Monday, October 10, 2022




Amazed at how tricked your mind,

Pleading earnestly not to desert,

It was already dawn to attend a job,

You didn't listen to their request,

Dawn broke for a bright future,

Meeting with suave businessmen,

you purely believed in mint gold,

A profession is a challenge to strike,

It was raw courage attack to grab,

Select businessmen are in guise,

Pick the right one still in the dark,

Established prospered a person,

A man of the village I objected to views,

Your mind illusive waylaid to trap,

Never thought of luxurious life,

Beautiful women, flattering shadows,

Line of costly car, life in hotels,

The evening was a smelling dream,

Scented with wine, gambling, trade,

From a remote village, I had warned,

Advised you to reject urban life,

Return to your native place soon,

The avalanche of fortune trap you,

Buried under the snow of lost property,

Knew intimately your life you reveal,

Never wanted you to proceed,

Felt for your wife and kids all the time,

Let them stay at the village home,

Equally addicted to urban life,

Your family was reluctant to return,

I inherited ten acres of land,

Purchased another ten acres later,

Maintain a breeding farm in profit,

Agricultural land convert fruit garden,

Inside my firm, a house is built,

My family prefers the village,

Children educated invested here,

Dairy products keep families happy,

Agreed, your life not to the extent,

Your lifestyle is impossible here,

Reading your letter heartbroken,

Face loss in business and property,

Family resenting, peace missing,

Home in shambles, children angry,

Sick is your wife, you are concerned,

Facing impending disaster, a storm,

Plead heart touchingly please come,

Come back, dear friend, remember,

We were school-mates the village waits,

Your parental property develop here,

Can find time engages, life earns,

The village in the lap of nature,

The everlasting greens, forest, river,

Enough treasure here you missed,

A cow herd, evening temple visits,

Wives pass the time in the temple,

Prayer with oil lamp lit, obligate,

Believe me, friend, she will recover,

Happiness will return joy usher,

Let the children get involved here,

Agriculture is a pretty business,

Today our correspondence helped,

He is returning to his village soon,

Sold his business property tattered,

Business associates learn shattered.

My friend realized life mattered.


@ Bijayananda Mishra


Sunday, October 9, 2022





Escaped to nature, spring arrived,

Forgot for a while, gets older,

Refused my heart to obey quiet,

Impetus greenery instills abundantly,

Overwhelmed, my soul confined long,

Chained to bedroom corona specter,

Withdraws quickly, life unshackled,

Lifted quarantines open hill station,

Flocking busy humans for vacation,

Family excited, packing baggage,

Children anxiously wait for the thrill,

Mountain road, white clouds, wait,

Green hills kissing clouds failing,

Like white swan clusters are sailing,

Gentle, docile white clouds portray,

No more thunder-lightning attire,

Magical moments touch magic wand,

Sparkling flooding rivers, how docile,

Glistening sunlight in the morning,

Dazzles gurgling brooks refracted,

Spectral hues steal heart surreal,

Vanishing instantly as if a daydream,

Grazing cattle in grassy fields lazily,

Actors of sweet nature wear colors,

Children wordless at a floral canvas,

Turned nature bridal crimson look,

Silence, visible peace, prevails a lot,

Sooths Tension riddle life cine motion,

Happiness human heart tastes,

Lapped nature willingly invites more,

Come worried soul, let recluse totally,

Disconnect links of my nest high-rise,

Glass-metal walls, multistoried lighted,

Shining floors, mahogany furniture,

Modern living gadgets if dreamy real,

Drawing and bedroom dining place,

Kitchen, bathroom, television stand,

Mini library, desktop computer,

These realities have stolen dear life,

Forced to work, earn money plenty,

Scar of loan still on payments duly,

Opening new expenses for dress,

Purchased brand new car on loan,

Urban life expenses rise horribly,

I was sitting with my family at the hotel,

Evening time on a chair in the garden,

Lost in thought of my nest triggered,

Surprised to watch a bird's nest,

Visible on a tree top near the hotel,

Clearly saw the tiny bird in the nest,

Hanging the nest on a branch swing,

A hole at the bottom, the entrance,

Intricate weaving by dry straws picked,

The marvel was unfolded before me,

No brick, cement, or iron rod is needed,

It was a bird's home with dry sticks,

Well-balanced hanging safely in the rain,

Hangs well in the high wind, lasts long,

Chicks chirp incessant wait mother,

Life in a bird's nest is equal to my home,

Shyly felt my house, I purchased,

Cannot build by myself depends purely,

Simple bird has built a marvel,

Where it learned to weave intricate,

I find differences between human nests,

Greed vulgarly decorates my home,

Bird's nest nature friendly cryptic,

Memorable an evening, it messaged.


