Friday, August 13, 2021





Picture perfect panorama exclusive,

Nature paradise on earth pervasive,

Wonderful-landscape alluvial allure,

Resurrect human life from hell sure, (1)


Milling crowd violence chilling news,

Busy humdrum days unravel, huge,

Corona spread, invades cyclic order,

Perilous infection complexity severe, (2)


Recover weeks after problem lingers,

Confine community let cliff hangers,

Nation populous faces spontaneous,

Hundred vaccines solution onerous, (3)


Waves, number frighten curious nit,

Unpredictable-situation continue, hit,

Extend shutdown people suffer a lot,

Direct hit education kid youth worst, (4)


Hospital overburden oxygen vaccine,

Dying patients need lack both decline,

Children new victims need treatment,

People dissatisfied fume little content, (5)


Price index heavier burden angers all,

Tension trouble surplus less enthrall,

Search human conscience face terror,

Peace foremost indeed survive secure, (6)


Mounting deaths must stop, think all,

Wrath of nature pandemic well recall,

Eon human race face victim of infect,

Dreaded-virus not new mutate detect, (7)


Root-cause of danger nature depletes,

Extinction natural process life deletes,

Spit venom earth poisons air n water,

Human error, not minor but blunder, (viii)


Underestimate catastrophic climates,

Changes earth temperature activates,

Oceanic-water level rises fearful date,

Obliterate coastal ground tide threat, (9)


Vanishing forest desertification scare,

Deplete underground water level hire,

New century begins holocaust meant,

Future looms terrible forest fires hint, (10)


Blizzard, storm, tsunami, inferno, add,

Red alert issued earth nature forward,

Plead humanity desperate appeal sick,

World of nations less contributes risk, (11)


Bitterest fight among countries n fuel,

Arm buildup continues hope not quell,

Divided globe animosities grow, by day,

Human race fast proceeds to May Day, (12)


Now or never, opportunity less surface,

Unity of world community must grace,

Disarm nuclear weapons foster amity,

Survival only a root ensure fraternity, (13)


Do or die, save human-race ultimate,

Save-earth secure nature promulgate,

Better late than never mankind decide,

Peril underestimate, best soon preside.  (14)






Thursday, August 12, 2021





 Mischievous-heart seeks neat pleasure,

Search paradise luxurious life treasure,

Mischief gold cloth food create, enamor,

Mind captures body enjoys egos clamor, (1)


Story-begins human love power glamor,

Believes body-is-life satisfaction secure,

Fate, little open gate of fortune intimate,

Seed of own action sprout communicate, (2)


Good deeds bring fare-result harvest nit,

Bountiful earth provide hard work greet,

In time plow soil, work, row seedy-plant,

Harvest in time come seasons supplant, (3)


Green corn field ripe to lustrous golden,

Human nature, watch time strictly even,

Opportunity rarely visit revisit not again,

Make late once run lifelong finds in vain, (4)


Driving mind alert initiates effort, control,

Lacunas negate, lacks lethargy fetch goal,

Wiser spirit simple peasant knows notice,

Generations inherit, experiences practice, (5)


Ah, look urban lives people search leisure,

Several way games betting mint pleasure

Easy life easy money multiply quickly all,

Hit jackpot, chit-fund provides n enthrall, (6)


Money asset goes away to lose everything,

Rich faces fate of rags curses luck vetting,

Focus spirit, inner ego wrought havoc nit,

Leisure comfort without work demand bit, (7)


Blames ill fate ill-luck miss fortune relate,

Furious state display quickly time dictate,

Reject funny discipline control rules time,

Begs another chance money on loan fine, (viii)


Inks canvas, not fiction reality permeate,

Every sphere of life, across ages, create,

Literate, intelligent, wiser, knowledgeable,

Commits blunder reject outright, trouble, (9)


Alone exhibit tension, anger, fear, sorrow,

Paradoxical, same life asks for tomorrow,

Long-life witnesses often family ruins nit,

Innocent children, find no future discreet, (10)


Human nature extends issues, indefinite,

Bitter arguments tread discussions fight,

Betting prosper vetting wiser cheating all,

Money spinning machine rolls right-stroll, (11)


Watch long arms-of-law n mute spectator,

Machine earns money human loses actor,

Money n money sweeter than honey sings,

Trees give fruit little bears money, brings, (12)


Human nature acts timely elephant walk,

Idle mind pack of dogs, follow-loudly bark,

Elephant; that looks behind not elephant,

The dog that never, barks not dog instant, (13)


Truth is truth; alter again, truth in motion,

Accept or reject stand, bone of contention.

