White arrow crane intimate hail,

Standing crops survive, not derail,

Growth of grass on embankment,

A peasant sits under a shed lament, (2)


Praise the Lord, let not crop damaged,

A heavy shower for a day staged,

Absent the thunder lightning lit,

Weather kind enough passed hit, (3)


Sit with his family, kids play well,

The greenery extends to the horizon,

Receding dark clouds, sun wink,

Yearly output farmer pray, link, (4)


Greenery to granary September,

Receding rain, Autumn weather,

Lost in thought, dreaming nicely,

Greenish to golden crops visibly, (5)


The month shows turbulence,

Occasional hailstorms, credence,

Village life is simple faith worship,

The family engaged in ritual courtship, (6)


The delicate heart looks at the sky,

Blue sky inviting sunlight high,

The mirth is a visible golden aura,

August had rain enough for flora, (7)


Arrives September, nerves tense,

Absent yearly flood fear pretense,

River breaks embankment flood,

Submerges crop, hard toil blood, (viii)


Devastation complete, disappoint,

September havocked aids anoint,

A year hopes bright output high,

September will be less flood sigh, (9)


Visiting villages scenic wonderful, 

Anxiety tensions season overrule,

Fairweather standing crops sing,

Gentle breeze plays, fields swing, (10)


Welcome September world gather, 

Agog with the visitors, country leader,

Neither are past nor future symbols,

Discuss for world peace stay goal, (11)


Seal the animosity chasm tightly, 

Expectations world citizens rightly,

The summit summarizes accords,

Year expect bumper crop records, (12)


Infectious hearty smiles peasant, 

Food prices lower home pleasant,

Critical September knocking bell,

The year ends a few months, to tell, (13)


Election around the corner warns,

Expectant opposition verbal arms,

United, consult, confide, confused,

Anticipates early election infused, (14)


Expectations ruling party bites dust,

The victory of the opposition dreams most,

Sit near a peasant and mesmerize time,

Ripen expectations September fine. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Expectation

Themes: September arrival hopes high

Written: 1st September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Thursday, August 31, 2023






Amazed to hear born fortunate,

Golden spoon at birth, time-related,

Hundreds of employees attend,

Opulence saw spirit transcend, (1)


Palatial mansion luxury visible,

She grew, growth pretty simple,

Obstruction for education little,

Teachers many private, belittle, (2)


Experiments continued intense,

Her interest changing pretense,

Spoiled to demand subject well,

Music, dance, art and crafts, fuel, (3)


Bedroom instruments decorate,

She plays at will start readings,

A mini library, a hundred books,

She reads, a whole night, it hooks, (4)


Come to know places or people,

She travels extensively, a miracle,

Amazingly mixed with local, learn,

Analyze lifestyle custom prone, (5)


Her father, wealthy, provides her,

She spends millions, learns sure,

Her mother divorced her father,

Never seen her mother younger, (6)


Her dad recalls sparse contact,

Line of communication distant,

Beyond approach rarely meets,

Luxury, comfort. money greets, (7)


Always find attendants service,

She has grown adulthood vice,

Wanted dearly, a mate failed, sad,

Her dad blocks love angry dad, (viii)


Warned not to love commoner,

Replied to her bluntly harsher,

Selection of her dad mismatch,

Quickly, she decided, family detach, (9)


She rejected the affluent proposal,

Her father distanced, casual,

Bought for her a house switch,

Remote island near the beach, (10)


She, for years, quietly led her life,

A few attendants absent strife,

On the lonely beach, she is alone,

Her father rarely invites her welcome, (11)


She knew grown an unwanted,

Finally, link recluse, implanted,

No need to work or earn, she knew,

Accommodated with life view, (12)


Product of amorous life sense,

Pomp to celebration, pretense,

Lost her mother, later dad hell,

His minted gold, his life dwell, (13)


Alone, an orphan feared people,

Preferred a lonely beach uncle,

Uncle, her attendant, grew old,

Stayed with her, less feel cold, (14)


The beach, her uncle confesses,

Her life is simple, happy, impresses,

Uncle, her father, mother, teacher,

The beach, beautiful her future...(15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: The Beach (Fiction)

Themes: Orphaned by wealth, her life at sea

Written: 31st August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Wednesday, August 30, 2023






Unseen amalgam in the offing,

A capital of billion plus people,

Escaped out of slavery, freedom,

Scintillating democracy stable, (1)


Astonishing fraternity cohesive,

Hundreds of languages, dialects,

The platform of all religions is vibrant,

Dismantled caste creeds sight, (2)


Equal rights constitution fight,

The chasm of gender closed feat,

Emancipated womanhood treats,

Education equal right bestowed, (3)


Strength, feminine, strong roared,

Youth innovative, skilled, literate,

Confidence visible land debate,

Unity solemn promise prospers, (4)


Nation first, nation building vowed,

Fractures animosity, suspicion,

Society, once torn apart, now scorn,

Hate corruption exploitation fight, (5)


Election cleans administration.

