Thursday, August 12, 2021





 Mischievous-heart seeks neat pleasure,

Search paradise luxurious life treasure,

Mischief gold cloth food create, enamor,

Mind captures body enjoys egos clamor, (1)


Story-begins human love power glamor,

Believes body-is-life satisfaction secure,

Fate, little open gate of fortune intimate,

Seed of own action sprout communicate, (2)


Good deeds bring fare-result harvest nit,

Bountiful earth provide hard work greet,

In time plow soil, work, row seedy-plant,

Harvest in time come seasons supplant, (3)


Green corn field ripe to lustrous golden,

Human nature, watch time strictly even,

Opportunity rarely visit revisit not again,

Make late once run lifelong finds in vain, (4)


Driving mind alert initiates effort, control,

Lacunas negate, lacks lethargy fetch goal,

Wiser spirit simple peasant knows notice,

Generations inherit, experiences practice, (5)


Ah, look urban lives people search leisure,

Several way games betting mint pleasure

Easy life easy money multiply quickly all,

Hit jackpot, chit-fund provides n enthrall, (6)


Money asset goes away to lose everything,

Rich faces fate of rags curses luck vetting,

Focus spirit, inner ego wrought havoc nit,

Leisure comfort without work demand bit, (7)


Blames ill fate ill-luck miss fortune relate,

Furious state display quickly time dictate,

Reject funny discipline control rules time,

Begs another chance money on loan fine, (viii)


Inks canvas, not fiction reality permeate,

Every sphere of life, across ages, create,

Literate, intelligent, wiser, knowledgeable,

Commits blunder reject outright, trouble, (9)


Alone exhibit tension, anger, fear, sorrow,

Paradoxical, same life asks for tomorrow,

Long-life witnesses often family ruins nit,

Innocent children, find no future discreet, (10)


Human nature extends issues, indefinite,

Bitter arguments tread discussions fight,

Betting prosper vetting wiser cheating all,

Money spinning machine rolls right-stroll, (11)


Watch long arms-of-law n mute spectator,

Machine earns money human loses actor,

Money n money sweeter than honey sings,

Trees give fruit little bears money, brings, (12)


Human nature acts timely elephant walk,

Idle mind pack of dogs, follow-loudly bark,

Elephant; that looks behind not elephant,

The dog that never, barks not dog instant, (13)


Truth is truth; alter again, truth in motion,

Accept or reject stand, bone of contention.

Controversy never ends dust-storm gather,

Discussion clip progress, compromise never. (14)








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