Saturday, June 19, 2021




Life sprouts beautiful influence,

Reflect strange world innocence,

Devoid of secure abode, curious,

Expose limb to sun rain serious, (1)


Tremble less cloth winter severe,

Childless question Lord appear,

Worship idol under tree, temple,

Looks askance, hungry tremble, (2)


People offer sweet food devotion,

Children destitute little question,

Milk butter oil pour aspirant nit,

Pious think nil, children in-street, (3)


Shopping mall glitter dress good,

Restaurant aromas, spread food,

Speechless-child feel, mesmerize,

Rarely dare to ask, kids surprise, (4)


Surprise people ignore, destitute,

Society claims civilized constitute,

Poverty human witness fate offer,

Immense pain, sickness, or suffer, (5)


Homeless, landless, idle traveler,

Move among village cities shelter,

Crop up shanty colony worth lit,

Beggary, slavery boon duet great, (6)


Modernity proclaims prosperous,

Affluence enjoys opulence joyous,

Nation declare billion trillion-lord,

Economy, industry, health accord, (7)


Billion people exercise vote select,

Children born, burn contemplate,

Think festival rallies n procession,

Never question ruler n promotion, (viii)


Week rolls to month, year, decade,

Kids grow as youth ban barricade,

Human life, whose worlds godless,

Festival of color n night impresses (9)


Watch people smear with color nit,

Watch streets, home lamp lit greet,

Watch firework in night-sky bright,

Stark dark-world impoverish fright, (10)


Dark lane dark shanty, slum mild,

Another world overwhelm run wild,

Flood good wishes television grace,

Greetings choke traffic cyber-space, (11)


Dirty kid innocent smile ignoramus,

Esoteric jeremiad ignore, enormous,

Ignore education, health, home, food,

Ignores Almighty merciful for good, (12)


Miss governance equality freedom,

Blooming gardens question seldom,

Flag march, protest, strikes, strike,

Closes, cities villages nation n hike, (13)


Threats violence, angry-voice aloud,

Street children naked shout, proud,

Little understand furry, furious life,

Self-driven motivate greed’s strife, (14)


Burn boulevard shopping mall lit,

News of nation condemns n greet,

Educated youth unemployment hit,

Working-class jobless loud explicit, (15)


Finger in mouth stands future firm,

Expressionless watch nation harm,

Harm means negligence ignore all,

Boast trillion dollar nation enthrall, (16)


Question conscience forecast future,

Major poor children quit forever,

Build castles in the air, who reside,

Esoteric jeremiad inks reply, decide. (17)





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