Sunday, June 20, 2021





Engage mind rewind, stormy past,

Remote village small family, react,

Wanton poverty n meager income,

Parent, my life suture, nit caution, (1)


Year roll, season rebuild devastate,

Harvest food, flood dry spell relate,

Help parent in field n hot summer,

Cultivation lessons hope glimmer, (2)


Sickness visit, parent’s cares heal,

Fever, pain, headache go, love feel,

Study in school regular all caution,

Father cultivate n watch promotion, (3)


Mother, her school-education guide,

Check note-book pencil pen at, side,

Father takes to field sit under trees,

Share both, lunch inspires lot, frees, (4)


Heart run amok amid forest nature,

Inspire happiness, purity, life-secure,

Time, arrive, leave village study high,

Parent starve help education, I sigh, (5)


Father works hard in fields, earn, lot,

Mother works sewing machine effort,

Calumniate higher studies complete,

Education struggle aspiration intuit, (6)


Success brings abode of reputation,

Affluence, name-fame no commotion,

Assuage tired lives, parent’s sacrifice,

Help, securing their comfort, practice, (7)


Years pass, soon struggle fade, quick,

Parent’s dream fulfilled mild n meek,

Stubborn, stay at village lead simple,

Rustic fresh air solitude they mingle, (viii)


Reject city-life urban pollution crowd,

Only know, son his home feel proud,

Affluence entices opulence n lifestyle,

Reminiscence hunt mind often smile, (9)


Easy life wealth, comfort, luxury mate,

Arrogance ego, hijack conscience late,

Father expire quietly socks departure,

Never demand money help love pure, (10)


Mother writes letters, father’s advice,

Father conveyed for integrity practice,

Guide; reject flattery, corruption, vice,

Cautions his kid, ruination rot notice, (11)


Bode simple life guide children study,

Like father myself follow him embody,

Understand, immense worry, tension,

As a father know, all parents’ burden, (12)


Contribution, my parent lives nothing,

Sacrifice care serve dream enchanting,

Inherits father’s hard labor, simplicity,

Learn truthful difficult n well humility, (13)


I owe my success in life credits parent,

Mother first teacher goads transparent,

Father live honest, humble envy patience,

Ink I, own love commensurate credence. (14)









Saturday, June 19, 2021




Life sprouts beautiful influence,

Reflect strange world innocence,

Devoid of secure abode, curious,

Expose limb to sun rain serious, (1)


Tremble less cloth winter severe,

Childless question Lord appear,

Worship idol under tree, temple,

Looks askance, hungry tremble, (2)


People offer sweet food devotion,

Children destitute little question,

Milk butter oil pour aspirant nit,

Pious think nil, children in-street, (3)


Shopping mall glitter dress good,

Restaurant aromas, spread food,

Speechless-child feel, mesmerize,

Rarely dare to ask, kids surprise, (4)


Surprise people ignore, destitute,

Society claims civilized constitute,

Poverty human witness fate offer,

Immense pain, sickness, or suffer, (5)


Homeless, landless, idle traveler,

Move among village cities shelter,

Crop up shanty colony worth lit,

Beggary, slavery boon duet great, (6)


Modernity proclaims prosperous,

Affluence enjoys opulence joyous,

Nation declare billion trillion-lord,

Economy, industry, health accord, (7)


Billion people exercise vote select,

Children born, burn contemplate,

Think festival rallies n procession,

Never question ruler n promotion, (viii)


Week rolls to month, year, decade,

Kids grow as youth ban barricade,

Human life, whose worlds godless,

Festival of color n night impresses (9)


Watch people smear with color nit,

Watch streets, home lamp lit greet,

Watch firework in night-sky bright,

Stark dark-world impoverish fright, (10)


Dark lane dark shanty, slum mild,

Another world overwhelm run wild,

Flood good wishes television grace,

Greetings choke traffic cyber-space, (11)


