Monday, September 6, 2021




Mysterious human life entices,

Notion well practice, practices,

Leaves noisy crowd walk alone,

Faces sorrow pain heart-stone, (1)


Endurance touch limit, decent,

Trouble approach, feel patient,

Forget past, never allow stalks,

Agonies mistake life less-sulks, (2)


Keep equanimity failure lesson,

Problem surface life in caution,

Experience skill wisdom, guide,

Success checks pride, preside, (3)


Future distant horizon witness,

Thought little engross impress,

Present grab hand less fortune,

Harness razor-sharp opportune, (4)


Let not miss once, never return,

Adhere principles forget mourn,

Waste not precious time utilize,

 Feel, idle mind devil’s paradise, (5)


Silence observe, tight lip insight,

Word mindless slip sword fright,

Inflicts heart wound never heal,

Revenge anger insults fuel, kill, (6)


Less talkative best, hate gossip,

Bad-company keep aloof n reap,

Addiction creeps slowly capture,

Minor major converge disaster, (7)


Deadliest sin depression realize,

Win health body fitness precise,

Resilience nature acquires most,

Survival instincts n balance cost, (viii)


Thorough practices during, time,

Crucial winning factor life define,

Narrate lifelong experience prone,

Dire poverty life wins walk alone, (9)


Hungry stomach money-less life,

Struggles often face bitter strife,

Higher education dreaming neat,

Midnight lamp burns fate defeat, (10)


Scholarship leads, spirit educate,

Friend very few at times indicate,

Little reveal my past fear laughter,

Fact or fictions silver edge muster, (12)


Discard fate fortune myth eagerly,

Destiny birth gets equality clearly,

Language, gift of soil people, gold,

Travel cover life learn lesson mold, (13)


Narrate rainbows of lives distinct,

Educations nature softness, hint,

Mind, discriminate best good-bad,

Never let my life down surface sad, (14)


Knows mystic hues bubbles burst,

Human life short, write pens trust,

Ripe age notices stone heart melt,

Start-of-journey destination, felt, (15)


Contemplates lifelong, motivation,

Lonely-path twilight, I walk alone.

Bitter truth bites, assimilate easy,

Morality attracts ethics nit crazy. (16)










Saturday, September 4, 2021





Detached passion collects precious,

Peace priceless laughter humorous,

Least, pay attention to pain, sorrow,

Hope, bright-sun shines tomorrow, (1)


Wheel of life roll, boulders pit block,

Aware time reaches clears and sock,

Listens to distant cries, pleads help,

Hearts know well within dark-shape, (2)


Suffering soul in prison hungry neat,

Cripples poverty illiteracy devil greet,

Weeps burning heart thirsty desires,

Fail to salvage, torture pray inspires, (3)


Convince conscience quit temptation,

Desire quicksand suit emancipation,

Marvels, ocean-of-life pearl in-scatter,

Chose among pebbles feel life better, (4)


Priceless freely collect wisdom locate,

Family, friend, relative, neighbor, relate,

Marvelous guesthouse acts pretend,

Father mother wife husband intend, (5)


Son daughter arrives, time to depart,

Disappear images slowly feel, impact,

Find again lonely road before, travels,

Where it began, where to end swivels, (6)


Unknown sojourn, nameless identity,

Get images shapes human’s insanity,

Cruelty little touch heart greed rules,

Exploits thousand innocent n mules, (7)


What gain achieve gold power please,

Pick empty road again empties tease,

Clouds offense sin dark, nights I fear,

Results stalk ghost, terrify fright near, (viii)


No one listens to heart-rending cries,

Find devil inhabits within me lo’ lies,

Hypocrisy guise shrewd nature prick,

Detachment clears darkness nit trick, (9)


Where I begin, restart again, vow firm,

Never use tongue no humiliate harm,

Realize transience fallen feather airs,

Buoyant soul mere void, limb spares, (10)


Mortal frame merges with matter nit,

Time decides lifetime curtain discreet,

Use tongues soothe act healing heart,

Remembers mysterious realms intact, (11)


Eternal noble nature love compassion,

Departure hurts people teary-emotion,

Best possession soul carries tributes,

Inks candlelight burns all attributes, (12)


Age lit solitary moments contemplate,

Dissect dirt wipe out hideous retaliate,

Amazes revolt weak body angry action,

Fails, pacify heart antagonize ambition, (13)


Burns candle bright lighted emanates,

Removes mistake wisdom precipitates,

Silent-night life sleep candle glimmer,

At dawn go out like a light rise, never,  (14)










 Mysteries visible, rarely sketch,

Relief profound surreal n fetch,

Decade, of bloodshed unknown,

Unknown bitterest war, reason, (1)


Continental apart soldier suffer,

Supreme sacrifice fight obscure,

Unknown grave left behind, nit,

Sad, mortal remain never meet, (2)


Leave hopes crosses, ocean home,

Call of duty future little caution,

Far-off bright past n birthplace,

Loves motherland accepts grace, (3)


Immaculate dress pride prudent,

Military uniform conveys decent,

Saves motherland fight, stronger,

Supreme sacrifice nation secure, (4)


Forsakes family parent cries kid,

Nation appeals desperately need,

Rigorous training lesson absorb,

Deadly machines rattled, superb, (5)


Spitfire ignites mind furious life,

Search eliminate steady nit strife,

Young heart passionately adores,

Accept cancellation of leave roars, (6)


Everything in name, of protection,

Save nation spare life bold notion,

Puzzle spirit unknown territories,

Little challenges nation’s worries, (7)


Dispatch brute force fights futile,

Youngblood spill, remorse defile,

Faceless-enemies invisible attack,

Contemplates soldier net barrack, (viii)


