Friday, September 1, 2023






Inexpressible heartthrob dwells,

Expectant eyes look at sky fuels,

Hope plays every hour cruel fail,

Dark clouds hovering crane nail,(1)


White arrow crane intimate hail,

Standing crops survive, not derail,

Growth of grass on embankment,

A peasant sits under a shed lament, (2)


Praise the Lord, let not crop damaged,

A heavy shower for a day staged,

Absent the thunder lightning lit,

Weather kind enough passed hit, (3)


Sit with his family, kids play well,

The greenery extends to the horizon,

Receding dark clouds, sun wink,

Yearly output farmer pray, link, (4)


Greenery to granary September,

Receding rain, Autumn weather,

Lost in thought, dreaming nicely,

Greenish to golden crops visibly, (5)


The month shows turbulence,

Occasional hailstorms, credence,

Village life is simple faith worship,

The family engaged in ritual courtship, (6)


The delicate heart looks at the sky,

Blue sky inviting sunlight high,

The mirth is a visible golden aura,

August had rain enough for flora, (7)


Arrives September, nerves tense,

Absent yearly flood fear pretense,

River breaks embankment flood,

Submerges crop, hard toil blood, (viii)


Devastation complete, disappoint,

September havocked aids anoint,

A year hopes bright output high,

September will be less flood sigh, (9)


Visiting villages scenic wonderful, 

Anxiety tensions season overrule,

Fairweather standing crops sing,

Gentle breeze plays, fields swing, (10)


Welcome September world gather, 

Agog with the visitors, country leader,

Neither are past nor future symbols,

Discuss for world peace stay goal, (11)


Seal the animosity chasm tightly, 

Expectations world citizens rightly,

The summit summarizes accords,

Year expect bumper crop records, (12)


Infectious hearty smiles peasant, 

Food prices lower home pleasant,

Critical September knocking bell,

The year ends a few months, to tell, (13)


Election around the corner warns,

Expectant opposition verbal arms,

United, consult, confide, confused,

Anticipates early election infused, (14)


Expectations ruling party bites dust,

The victory of the opposition dreams most,

Sit near a peasant and mesmerize time,

Ripen expectations September fine. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Expectation

Themes: September arrival hopes high

Written: 1st September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




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