Controversy never ends dust-storm gather,

Discussion clip progress, compromise never. (14)








Wednesday, August 11, 2021




Tussle humorous mind angry word,

Leaves no scope, argument forward,

Conceptions belief differs wide bare,

Often involves unsavory taste share, (1)


Nice, discussions calumniate nasty,

Outright rejection, progresses hasty,

Conflicts appear communities suffer,

Blocks entry of warring people safer, (2)


Cooperation diminish strange divide,

Adjacent neighborhood willfully side,

Take advantage of misunderstanding,

Rumors spread wildfire, frightening, (3)


Culprit neither people nor neighbors,

Crime-monger inflame, greet rumors,

Great people unite, surprise violence,

Small village riot spread city intense, (4)


False news purposefully spread glue,

Commuter officials market place clue,

Intelligent people, literate, experienced,

Support one side, condemn other red, (5)


Minor issue remote village discussion,

Now moves huge nation n commotion,

Great leaders messiah portray listens,

Bipartisan focus divergent views lens, (6)


Add colors shrewdly in house-of- law,

Bare chest tore paper happen, show,

Sessions washout little compromises,

Illiterate villagers to leader surprises, (7)


Shakes parliament simple rumor hit,

Great-medias succulent telecast neat,

Common-citizen holds head tight sigh,

Year pass issue lingers, progresses, cry, (viii)


Pointed finger direct ruler opposition,

Little admits, weather condemnation,

Protest, rallies occur, villages, capital,

Admirer critique comment n fanatical, (9)


Sum n substance, huge-exercises zero,

Quarrelsome village conflict win hero,

Quietly security watches frontier alert,

Police helpless commands silent inert, (10)


People sad spectator watch feels aloof,

Fallacy, lies, democracy without a roof,

Equality loses importance no freedom,

Right-to-speak misinterpreted random, (11)


Nation-suffers peace tranquility amiss,

Hijack progress suffer villager anguish,

Minor-difference results, total paralysis,

Nightmare wretch, people face hypnosis, (12)


Election time arrives, people in silence,

Canvassing fails, electorate’s resilience,

Media wizards fail professing outcome,

Largest population smooth voter home, (13)


Shine illiterate youth women combine,

Bites dust culprits face decisions fine,

Exercise mind votes heart own choice,

Voters press finger unequivocally yes. (14)








Tuesday, August 10, 2021





Thrilling youths accept challenge all,

Struggle-hard study difficult embroil,

Burn midnight lamp success sincere,

Determinations, focus mingles sheer,  (1)


Destination foreign shores education,

Dreams lifelong, passionate devotion,

Day of reckoning n brings good news,

Secures success reward degree muse, (2)


Extraordinary performances acclaim,

Offshore invitation reach live inflame,

Immense desires dream manifest best,

Degree highest award recognition test, (3)


Bon voyage arrival sudden life change,

The university new environment edge,

New life initiates study friendship like,

Teacher library hostel metropolis hike, (4)


Language lifestyle marvelous intimate,

Food, dress, demeanor, talk, intoxicate,

Hardship bear fruit reward fetches job,

Standard life apartments heartthrob, (5)


Revelation enamor succulent comfort,

Innovative mind attract applause but,

Affluence luxurious lifestyles n family,

Never hear imagined discover simply, (6)


Decade rolls ambitions fulfilled entice,

Entices not present yesteryears notice

Often heart search solace silence neat,

Solitudes life recluse to nature retreat, (7)


The soil, verdure forest hill, meadows,

Merges soul complete golden windows,

Wet earth scent fume rain drop cause,

Aromas spread sensuous limbs pause, (viii)


Season change blossoms colorful best,

Fragrance pervade, steal heart interest,

Enchants river winds morn dusk neat,

Heart allures alluvial soil find discreet, (9)


Flood tears disobey surprises sudden,

Why! Native soil gravitate eye moisten

Sacred-soil pulls reminiscence scratch,

Motherland most beautiful love match, (10)



Childhood, blood flesh soil nourished,

Golden cornfield inhale air flourished,

The dustbowl evening cloud cow herd,

Bells on neck ring fairylands absurd, (11)


Unambiguous village kids play amaze,

Distant memories entangle lives craze,

Sits alone amidst velvet grass field nit,

Recline sprawl limbs look skies intuit, (12)


Nights star-studded dark skies same,

Allure alluvial soil, childhood inflame,

Silent night n skies whisper universal,

Rebels heart to journey home enthrall, (13)


Intoxicate life impossible time embroil,

Lament soul home allures alluvial soil.

