Wednesday, August 24, 2022





Youth visits spirit was like a deer,

Restless, I was running madly,

Impatient to satiate curiosity running,

Brimming energy, able limbs,

Eyes alert, endless, insatiable hunger,

Mingling with people enjoying company,

Allure fun, laughter, group song, dances,

Festive seasons celebrate mood travels,

Mirth visible watch the celebratory crowd,

Forget pain, miseries, fever, hunger,

Effulgent happiness floods festival over,

Ears hooked to the occasion, memory stays,

Sang my life song of life felt pleasure,

Unlimited wanting heart small enough,

Throbbing goaded rebellious to be calm,

Running in the day at night disobeyed,

Never listened to elders searching my world,

Beautiful youth springing to challenge,

Meet future plunder wealth at my will,

Wealth was my strength, health, vitality,

Successful in a study made life good,

Settled family life adulthood socking,

Never thought, suffering these days a lot,

Sapping inner strength diminishing energy,

Weak I got feverish, medicine fails,

Unknown disease bed ridden delirious,

Blanks mind thinks next dawn far,

Limbs tramble, cold, reason failing,

Bedridden, dark in my room, light hurts,

Closed windows, air fail to tolerate,

Thinking my youth, vitality superb,

Sickness stole my life, still stealing hope,

Desperately wait, night endless,

Absent sleep, worried, tensed mind,

What will happen tomorrow, ever recover?

May I see tomorrow’s dawn sun rays?

Inhale fresh air lungful, watch healing,

Exertion, fatigue, tension culprit,

Sleeplessness, worried life, waiting for the end,

Culprit myself, not my fate or destiny,

Ran for gold, blindly I ran, minted,

Hard work, the family lost me, now I think,

Workaholic, I shall get success,

Complete projects got applause, ovation,

Melted everything today into thin air,

Plead my darling to recluse soon,

Disclosed my wish to her, let me die,

Let me die amidst nature, I request,

Soul mingles with wind wilds gets freedom,

Dreaming greens, meadows, waterfall,

Dreaming forest canopy of fog thick,

Disappear within trees flowery,

Sleep on a velvet grass field, wildflower,

Colorful wildflower for a day fragrant,

Smiling knows tomorrow is too far,

Fallen flower, my spirit, matching,

My beloved with me, in a wheelchair,

Kept my request, hill station here,

We are roaming within nature,

Miraculous recovery, healing silence,

Clean air, the freshness of life abundant,

Comparing me to a wildflower,

Delirious unreal happiness overwhelms.

Delirious state in a dark room, forget,

I realized like never before.