The occasion country guides the world,

Pronounced leadership forward,

Global views appreciate the honor, (6)


The capital of the nation is decorated,

Country leaders powerful, converge,

Proclaim peace doubts submerge,

The bond will be streamlined well, (7)


Innumerable glitches to be ironed out,

The summit untying knots express,

Frame clauses acceptable rule press,

Facilitate economy commerce travel, (viii)


Solve critical factor time encounters,

Frame futuristic rules signed news,

Spread like wildfires statements,

Blaze over the globe leaders face, (9)


Acclaimed, applauded, forgotten soon,

Fades the sighed paper time culprit,

Allies inimical suspicious verbatim,

Interpretation will differ extremely, (10)


Still, humanity expects bonhomie,

Earnestly, humanity dreams of fraternity,

Urges the world to build friendship, amity,

Leaders in one city, discussion dinner, (11)


Sideways meets bridge relationship,

Remind the framework for decades,

The moment the world united stay together,

Hope world find peace prosper, (12)


Eliminate war, mend nature, fragile,

Find clues to meet climate, hostile,

They will come with guards, cars,

Book top hotels security in alert, (13)


Closed the capital city lives blocked,

Ordinary life watch telecast awed,

Leaders, they arrive, meet, depart,

Camaraderie visible feeble impact, (14)


Hang me or clap bona fide glamour,

One world, one family, one future...

Camaraderie visible virtual royal,

Smiles, hugging, handshake regal. (15)  


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Camaraderie

Themes: One world, one family, one future 

Written: 30th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Tuesday, August 29, 2023






Life never believed to be realized,

The dream castle chased, prized,

Reality today, a thousand miles away,

Education established past scar, (1)


Left the sweet home feels, grew once,

Parents high school all romance,

Teenage, meritorious, schoolboy,

Scholarship, top results to enjoy, (2)


Life intimated catastrophe badly,

Car accident parents' news, sadly,

No more love presence happened,

Remember elder sister saddened, (3)


Ten years senior to me in age felt,

She was forced to join a job dwelt,

Only earning member, she shared,

Infinite love attention grew cared, (4)


Unmarried forced to lead life will,

Single her status the teacher still,

Her life as a mother, teacher, friend,

Under her umbrella grew to mend, (5)


Survivor of family incident horror,

Graduated, willing overseas offer,

The day of the voyage was sad, teary,

Sister hugged tightly, times scary, (6)


Little dared to look behind moved,

During the flight, cried silence grooved,

Stood an image, a rock transfixed,

Overseas job busy life family mixed, (7)


Years rolled, to visit her failed pity,

Family, children, and home if gritty,

Fail to find, excuse her letters rare,

Terror in eyes her invitation scare, (viii)


Life compulsions, unable to visit,

The sadness he felt, his sister's love treats,

Surprised, he received a package,

Unboxed the gift her Rakhi craze, (9)


His heart choked teary lamented,

His promise as a brother taunted,

Everything in his life to prosperity,

Sister stood and supported him parity, (10)


Siblings lived the day disaster hit,

His hand holding the silk tread lit,

Emotion broke down melancholic,

The divine brotherly link, ecstatic, (11)


He cried, binding on his wrist lovingly,

Tried to contact her and talk to her fully,

His worst fear is her invitation to calm down,

Come home her voice sweet balm, (12)


She informed me her age, a bit crippling,

Falling sick need help call ringing,

Listened to her, instant his decision,

His survival, only sister, her protection, (13)


The time arrived to keep his promise,

To provide protection, sister prize,

Duty, subject emotive, he selected

A mother, teacher, and friend detected. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Unboxed Gift

Themes: Rakhi, a brother's promise to his sister

Written: 29th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite