Showing posts with label WALK ALONE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WALK ALONE. Show all posts

Monday, September 6, 2021




Mysterious human life entices,

Notion well practice, practices,

Leaves noisy crowd walk alone,

Faces sorrow pain heart-stone, (1)


Endurance touch limit, decent,

Trouble approach, feel patient,

Forget past, never allow stalks,

Agonies mistake life less-sulks, (2)


Keep equanimity failure lesson,

Problem surface life in caution,

Experience skill wisdom, guide,

Success checks pride, preside, (3)


Future distant horizon witness,

Thought little engross impress,

Present grab hand less fortune,

Harness razor-sharp opportune, (4)


Let not miss once, never return,

Adhere principles forget mourn,

Waste not precious time utilize,

 Feel, idle mind devil’s paradise, (5)


Silence observe, tight lip insight,

Word mindless slip sword fright,

Inflicts heart wound never heal,

Revenge anger insults fuel, kill, (6)


Less talkative best, hate gossip,

Bad-company keep aloof n reap,

Addiction creeps slowly capture,

Minor major converge disaster, (7)


Deadliest sin depression realize,

Win health body fitness precise,

Resilience nature acquires most,

Survival instincts n balance cost, (viii)


Thorough practices during, time,

Crucial winning factor life define,

Narrate lifelong experience prone,

Dire poverty life wins walk alone, (9)


Hungry stomach money-less life,

Struggles often face bitter strife,

Higher education dreaming neat,

Midnight lamp burns fate defeat, (10)


Scholarship leads, spirit educate,

Friend very few at times indicate,

Little reveal my past fear laughter,

Fact or fictions silver edge muster, (12)


Discard fate fortune myth eagerly,

Destiny birth gets equality clearly,

Language, gift of soil people, gold,

Travel cover life learn lesson mold, (13)


Narrate rainbows of lives distinct,

Educations nature softness, hint,

Mind, discriminate best good-bad,

Never let my life down surface sad, (14)


Knows mystic hues bubbles burst,

Human life short, write pens trust,

Ripe age notices stone heart melt,

Start-of-journey destination, felt, (15)


Contemplates lifelong, motivation,

Lonely-path twilight, I walk alone.

Bitter truth bites, assimilate easy,

Morality attracts ethics nit crazy. (16)