@ Bijayananda Mishra



Tuesday, August 23, 2022




Touch miraculously golden electric,

The youth arrived, fascinated heartthrobs,

Heart revolted these days mind wild,

Sneaking rebellious spirit seeking a touch,

Touching soft grass transcendental,

Softness, of bosoms of a woman equal,

Bridal nature so alluring enticed,

Budding youth, I preferred recluse,

Midst of forest, grassy fields invited,

Squatted on the field, watched wildflowers,

Enjoyed executive beauty, color, fragrance,

At dawn, slept on velvety grass, bathing in rays,

Dews decorating grass leaves reflecting,

Gems shining white in a sea of green,

Clouds dazzle with sunlight sailing,

Blue sky, green earth, birds noisy,

Unexplained heart chirpy seeking paradise,

Aware now youthful spirit searched,

Wanted to plunder sensual pleasure,

A murmur of the brook transparent,

Refracting sunrays plays a game of light,

Crisscross rocky bed, wet, mossy,

First time felt love similar to a brook,

Undisciplined, grumbling mind,

Matched like a book murmuring,

Circling rocks like rules got path,

Flowed from mischief heart, I ran,

I was running through the meadows,

Disappeared in thick mist, wet limbs,

Playing with the beauty of the beach, waves,

Golden beach, lonely passed day,

The blue sea and bright sky, expanse of beach,

Artificial castaway, alone on the beach,

Discovered luxury of life got happiness,

Peace was my abode, pleasure foliage,

First touch, my love, I got speechless,

You were the first woman in life,

In contact, felt wildflowers, my darling,

Blossoming fragrant swaying freely,

Resembled as if smiling, love smiled,

Choked to express feeling shied,

Eyes sparkled, love, sifting glances,

A found transparent water of the brook,

Shifting refracted sunrays sparkled,

Your smiles, like glazing gems on dews,

Black hair long, wavy, a poem,

My ecstasy, I was comparing charms,

Attractive soft voice soothing like leaves,

Gentle breeze playing music in trees,

Dreaming first time darling, saw lust,

Drinking that day, charming presence,

Wanted to hug you like the trunk of a tree,

With a profusion of flowers fragrance,

Cool shade, a place near you I found,

I found dear a home our lives entwined,

I felt like a tree you encircled like a creeper,

Your love match, as if jasmine,

Acutely aromatic, tranquilized limbs,

Unresponsive to pain, torture, hurt,

Unresponsive to discrimination, insult,

Unresponsive to scorn, hatred, cruelty,

I found a sweet home in our world,

Where love exists, united we tolerate,

Sharing is a divine gift your care rejuvenates,

Unresponsive to growing age, life won.


@ Bijayananda Mishra


Sunday, August 21, 2022





Conscience goads, please speak,

Please speak fearless woes, agony,

Life gets tortured, not always deserved,

Silence invites exploitation rudely,

Accommodation quality of humans,

Tolerance, cooperation, true nature,

Misinterpreted often by con, wicked,

Takes advantage, a spirit in dark laughs,

Self-committed crimes, mistakes, sins,

Imposes innocent to admit crimes,

Simplicity believing soul get entrapped,

Exposed, causing mischief falsely,

Protesting heart witnessed confess,

Human life faces complexity suddenly,

Unexpected moments happen,

Pasting a crime, sinful, on the forehead,

Unaware of misdeed tagged culprit,

Escape silently, the criminal plays innocent,

The drama of life, society witness daily,

Life shattered, family ruined sadly,

Untrue, a person ever involved in crime,

Law pending over decades, slow,

Life imprisoned without crime lingers,

I knew many cases burning example,

Educated, poor,  a person fails to defend,

Believes community dissociates suspicious,

None listen to cries of innocent, keep aloof,

Uncertain future for a family, outcast,

Humiliated children in school,

Taunted as a thief, murderer’s child,

Rented house, the owner throws out,

Only earning member in jail, life begs,

Do not be sad several, not one or two,

Criminals get powerful, commit easily,

Supports society, police, law delays,

Justice delayed, justice fails, a paradox,

Deny investigation, accused cries,

Civilized society knows incidents, sleep,

Witness to incidence, telling police,

Start getting threats, life insecure,

Underworld exists, parallel rule,

Truth is buried, crime exists openly,

Silently fear, gentle civilian watch,

Never discuss the topic, says ignorant,

A cowered heart never could dare,

But heartening to know that brave exists,

Investigative media person searches,

Years peruse documents, paper collects,

Criminal fears media, escalate, reveals,

Media faceless, dimension different,

Expedite legal procedure, thwart delay,

Records genuine voices from dark,

Unscrupulous people narrate an incident,

Name culprit, explain offense detail,

Anonymously tells in fearless voice facts,

Saves life in prison, innocent sees freedom,

United with devastated family,

Questions, society civilized, conscience,

Brazen-faced leader hides the face,

Never admit knowledge of a crime,

Powerful commit blunders,

Never let fearless voice openly,

Conscience alarmingly failed. 


