Thursday, June 17, 2021






Elusive world mesmerizes n fluent,

Milling crowd amuse me efficient,

Bustling cities million inhabit nit,

Smiles, scorn, laughter, wish, lit, (1)


Sky scrapper glass, steel, concrete,

Highway sketch mazes n discreet,

Parks, museum, college, institute,

Corporate n office complex repute, (2)


Shopping center restaurant swell,

Amazing people night never quell,

Recreation, sport, entertainment,

Child to old finds little discontent, (3)


Busiest life hectic rush hour flow,

Endless, river of live dreams glow,

Great circus of fame, fortune, luck,

Fate destiny change all time mock, (4)


Poor rises as affluent spirals high,

Surprise people applause, all sigh,

Crumbles, tower of reputation well,

Craze novel, story n in heart dwell, (5)


The people never sleep industrious,

I wander in rural splendor curious,

Overwhelm silence, green, solitude,

Pictorial sweet homes no multitude, (6)


Great, firms, cornfield tree meadow,

Witness spellbound beauty window,

Walk happy amid forest desolation,

Nature befriend instant consolation, (7)


Weariness unpleasant memory nil,

Peace, tranquility, calm mind reveal,

I realized as part of nature n naked,

Lose vanity, ego a cloth confiscated, (viii)


Stark mountain n captures horizon,

White cloud mist spread my reason,

Lost soul from, wonderful-world feel,

Lose identity past for moment kneel, (9)


Creator’s toy He plays make or break,

Esoteric enchantment human awake,

Few understand, His games entrap,

Human sense His weapon lust wrap, (10)


Enormous appetite human seek all,

Million, attraction under canopy call,

Attractions, of oasis, pleasures invite,

Illness, death, pain, agony, less, respite, (11)


Sat nightlong watch billion-star gaze,

Alone in forest thought mystery haze,

Craze human, family, friend, people,

Life story, eon we portray, yet miracle, (12)


Cycle-of-life birth-death nature occur,

Our, sojourn the world to me unclear,

Notice men reject world detach total,

Behave fearless to death, less mortal, (13)


Quit mundane world people, wander,

Most desire, hope, dream squander,

Little dress, asset, wealth n enchant,

Merge past, present future, remnant, (14)


Concluded that night man in nature,

Part of nature bare beautiful seeker,

Seek mystery of world sojourn clean,

Ah…, esoteric enchantment ends win!  (15)










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