Friday, November 5, 2021





Captures sight paper boat sail,

Imagination allot thoughts fail,

Negotiate stream rapidly move,

Little, sink passes swirls prove, (1)


Carries fantasy shapes, sailors,

Defeat current surface trailers,

Move far marshy water harbor,

Wait, indefinite stagnant water, (2)


Discover, wet paper -boat sink,

Carries happiness, farther link,

Innocent childhood fun replay,

Human life imitate, all display, (3)


Body, resemble paper-boat like,

Floats on ocean-of-life n strike,

Face current beneath n swirls,

Afloat, paper boat nit whirls, (4)


Turbulence encounters neatly,

Recovers get, stable distinctly,

Carry creator’s happiness well,

Voyage human life glory detail, (5)


Never sink faces troubles, pain,

Discovers, path survives again,

Journey long enough ends test,

Meet ocean ultimate, sink, best, (6)


Alert eyes child smile laughter,

Lord’s creations human secure,

Intensely observes divine sight,

World notice mass prayer right, (7)


Observes Lord like-child, a boat,

Watch n amuses human effort,

Discover human ingenuity nit,

Find, essentially solution greet, (viii)


Face obstructions quite evade,

Knowledge perseverance wade,

Defeat hatred, jealousy n anger,

Peace, keep body-light stronger, (9)


Desires water least wets frame,

Life paper boat sails play, game,

Game of life resemble kid’s play,

Pleasure sorrow mingle display, (10)


Child’s hearts Lord wish allure

Transience establish nit mirror,

Minute’s pleasures, child forget,

Creates another paper boat wait, (11)


Lord’s abode earth-paradise like,

Mirage manifest life again strike,

Anew paper boats sail, manifest,

Differs seasons rains come best, (12)


Time demarcate ages child find,

Plays again paper boats rewind,

Lord plays, differs intention wait,

Revolution age witness intimate, (13)


Refines mind discard ignorance,

Lesson nature earth endurance,

Paper symbols of knowledge sail,

Folds of knowledge boat unravel, (14)


Stagnant water harbor boat best,

Life finds harbor in silence quest,

Still-water reflect, paper boat well,

Perceive soul creator’s image tell, (15)


Solitude silence find, mind travel,

Link paper boat soul creator ravel.

Life mysterious ponders creation,

Simple paper boat, explain motion. (16)







Thursday, November 4, 2021




Rise O soul from darkness dense,

Quit slumber awaken spirits sense,

Let, billion-life realize land ancient,

Tradition, lamp light bright decent, (1)


Fades ignorance, vice, evil practice,

Enlighten heart attains purity nice,

Sing invisible creator His glory rise,

Here festival of night praise precise, (2)


Song spreads love pure serves land,

Fate deprive people need help hand,

Poor, destitute, jobless, sick, sound,

Celebrate, Diwali cheerful profound, (3)


Creator lives never mean temple nit,

Heart, poor sick orphan kid explicit,

Abode of Lord, handicap, aged feel,

Diwali season wish serve pains heal, (4)


Hunger painful than death alleviate,

Goddess prosperity let less alienate,

Night worship prosperity, let equal,

Lands belong to rich, poor, parallel, (5)


Life precious let sufferer feel solace,

Occasion Diwali night clear morass,

Soil, length, and breadth rejuvenate,

Offer bountiful grain hunger satiate, (6)


People caste, creed, color, unite feel,

Lamp-lighted darkness defeats heal,

Ends bitterness rivalry quarrel total,

Shorter human life yet ego mortal, (7)


Fraternity understanding night seal,

Land burst cracker, sign victory feel,

Victory over division faction distrust,

Celebrations least understood, burst, (viii)


Solemn promises nation unites right,

Spread community goodwill delight,

Suspicion hatred doubt never exist,

Communal bonhomie, love care hit, (9)


