Sunday, August 8, 2021





 Great nation billion people own,

Fascination imaginative, shown,

Myriad of ecstatic moments say,

Incredible achievements display, (1)


Courage love confluence exhibit,

Distrust suspicion hurt prohibit,

Fight bitter casteism faiths hide,

Vows, dismantle walls n preside, (2)


Great, efforts to remove illiteracy,

Educations add skill supremacy.

Violence, riot, protest, big news,

Demands leaders discuss huge, (3)


Quells anger, solutions discover,

Implements laws fast do ensure,

Education excels multifold field,

Peace progress hit targets yield, (4)


Shield secure frontier alert well,

Bravery supreme-sacrifice dwell,

Industry agriculture exceeds lot,

Peace satisfaction perform effort, (5)


Discover, innovate force multiply,

International recognition qualify,

Import, export trade secure gold,

Qualities the best promoter bold, (6)


Defense space explorations neat,

Adventure, a nation shines meet,

Alluvial landscape desert icecap,

Surrounds ocean mountain gap, (7)


Great rivers fertile soil influence,

Eon civilizations establish sense,

Widest-culture, rich ancient exist,

Numerous, language lifestyle list, (viii)


Century, under alien occupation,

Invaders colonial rules in motion,

Century brings slavery massacre,

Ancient monuments ruined pure, (9)


Miss people in chains sufferance,

Unity, struggles, freedom, chance,

Dedicate life sacrifice clean, serve,

National duty selfless all deserve, (10)


Independence August arrive well,

New vigor inspirations past quell,

Future hope celebrates brightest,

Immense belief and trusts invest, (11)


Unite billion plus hearts projects,

Bitter fights, doubt, anger rejects,

Good news Olympic result award,

Gold, silver, bronze, huge reward, (12)


News spread gold medal enjoy all,

Frenzy hilarious entire nation call,

Hype media daylong elaborate nit,

Great bonhomie visible light spirit, (13)


Across all sections of age n gender,

All class caste color merges sheer,

Dance sweet distribution match nit,

Bonhomie-visible extraordinary, lit.  (14)







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