Friday, August 13, 2021





Picture perfect panorama exclusive,

Nature paradise on earth pervasive,

Wonderful-landscape alluvial allure,

Resurrect human life from hell sure, (1)


Milling crowd violence chilling news,

Busy humdrum days unravel, huge,

Corona spread, invades cyclic order,

Perilous infection complexity severe, (2)


Recover weeks after problem lingers,

Confine community let cliff hangers,

Nation populous faces spontaneous,

Hundred vaccines solution onerous, (3)


Waves, number frighten curious nit,

Unpredictable-situation continue, hit,

Extend shutdown people suffer a lot,

Direct hit education kid youth worst, (4)


Hospital overburden oxygen vaccine,

Dying patients need lack both decline,

Children new victims need treatment,

People dissatisfied fume little content, (5)


Price index heavier burden angers all,

Tension trouble surplus less enthrall,

Search human conscience face terror,

Peace foremost indeed survive secure, (6)


Mounting deaths must stop, think all,

Wrath of nature pandemic well recall,

Eon human race face victim of infect,

Dreaded-virus not new mutate detect, (7)


Root-cause of danger nature depletes,

Extinction natural process life deletes,

Spit venom earth poisons air n water,

Human error, not minor but blunder, (viii)


Underestimate catastrophic climates,

Changes earth temperature activates,

Oceanic-water level rises fearful date,

Obliterate coastal ground tide threat, (9)


Vanishing forest desertification scare,

Deplete underground water level hire,

New century begins holocaust meant,

Future looms terrible forest fires hint, (10)


Blizzard, storm, tsunami, inferno, add,

Red alert issued earth nature forward,

Plead humanity desperate appeal sick,

World of nations less contributes risk, (11)


Bitterest fight among countries n fuel,

Arm buildup continues hope not quell,

Divided globe animosities grow, by day,

Human race fast proceeds to May Day, (12)


Now or never, opportunity less surface,

Unity of world community must grace,

Disarm nuclear weapons foster amity,

Survival only a root ensure fraternity, (13)


Do or die, save human-race ultimate,

Save-earth secure nature promulgate,

Better late than never mankind decide,

Peril underestimate, best soon preside.  (14)






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