Dirty kid innocent smile ignoramus,

Esoteric jeremiad ignore, enormous,

Ignore education, health, home, food,

Ignores Almighty merciful for good, (12)


Miss governance equality freedom,

Blooming gardens question seldom,

Flag march, protest, strikes, strike,

Closes, cities villages nation n hike, (13)


Threats violence, angry-voice aloud,

Street children naked shout, proud,

Little understand furry, furious life,

Self-driven motivate greed’s strife, (14)


Burn boulevard shopping mall lit,

News of nation condemns n greet,

Educated youth unemployment hit,

Working-class jobless loud explicit, (15)


Finger in mouth stands future firm,

Expressionless watch nation harm,

Harm means negligence ignore all,

Boast trillion dollar nation enthrall, (16)


Question conscience forecast future,

Major poor children quit forever,

Build castles in the air, who reside,

Esoteric jeremiad inks reply, decide. (17)





Friday, June 18, 2021






Arrivals of my youth mesmerize,

Budding heartbeat throb prize,

Enchanting beauty, fairest skin,

Dark long hair wavy trap clean, (1)


Swim thoughts, wavy hair river,

Invite spirit to love yet stranger,

Shining demeanor smile infects,

Catch dove, young heart in nets, (2)


Slim, delicate limbs n poetic gait,

Climax, of intense pleasure duet,

Steal peace, calm mind n abjure,

Take away feasting eyes seizure, (3)


Vanity decency civil, soul throw,

Lovelorn wild mind n heart grow,

Unknown angelic frame intrude,

Plunder my sleep dreams crude, (4)


Awake, nightlong watch solitude,

Feel incessant presence attitude,

Captures my vision silent, invite,

Disappear soon hurt, pain incite, (5)


Felt, reveal troubled life enchant,

Enamor beautiful soul penchant,

Advance in college overture mine,

Lose courage introduce, nice-time, (6)


Crisp her attitude short reply nit,

Enormous my effort fails, dispirit,

Cajole with flatter admiration wit,

Politely she, discard invitation hit, (7)


Heartbroken felt, pang-of-love bite,

Never could forget attempt bright,

Intimacy grows slow weeks after,

Study hour class time recess her, (8)


Pyramid of hope n mirages oasis,

Build citadel of faith n end crisis,

Cruel time never wait, colleges end,

Education clip wing career trend, (9)


Hard work, perseverance, bold test,

Success reward follow, settle best,

Opportunity bloom at distant-city,

Separate destiny n love proximity, (10)


Propose my friend marriage sweet,

Wrote long-letter to her love intuit,

Wait months fail to receive a reply,

Fail to communicate her n comply, (11)


Shaken, I decided soon to visit her,

Met her fine in her home, charmer,

Warm her treat, she elaborate-long,

Her marriage proposal fixed a song, (12)


Business-tycoon has chosen, settle,

Explain would-be husband’s mettle,

Quietly her rebuttals ring my ears,

I check my emotion, pain, hot tears, (13)


Smile at her blossoming shyness lit,

Wishes her sincere bright future nit,

Returned back-home night enchant,

Weeps full moon stardust reluctant, (14)


Silent night me gentle breeze wisher,

Brittle lovelorn heart, it console cure,

Crumbled citadel, search ruins soul,

Remind rebuttal, I watch, dawn goal. (15)









Thursday, June 17, 2021






Elusive world mesmerizes n fluent,

Milling crowd amuse me efficient,

Bustling cities million inhabit nit,

Smiles, scorn, laughter, wish, lit, (1)


Sky scrapper glass, steel, concrete,

Highway sketch mazes n discreet,

Parks, museum, college, institute,

Corporate n office complex repute, (2)


Shopping center restaurant swell,

Amazing people night never quell,

Recreation, sport, entertainment,

Child to old finds little discontent, (3)