Progress, touch hinterland prosper,

Festival night light village, whisper,

Future of Nation children educate,

Education,  health, youth adequate (10)


Equals cherish liberty from poverty,

True craze liberty, freedom, property,

Celebrate Diwali, sing O’ soul song,

Otherwise sing meaningless wrong, (11)


Let chorus-citizen take oath unite,

Defeat slavery from poverty, ignite,

Rise O soul, from darkness dense,

Quit slumber awaken spirit sense, (12)


Eradicate illness, illiteracy totality,

Let dismantle curse untouchability,

Establish freedom for womanhood,

Equal right for girl child land good, (13)


Goddess of prosperity be daughter,

Festive Diwali night n her laughter,

Cracker celebrate sky bright spark,

Daughter eye sparkle joyous stark, (14)


Today, a daughter next motherland,

Ageless epitome decorates garland.

Lamp-lit eyes sparkle, glints smile,

Diwali time disappear fear hostile. (15)







Wednesday, November 3, 2021






Childhood reminds enthusiasms,

Pulsates growing heart, rhythms,

Search incessant pleasure allure,

Least consider consequence, fear, (1)


Rebellious mind slips control top,

Friend circle intoxicates, envelop,

Thrill fun adolescence fuels right,

Guardian watchful parental fight, (2)


Check surging young spirit defile,

Warning consolations duly instill,

Check temptations sadly attempt,

Devote spirit on studies contempt, (3)


Message from friends feel escape,

Mingle with friend roam in shape,

Mother obstructs again, requests,

Dear, exam nearer, fare interests, (4)


Good result success allows spirit,

Roam not street world over meet,

Let exam become best effort sail,

Shadow success career, find rail, (5)


Victorious life gets admiration fit,

Respect prosperity adulate, greet,

Failures without effort n depress,

Depression a curse fight harness, (6)


Shame guilt, little rectify mistake,

Age never return-back for correct,

Her soft-word trenchant witticism,

Still remember clearly, real-prism, (7)


Today success bewitch spirit well,

Advice sours interest childish yell,

Confined to home, felt crestfallen,

Elderly warning hurt well shaken, (viii)


Threats fasting refuse touch book,

Bemuse trenchant witticism hook,

Adulthood remember clear-tactics,

Went everything in favor, statistics, (9)


Higher education, top post satisfy,

Friend circle still invite soul, defy,

Age awakens, childhood mischief,

Surprises human life yet disbelief, (10)


Realize competitive world survives,

Watch friend turn dropout revives,

Yesteryears friend today’s foes feel,

Bitter rivalry competition to reveal, (11)


Listens to trenchant criticism hurt,

Tearful speak less silence bit effort,

Flood emotions tender age fun tell,

Mother’s advice how correct-detail, (12)


Parental guidance transforms cure,

Anger grudge remind feel behavior,

World trotter genteel polite ponder,

Refuse cycle tour see smile mother, (14)


Father trenchant criticism boon lit,

Scolded so often, naughty life guilt,

Grace their watchful eyes defense,

Feel scrutiny moral love immense, (15)


Love beyond realms let hypnotism,

Savors dearly, trenchant criticism,

Worship parent elder once disobey,

Foresee kid’s future reality dismay.  (16)





Tuesday, November 2, 2021




Incredible stadium bowl overflows,

Exotic scintillation moment blows,

Thousand get mad, shouts uproar,

Sports attract heart shrieks furor, (1)


Each movement, game encourage,

Winning factors swing, life craze,

City hinterland news shakes neat,

Events travel worldwide wins feat, (2)


Highlight the noise empathetic fit,

Doomsday minute strikes exhibit,

Empty stadium silent surreal feel,

Unknown fear pervades event kill, (3)


Let lives travel, watch nature well,

Huge lake pristine beauty joy fuel,

Million birds chirping noisy exotic,

Flora fauna lush green n hypnotic, (4)


