Friday, June 18, 2021






Arrivals of my youth mesmerize,

Budding heartbeat throb prize,

Enchanting beauty, fairest skin,

Dark long hair wavy trap clean, (1)


Swim thoughts, wavy hair river,

Invite spirit to love yet stranger,

Shining demeanor smile infects,

Catch dove, young heart in nets, (2)


Slim, delicate limbs n poetic gait,

Climax, of intense pleasure duet,

Steal peace, calm mind n abjure,

Take away feasting eyes seizure, (3)


Vanity decency civil, soul throw,

Lovelorn wild mind n heart grow,

Unknown angelic frame intrude,

Plunder my sleep dreams crude, (4)


Awake, nightlong watch solitude,

Feel incessant presence attitude,

Captures my vision silent, invite,

Disappear soon hurt, pain incite, (5)


Felt, reveal troubled life enchant,

Enamor beautiful soul penchant,

Advance in college overture mine,

Lose courage introduce, nice-time, (6)


Crisp her attitude short reply nit,

Enormous my effort fails, dispirit,

Cajole with flatter admiration wit,

Politely she, discard invitation hit, (7)


Heartbroken felt, pang-of-love bite,

Never could forget attempt bright,

Intimacy grows slow weeks after,

Study hour class time recess her, (8)


Pyramid of hope n mirages oasis,

Build citadel of faith n end crisis,

Cruel time never wait, colleges end,

Education clip wing career trend, (9)


Hard work, perseverance, bold test,

Success reward follow, settle best,

Opportunity bloom at distant-city,

Separate destiny n love proximity, (10)


Propose my friend marriage sweet,

Wrote long-letter to her love intuit,

Wait months fail to receive a reply,

Fail to communicate her n comply, (11)


Shaken, I decided soon to visit her,

Met her fine in her home, charmer,

Warm her treat, she elaborate-long,

Her marriage proposal fixed a song, (12)


Business-tycoon has chosen, settle,

Explain would-be husband’s mettle,

Quietly her rebuttals ring my ears,

I check my emotion, pain, hot tears, (13)


Smile at her blossoming shyness lit,

Wishes her sincere bright future nit,

Returned back-home night enchant,

Weeps full moon stardust reluctant, (14)


Silent night me gentle breeze wisher,

Brittle lovelorn heart, it console cure,

Crumbled citadel, search ruins soul,

Remind rebuttal, I watch, dawn goal. (15)









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