Calls homeland intense feeling capture,

Worlds-apart I discover stark-future. (14)





Monday, August 9, 2021






Quiet metropolis twilight encroach,

Smokes raise cloud lives approach,

Intoxicate aromas suburb sight nit,

Laborers return late, families greet, (1)


Spider nets narrow paths gleam-lit,

Happiness resides here joy discreet,

Incredible life mysterious smiles all,

Dirty faces invite eyes glint, enthrall, (2)


Small kids play trivial studies often,

Lotus from muddy pond rise notion,

Talent, courage, aspirations hidden,

Tiny-seed sprouts giant tree, smitten,   (3)


Inherits castes lower curse well bite,

Poor working-class n labors despite,

Blemish acquires nil struggles hard,

Cruel-fate by birth wins less reward, (4)


Money meager income deprive child,

Education, need money results yield,

Scholarship offer state people strive,

Education, game, sport, youth thrive, (5)


Free country ignore, color class faith,

Skill n performance treasures wealth,

Roots get nameless face obscure soul,

Trailblazer performances zenith goal, (6)


Career scales adhere, executive-post,

Achieves leadership visionary almost,

Inspires nation least forget root clear,

Glorious life inspires land, remember, (7)


Simple life, few cloths less asset gold,

Single soul inspires people best mold,

Clean-life disciplines strong, decisions,

Leads nation single-handed devotions,( viii)


Selfless service demeanors commoner,

Billion plus people elect, same winner,

Youths children learn lessons, dismay,

Where there is will there exist the way, (9)


Slum dweller leads billion people neat,

Astonishes, rich powerful feel discreet,

Never unique case nations witness all,

Lotus grows from muddy water recall, (10)


Hardship struggle endurance, courage,

Qualities extraordinary persons craze,

Power corrupts absolute power totally,

Gold, fame, applause corrupt ego tally, (11)


Unparallel spirit never influences ego,

Slum-dwellers charismatic smile agog,

Decimates deprivation discrimination,

National unity bolsters strong caution, (12)


Selfless service to people nation grows,

Peace progress essential dictate vows,

I once walk evening darkens slum gully,

Electric-feeling spread darkness wooly, (13)


Aromas intoxicate laughter permeates,

Human smile n depravity reciprocates,

Stays standstill in-dark, contemplate,

Motherland needs, poor-kid dominate.  (14)



Sunday, August 8, 2021





 Great nation billion people own,

Fascination imaginative, shown,

Myriad of ecstatic moments say,

Incredible achievements display, (1)


Courage love confluence exhibit,

Distrust suspicion hurt prohibit,

Fight bitter casteism faiths hide,

Vows, dismantle walls n preside, (2)


Great, efforts to remove illiteracy,

Educations add skill supremacy.

Violence, riot, protest, big news,

Demands leaders discuss huge, (3)


Quells anger, solutions discover,

Implements laws fast do ensure,

Education excels multifold field,

Peace progress hit targets yield, (4)


Shield secure frontier alert well,

Bravery supreme-sacrifice dwell,

Industry agriculture exceeds lot,

Peace satisfaction perform effort, (5)


Discover, innovate force multiply,

International recognition qualify,

Import, export trade secure gold,

Qualities the best promoter bold, (6)


Defense space explorations neat,

Adventure, a nation shines meet,

Alluvial landscape desert icecap,

Surrounds ocean mountain gap, (7)


Great rivers fertile soil influence,

Eon civilizations establish sense,

Widest-culture, rich ancient exist,

Numerous, language lifestyle list, (viii)


Century, under alien occupation,

Invaders colonial rules in motion,

Century brings slavery massacre,

Ancient monuments ruined pure, (9)


Miss people in chains sufferance,

Unity, struggles, freedom, chance,

Dedicate life sacrifice clean, serve,

National duty selfless all deserve, (10)


Independence August arrive well,

New vigor inspirations past quell,

Future hope celebrates brightest,

Immense belief and trusts invest, (11)


Unite billion plus hearts projects,

Bitter fights, doubt, anger rejects,

Good news Olympic result award,

Gold, silver, bronze, huge reward, (12)


News spread gold medal enjoy all,

Frenzy hilarious entire nation call,

Hype media daylong elaborate nit,

Great bonhomie visible light spirit, (13)


Across all sections of age n gender,

All class caste color merges sheer,

Dance sweet distribution match nit,

Bonhomie-visible extraordinary, lit.  (14)