@ Bijayananda Mishra



Saturday, August 20, 2022




The first cry to this world lighted,

Read speak human child practices,

Mother tongue illiterate can speak,

Never attends class cannot read books,

Cannot write but observe in detail,

Can express speaking observations,

Can discuss with people all wants,

Can narrate events people gossip about,

Can sing prayers Bhajans create,

Education wisdom enable human,

Speaking gift of creator outlet for the soul,

Speak heart feeling, the mind tells desire,

Analyzing intelligent life speaks wise,

Speech, education, politics, social or religious,

Enormous impact, speech simply acquires,

Moves hugely a people can motivate,

 A talk travels throughout the world,

Enjoys watching loneliness silence,

Different times, discussing with people,

Discussing with family children,

Amusing heart prays, sings a hymn,

Now think immensity of noisy life,

Interacts so vehemently to achieve,

Remember childhood, visit the temple,

Speaking women to a stone idol in the dark,

Oil lamp lit, incense stick burning,

Asking Lord, myriad of requests,

Let my daughter grown-up get married,

Give her a good family best husband,

Let my son get a job now unemployed,

Let daughter-in-law get a son childless,

Praying with tears for her sick husband,

Never heard mother ask for herself,

Speaks innocent, cruel, killer, sinner alike,

I felt emotions overwhelm my heart,

Tries to bottom-up pain, humiliation,

Try to hide, insult, scorn, hatred,

Less feel comfortable speaking love,

Caring, serving, healing touch, help,

Prefer expressing love to speaking,

The worries, fear, tension, pain,

At times explodes inflames the heart,

Experienced crying condemn loudly,

Scold within four walls openly speak,

Curse someone who hurt my modesty,

Curse the person behind me betrayed,

Don’t laugh; I never scolded people,

Never curse before them, insult any,

Learned through life effort spoke softly,

Sympathetic, friendly, I speak selectively,

Listen attentively for a long, prefer silently,

Replies to questions only required,

Gossip, rumors, poison for me to avoid,

Speak openly, praise honestly, truth,

In silence maintained for hours,

These days feel like speaking I lived,

Talk to Wooden Lord like my mother,

Only gate to let out my emotions,

Treat as my friend lifelong,

Tell Him alone with oil lamp lit,

My sorrows, dreams, crimes committed,

My lies, willfully I blundered,

My prayer for the sick, dying, poor, destitute,

Prayer for a homeless orphan, His help,

My heart knows how to speak,

The heart gets lighter, all confidential.


@ Bijayananda Mishra






Friday, August 19, 2022





Unruly child disobeys orders,

Prejudice, I treated all along,

Injustice for controlling children,

Allowed me to discover, I felt curious,

Picturesque world attracting,

Enough to trap mind things allure,

Enough to capture heart beautiful,

Revolted disciplines, barricades,

No to see, refuse to hear, speak,

Refuse food outside, taste,

Ignore words touching, caring,

Elders taught me, warned, cautioned,

Discrimination is essential for life,

Barricade external wind, destroy,

Pollute your heart, poison your mind,

What it says is the truth; utter lies,

Fabricated for believing by innocent,

Unscrupulous, ignorant, soul fertile,

Planting seeds of poison fruit easier,

Watch, read, think and consult everything,

Dear child, rely on elders parents,

Teachers, best educators focus right path,

Unknown people, their advice placate,

Best ignore, least react, a little infuriate,

Cyberspace massive universe message,

Crisscross the globe instantly,

Try to establish a community group,

Sympathetic, believing, brainwashed,

Train through Internet violence sabotage,

Establish an imaginary kingdom by force,

Gun speaks, knife blade,

Gunpowder explodes, killing the opposition,

Expand circulate myth sacred,

Spare your life for the cause, salvage,

Golden paradise waits, fairy welcomes,

Sacred interprets the cause, war brutal,

Myth only a faith, political system,

Myth is an evil practice, immortality,

Myth is race, pure, supreme blood,

Rest people are destined to be subjects,

Resisted to be conquered, mass killing,

Myth is the dominance of one people,

Myth is color, caste, language, region,

Segregate people under the barricade,

Unequal, illegal, discriminate,

Barricade people from the right people,

Myth is supreme, the truth, rest false,

Arrest defying spirits suppress,

Laugh today, no more a child,

Learned civilized society and fallacy,

True, education can light upon evil,

Can distinguish huge crowd barricaded,

Close group, believing calling rest impure,

Fit for massacre conversion subjugate,

They exist for decades, centuries, old,

Education can not cure cancerous growth,

Laugh today, my parent alarmed,

By my questions, get silent,

Lo… never ask these questions, wrong,

Keep aloof from such people, never listen,

Barricade yourself, dear child,

Humanity is different than segregation,

Division inherent, evil and noble,

Interpretation depends upon people,

They practice, keep live culture,

Barricade heart before being captured,

Barricade your mind, thought to entrap,

Your soul within the barricade is self-built,

Fear contamination if you cross,

It was my mother’s voice, once warning.


@ Bijayananda Mishra