Save those less respect nit return,

Duty in question dies, less mourn,

Stark void, empty look, sob sketch,

Great nation hollow reason wretch, (9)


Thousand times future sinks total,

Alien-nation less-records immortal,

Mercenary, mission, allies, matter,

Heart sinks to know tells occupier, (10)


Seethe parent family nation strike,

Bring our your future utter dislike,

Surrenders purpose objects defeat,

Flight after flight troop return neat, (11)


Death spitting machine graveyard,

Bitter war fetch win, verses coward,

Sum-total of massacre death ends,

Rise snake of horror time pretends, (12)


Freedom lost or independence best,

Million people flee, crowds cry test,

Left last son-of-soil bade adieu free,

Death on alien-soil feel moot spree, (13)


Forgets world macabre sights total,

Lies under grave decade fill mortal,

Enemies sleep together prick mind,

Let humanity searches path n find, (14)


Agonies of a people meet full circle,

Same-threat persist powerful triple,

Centuries longest-war result tirade,

Ponder world nit epitaph-of-decade. (15)









 Unknown-child grows worlds entice,

Remote-corner of nation apprentice,

Excellent performance sports-habit,

School college state sport all exhibit, (1)


Competitions win, applauds spectator,

Poor life lack education hunts victor,

Year, pass grows young work, labor,

Burden-of-family poverty chain pure, (2)


Extraordinary performance in sport,

National teams engage offer rapport,

Indomitable spirit surge gold hanker,

Instant help overwhelm stand backer, (3)


Years of extraordinary practice best,

Family far-off suffers emotions test,

Pride for nation burns, sacrifice well,

Do or die principles firm sport-quell, (4)


Forget pathos humiliation born nail,

Dedicates every tissue blood prevail,

Travel over nation train harder clear,

National-sport support training bear, (5)


Events bring accolade sports records,

Gold silver bronze medals nit affords,

Highlight news people praise success,

National-pride simmers, vein excess, (6)


Determine to bring glories-for-nation,

Olympic gold n stands among billion,

Nation discovers household name nit,

Inspires budding sport-stars every bit, (7)


Fame glamor accompany fluent sight,

Crowd puller intoxicates charm right,

Ambiguous ambition n decline sheer,

Time erases glory authority insincere, (viii)


Forgets fast enough, jubilations wish,

Contribution, donation n prizes miss,

Media forget sport-person n quickly,

Encounters face-to-face greet meekly, (9)


People memory very-short event troll,

Instant news pours every second call,

Warmth-of-nation people decline cool,

Realize great sport-person, wonderful, (10)


Asset, of poor human gold with chain,

Back to remote village laborious gain,

Nature’s product soul merges exotic,

Poor family least understand ecstatic, (11)


Never could realize, gold medal much,

Nation’s glory, record, less wins touch,

Family get mentor of sweet home hail,

Never expect nation pay pouring mail, (12)


Cultivation brings meager income nit,

Forget glorious past of youth discreet,

Accept life afford well family neighbor,

Prime pleasure unknown world sheer, (13)


Occasional tribute reaches post hurt,

Self-dignity shattered ambition escort,

Bottles up pain sorrows neatly-smiles,

Innocence accept easily win lifestyles, (14)


History national icon award in breath,

Decorates grave embellish the wreath,

Inspires forever, silvery feet intimate,

Mysterious life, prick conscience late! (15)






Wednesday, September 1, 2021




 For whom heart cries fruitless,

Dogma ancient darks depress,

Dark spot moon hires witness,

Spoils enchanting beauty less, (1)


Unknown mysterious universe,

Black-spot fix beauty, of course,

Less trivial important message,

Creation bestow feminine craze, (2)


Scintillates beauty magic spell,

Smoothness unparallel prevail,

Soothing voice steals anger all,

Smile captivate heart, enthrall, (3)


Laughter erases doubt, love nit,

Sparkling eyes speaks discreet,

Speaks unspoken volume deep,

Depth of ocean hurt lives weep, (4)


Accumulates infinite pain born,

Born with offspring less mourn,

Female strength imbibes sheer,

Bottle up sorrows protects sure, (5)


Almighty accords responsibility,

Creation grows in womb ability,

Nine months human rest clear,

Grows limbs organs nit secure, (6)


Blood n flesh nourishes babies,

Once born to soil, love lullabies,

Mother’s milk child gets strong,

Exist paradox humiliate throng, (7)


Almighty mightiest prefer, silent,

His name nit condone, resilient,

Page of life black n white vogue,

Womanhood question prologue, (viii)


Inferior species bear curse stalk,

Giving birth destiny honor sulk,

Best fit menial works, confines,

Behind wall best suitable lines, (9)


Within four walls, torture define,

Sorrow humiliation pain incline,

Betrays womanhood, humanity,

Human natures pristine, sanity, (10)


Selfish, greed n ego confluences,

Evil dogma rides sins influences

Add poverty, ignorance, anger, nit,

Disappears woman right deplete, (11)


Conscience, challenge conception,

Hypocrisy, motherland-is-nation,

Confine mother reflection ponder,

Motherland in chain feel blunder, (12)


Sufferance, of female spirits alike,

Treachery of sacred lands dislike,

Embodiment, of love, compassion,

Reality says mirror caged pigeon, (13)


Curse womanhood n motherland,

Cursed people, earth desert sand,

Barren infertile ferocious nature,

Question human intellect terror, (14)


Mother’s freedom equality steals,

Mother symbol peace dove heals,

Sick mind incurable trots legion,

Hearts cry angelic caged pigeon. (15)


Plead mankind survival essence,

May white doves fly high hence,,

True independence establish neat,

Equality of girl child future tilt. (16)