Showing posts with label EMBELLISH WREATH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EMBELLISH WREATH. Show all posts

Saturday, September 4, 2021





 Unknown-child grows worlds entice,

Remote-corner of nation apprentice,

Excellent performance sports-habit,

School college state sport all exhibit, (1)


Competitions win, applauds spectator,

Poor life lack education hunts victor,

Year, pass grows young work, labor,

Burden-of-family poverty chain pure, (2)


Extraordinary performance in sport,

National teams engage offer rapport,

Indomitable spirit surge gold hanker,

Instant help overwhelm stand backer, (3)


Years of extraordinary practice best,

Family far-off suffers emotions test,

Pride for nation burns, sacrifice well,

Do or die principles firm sport-quell, (4)


Forget pathos humiliation born nail,

Dedicates every tissue blood prevail,

Travel over nation train harder clear,

National-sport support training bear, (5)


Events bring accolade sports records,

Gold silver bronze medals nit affords,

Highlight news people praise success,

National-pride simmers, vein excess, (6)


Determine to bring glories-for-nation,

Olympic gold n stands among billion,

Nation discovers household name nit,

Inspires budding sport-stars every bit, (7)


Fame glamor accompany fluent sight,

Crowd puller intoxicates charm right,

Ambiguous ambition n decline sheer,

Time erases glory authority insincere, (viii)


Forgets fast enough, jubilations wish,

Contribution, donation n prizes miss,

Media forget sport-person n quickly,

Encounters face-to-face greet meekly, (9)


People memory very-short event troll,

Instant news pours every second call,

Warmth-of-nation people decline cool,

Realize great sport-person, wonderful, (10)


Asset, of poor human gold with chain,

Back to remote village laborious gain,

Nature’s product soul merges exotic,

Poor family least understand ecstatic, (11)


Never could realize, gold medal much,

Nation’s glory, record, less wins touch,

Family get mentor of sweet home hail,

Never expect nation pay pouring mail, (12)


Cultivation brings meager income nit,

Forget glorious past of youth discreet,

Accept life afford well family neighbor,

Prime pleasure unknown world sheer, (13)


Occasional tribute reaches post hurt,

Self-dignity shattered ambition escort,

Bottles up pain sorrows neatly-smiles,

Innocence accept easily win lifestyles, (14)


History national icon award in breath,

Decorates grave embellish the wreath,

Inspires forever, silvery feet intimate,

Mysterious life, prick conscience late! (15)