Busiest life hectic rush hour flow,

Endless, river of live dreams glow,

Great circus of fame, fortune, luck,

Fate destiny change all time mock, (4)


Poor rises as affluent spirals high,

Surprise people applause, all sigh,

Crumbles, tower of reputation well,

Craze novel, story n in heart dwell, (5)


The people never sleep industrious,

I wander in rural splendor curious,

Overwhelm silence, green, solitude,

Pictorial sweet homes no multitude, (6)


Great, firms, cornfield tree meadow,

Witness spellbound beauty window,

Walk happy amid forest desolation,

Nature befriend instant consolation, (7)


Weariness unpleasant memory nil,

Peace, tranquility, calm mind reveal,

I realized as part of nature n naked,

Lose vanity, ego a cloth confiscated, (viii)


Stark mountain n captures horizon,

White cloud mist spread my reason,

Lost soul from, wonderful-world feel,

Lose identity past for moment kneel, (9)


Creator’s toy He plays make or break,

Esoteric enchantment human awake,

Few understand, His games entrap,

Human sense His weapon lust wrap, (10)


Enormous appetite human seek all,

Million, attraction under canopy call,

Attractions, of oasis, pleasures invite,

Illness, death, pain, agony, less, respite, (11)


Sat nightlong watch billion-star gaze,

Alone in forest thought mystery haze,

Craze human, family, friend, people,

Life story, eon we portray, yet miracle, (12)


Cycle-of-life birth-death nature occur,

Our, sojourn the world to me unclear,

Notice men reject world detach total,

Behave fearless to death, less mortal, (13)


Quit mundane world people, wander,

Most desire, hope, dream squander,

Little dress, asset, wealth n enchant,

Merge past, present future, remnant, (14)


Concluded that night man in nature,

Part of nature bare beautiful seeker,

Seek mystery of world sojourn clean,

Ah…, esoteric enchantment ends win!  (15)










Wednesday, June 16, 2021






Lifelong mind enamor pleasure,

Tireless my efforts offer leisure,

Accumulates wealth at disposal,

Never argues mind least-refusal, (1)


Struggle harder, provide comfort,

Mind wills enormous, self-effort,

My self-effort satisfy mind short,

Harbor memories thoughts hurt, (2)


Harbor humiliation insult scold,

Feed heart fuel all emotion gold,

Pour potion of hatred, my anger,

Inflame burn within mind eager, (3)


Rainbows of greed, jealousy play,

Thought clouds colorful, display,

Eyes attract glass palace, dazzle,

Opulence mind savor work fizzle, (3)


Pens melancholy song mind rule,

Shy conscience console life mule,

I meet glitter mind is never gold,

Hard work self imagination bold, (4)


Passion-of-soul control mind nit,

Check temptation, lust every bit,

Work is life work encourage most,

Conscience, wisdom dreams host, (5)


Epicurean-mind seeks knowledge,

Feed soul expertise skill if college,

Dispel ignorance dark mind edge,

Revolt with anger ego bitter craze, (6)


Fear mind with, light feel insecure,

Force feed me ethics a myth cure,

Change my craze of food, thought,

Transform mind appetite as if lost, (7)


Entrap me n mind drink humility,

Potion of love care kind simplicity,

Train my mind, behave epicurean,

Harbor the compassion herculean, (viii)


Harbors sympathy for sufferer all,

Epicurean empathy serves self roll,

Epicurean nature my mind, acquire,

Paradigm change happen n inspire, (9)


Express all long nights got torture,

Mind was a forest in fire fuel anger,

Dry wood greed jealousy ego I hate,

Use to feed epicurean heart inmate, (10)


Burnt limbs scarred image smolder,

Smolder my heart I never get older,

Childish hungry always cry in vain,

Feed my mind its lust as act insane, (11)


Reveal bitter battle epicurean mind,

Narrate conquest of evil purity find,

Narrate dream night sweet enamor,

Awaken my mind epicurean harbor,  (13)