Tuesday, August 23, 2022




Touch miraculously golden electric,

The youth arrived, fascinated heartthrobs,

Heart revolted these days mind wild,

Sneaking rebellious spirit seeking a touch,

Touching soft grass transcendental,

Softness, of bosoms of a woman equal,

Bridal nature so alluring enticed,

Budding youth, I preferred recluse,

Midst of forest, grassy fields invited,

Squatted on the field, watched wildflowers,

Enjoyed executive beauty, color, fragrance,

At dawn, slept on velvety grass, bathing in rays,

Dews decorating grass leaves reflecting,

Gems shining white in a sea of green,

Clouds dazzle with sunlight sailing,

Blue sky, green earth, birds noisy,

Unexplained heart chirpy seeking paradise,

Aware now youthful spirit searched,

Wanted to plunder sensual pleasure,

A murmur of the brook transparent,

Refracting sunrays plays a game of light,

Crisscross rocky bed, wet, mossy,

First time felt love similar to a brook,

Undisciplined, grumbling mind,

Matched like a book murmuring,

Circling rocks like rules got path,

Flowed from mischief heart, I ran,

I was running through the meadows,

Disappeared in thick mist, wet limbs,

Playing with the beauty of the beach, waves,

Golden beach, lonely passed day,

The blue sea and bright sky, expanse of beach,

Artificial castaway, alone on the beach,

Discovered luxury of life got happiness,

Peace was my abode, pleasure foliage,

First touch, my love, I got speechless,

You were the first woman in life,

In contact, felt wildflowers, my darling,

Blossoming fragrant swaying freely,

Resembled as if smiling, love smiled,

Choked to express feeling shied,

Eyes sparkled, love, sifting glances,

A found transparent water of the brook,

Shifting refracted sunrays sparkled,

Your smiles, like glazing gems on dews,

Black hair long, wavy, a poem,

My ecstasy, I was comparing charms,

Attractive soft voice soothing like leaves,

Gentle breeze playing music in trees,

Dreaming first time darling, saw lust,

Drinking that day, charming presence,

Wanted to hug you like the trunk of a tree,

With a profusion of flowers fragrance,

Cool shade, a place near you I found,

I found dear a home our lives entwined,

I felt like a tree you encircled like a creeper,

Your love match, as if jasmine,

Acutely aromatic, tranquilized limbs,

Unresponsive to pain, torture, hurt,

Unresponsive to discrimination, insult,

Unresponsive to scorn, hatred, cruelty,

I found a sweet home in our world,

Where love exists, united we tolerate,

Sharing is a divine gift your care rejuvenates,

Unresponsive to growing age, life won.


@ Bijayananda Mishra


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