Surround dense forest animal life,

River waterfall attract, erase strife,

Recluses forest villas scenic place,

Million crowd watch nature grace, (5)


Vanishing forest dry riverbeds hit,

Huge lake turn parched land writ,

Sandstorms life red soil cloud nit,

Leave only sand-dunes life defeat, (6)


Extinct, birds, animal living-being,

Cast emptiness solitude let swing,

Hot winds blow sight create fears,

Where huge crowds melted, tears, (7)


Protest, life reject outright simple,

Ever last-minute strike impossible,

Metro world famous million dwell,

Busiest urban life energetic swell, (viii)


Ultramodern features glamorous,

People look, wealthy prosperous,

Portray affluence economy much,

Affects world business life, lurch, (9)


Dreams break to realities shatter,

Look, vehicles motionless scatter,

Highways highrise building stare,

Ruins horrify n heart fails, aware, (10)


Busiest metro chimney fumes nil,

Industries cast ghostly image feel,

Silence howling Halloween notion,

Where have gone huge population, (11)


No sign of life, ghost city happen,

 Real; Last-minute strike awaken,

Emerald island n pacific paradise,

Golden beach blue ocean surprise, (12)


Travelers converge, dream of lives,

Astonish never exist map believes,

One-half degree temp rise submerge,

Alas, island, undersea reality emerge, (13)


Doomsday last-minute rings test,

How could happen so soon, quest,

This century, the last one inquires,

This century may never last, hires, (14)


Cause of possible calamities guess,

Known lingering silence depresses.

Breaking point earth nature faces,

Well-known to mankind disgraces… (15)





Monday, November 1, 2021






Overwhelm scintillating thought,

Calm mind pacify fear draught,

Happy feels succulent pleasure,

Romance dream procreate pure, (1)


Nice living-form takes shape nit,

Engages in rhythmic dance feet,

Amid heavenly nature savor feel,

Disbelieve, quietude beauty reel, (2)


Green velvet meadows glisten lit,

Female dear twin kids play greet,

Mother loves noticeable message,

Tiny creatures read well n craze, (3)


Bond divine primeval exists soft,

Link mother-child life stay, aloft,

Encompass universal truth well,

Blood transmits, species prevail, (4)


Further fuel contemplate genus,

Procreation protect job, onerous,

Careful months, guide baby roll,

Infinite caution secure safety all, (5)


Ferocious animal stalks wit, save,

Short lifetime mother dear wave,

Primeval link phenomenal sight,

Lioness mends cub, play delight, (6)


Womb fascinate deep significant,

Creation amazes similar instant,

Generates future n hope species,

Grows cub in wombs time varies, (7)


The blood instincts nature, write,

Secret, of lives, transmit n bright,

Evolutions sharpen survival feat,

Deer remains same, lions repeat, (viii)


Mysterious genome develop-full,

Primeval nature, mother nit rule,

Invariable, mother’s womb state,

Human to lowest living form net, (9)


Phenomenal womb births create,

Similar function attribute, relate.

Primeval function human differs,

Heart shrink surrogacy fit refers, (10)


Test tube perform prenatal miss,

Extinction distinct possible kiss,

Living species on-verge declines,

Mother growing babies declines, (11)


Flowers silently depict story feel,

Disappears million varieties seal,

Vanishes seed time notices quiet,

Human opt artificial tools threat, (12)


Eon motherly love instinctive ill,

Fail nature transmission reveal,

Alter function primeval pollutes,

Demonic form, frighten evolutes, (13)


Lost paradise, nature vanishing,

Hostile earth looms n disturbing,

Green velvet meadows glisten lit,

Female dear twin kids play greet, (14)


Threads heart peaks again, ivory,

Tantalizing thoughts float silvery,

Distant future artificial insecure,

Mother-nature missing, creature, (15)


Primeval love womb n disappear,

Exist; hide surface primeval, fear,

Fear extinction nearer soul guess,

Scintillating why tear depresses? (16)