Showing posts with label BARRICADE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BARRICADE. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2022





Unruly child disobeys orders,

Prejudice, I treated all along,

Injustice for controlling children,

Allowed me to discover, I felt curious,

Picturesque world attracting,

Enough to trap mind things allure,

Enough to capture heart beautiful,

Revolted disciplines, barricades,

No to see, refuse to hear, speak,

Refuse food outside, taste,

Ignore words touching, caring,

Elders taught me, warned, cautioned,

Discrimination is essential for life,

Barricade external wind, destroy,

Pollute your heart, poison your mind,

What it says is the truth; utter lies,

Fabricated for believing by innocent,

Unscrupulous, ignorant, soul fertile,

Planting seeds of poison fruit easier,

Watch, read, think and consult everything,

Dear child, rely on elders parents,

Teachers, best educators focus right path,

Unknown people, their advice placate,

Best ignore, least react, a little infuriate,

Cyberspace massive universe message,

Crisscross the globe instantly,

Try to establish a community group,

Sympathetic, believing, brainwashed,

Train through Internet violence sabotage,

Establish an imaginary kingdom by force,

Gun speaks, knife blade,

Gunpowder explodes, killing the opposition,

Expand circulate myth sacred,

Spare your life for the cause, salvage,

Golden paradise waits, fairy welcomes,

Sacred interprets the cause, war brutal,

Myth only a faith, political system,

Myth is an evil practice, immortality,

Myth is race, pure, supreme blood,

Rest people are destined to be subjects,

Resisted to be conquered, mass killing,

Myth is the dominance of one people,

Myth is color, caste, language, region,

Segregate people under the barricade,

Unequal, illegal, discriminate,

Barricade people from the right people,

Myth is supreme, the truth, rest false,

Arrest defying spirits suppress,

Laugh today, no more a child,

Learned civilized society and fallacy,

True, education can light upon evil,

Can distinguish huge crowd barricaded,

Close group, believing calling rest impure,

Fit for massacre conversion subjugate,

They exist for decades, centuries, old,

Education can not cure cancerous growth,

Laugh today, my parent alarmed,

By my questions, get silent,

Lo… never ask these questions, wrong,

Keep aloof from such people, never listen,

Barricade yourself, dear child,

Humanity is different than segregation,

Division inherent, evil and noble,

Interpretation depends upon people,

They practice, keep live culture,

Barricade heart before being captured,

Barricade your mind, thought to entrap,

Your soul within the barricade is self-built,

Fear contamination if you cross,

It was my mother’s voice, once warning.


@ Bijayananda Mishra