@ Bijayananda Mishra


Saturday, October 8, 2022






Searching humans  who dedicate,

A lifetime for regenerating nature,

Less personal benefit fame sought,

Little self-interest milking reputation,

Deserted professional career higher,

Left luxury, comfort, compensate gold,

Student career bright awarded capped,

Skilled, professional experience gained,

Remunerative salary lucrative offered,

Such a person rejected the job in a million,

Understood truly,  education an insight,

He can guide people to preserve race,

Today stands, the biggest dam proudly,

A huge water reservoir artificial lake,

Tomorrow it will be a dry bed reality,

People can hardly believe it, to be soon,

Positively climate devastates rapidly,

Catchment-area of rivers are barren,

Depleted forest, green cover, mudslide,

Scrapped fertile soil, bare rocky bed,

Industries mining earth for decades,

Vanished tropical forest long ago,

Huge pits, inhospitable or lifeless,

Eroded pristine nature totally extinct,

Gone with forest animals birds sadly,

Huge lakes got dried up as a result,

To add salt to injury highways run,

Expanding metros hunt vacant space,

Building concrete jungles require,

Clay for bricks, sand, granite chips,

Humans need astronomical eating,

Eating river bed, fertile soil, hills,

Mile-long metal road, bridge, flyover,

Earth is blasted for rock and soil,

Granite marble rocks for flooring,

Dredging machines collect stones,

Crushers running continuously,

Halt this process of destruction,

Who would believe a pleading voice,

Mafia strong gun loving will target,

Eliminate this voice of a person quickly,

Educated this human challenged,

Begged for arms of the law fruitless,

Still, villagers cutting wood hunt,

Killing tiger elephants for profit,

Rare birds animals are stolen, sold,

The person failed to advise people,

Know village women walk a mile,

Bring polluted water from a river,

Famine will be a prophetic reality,

Errant climate change rain failing,

Parched grain fields are empty cracked,

Not a blade of grass is visible, arid,

Hungry, weak, even sick in a crowd,

Listening to this human attentively,

Dig earth, build embankments more,

Conservation of water during rain perfect,

Build ponds to preserve water more,

Plant trees in forest areas mass effort,

Planting trees on the hillside voluntarily,

Helped villagers breed cows, cattle,

Develop milk production ways taught,

Fish culture, creating hybrid plants,

Got cooperation villagers are busy,

Neighboring villages learn quickly,

Big water bodies plantation growing,

Quadrupled animal population,

The renegade becoming famous,

Far-flung villagers inviting him,

Rural life becomes a renegade.


@ Bijayananda Mishra




Friday, October 7, 2022





Immersive procession of Goddess,

Clay idol got life during worship,

The devotion, pleasant time unique,

Noisy drums rhythmic, people dance,

Oil lamps hundreds burned, prayed,

Scented sticks lit fumes fragrant,

Decorated stalls auspicious event,

Visitors showed obligation belief,

Mother assuages broken amity,

Graces people, health and prosperity,

Peace, happiness ushered, visible,

Communal harmony maintained,

Trust of people is enormous, evident,

Mass follows with a band party song,

Atmosphere sober for idol immersion,

Onlookers praying, a few tearful,

Silently wishing to wait patiently,

To celebrate next year wait arrival,

Her emblem matches to housewife,

Little confused, her dress, posture,

Hypothetical ten hands, three eyes,

Indian housewife performs likewise,

Her couple of hand cooks life long,

Feeds baby children family together,

Keep utensils, cleaned dresses too,

Cleans from dust furniture shining,

Pair of hands move in a shopping mall,

Groceries, vegetables,  consumer items,

Balances monthly budget thread walking,

Rising costs, electric bills, water scarcity,

Price rise of domestic need skyrocket,

Females still run their homes great,

Just two hands, I surmised disbelieve,

 In this era, notice a housewife employed,

Nine months leave for pregnancy given,

No leave for house works till delivery,

Office work, field job, teacher's life,

Housewife but laborer in the sun,

Carry bricks, sand, and cement,

Sleeping baby in the shed on a jute bag,

Socked for their stamina feeding baby,

Return home starts cooking for male,

She is the center of happiness pointed,

Compared to Goddess, she performs,

Homes plenty with Durga, Parvati,

A thousand names of Goddess carry girls,

Grew after marriage service tenfold,

Best her image school teacher,

I love my mother, treat her like Goddess,

Knew childhood events situation,

Remember clearly when sick, bedridden,

Vomit, she collects vomits unflinchingly,

For nights never slept watched me,

Alert, put wet clothes on the forehead,

Intermittently measured temperature,

Medicines timely unfailingly deed,

Attended the office, cooked at home,

Consulted a doctor for my fever,

Keep medicines, herself on time,

Seen her pair of five hands serving,

Dealt sick periods, difficult times,

Satisfied husband, in-law parents,

Check children, school bags arranged,

Dress washed, ironed, boot polished,

Waits at door arrival time every day,

Feeds hungry children in the evening,

Cooks for dinner helps in studying,

Goddess's immersion triggered me,

Line of thoughts about a housewife,

Streams ended my mother so similar,

If we reneged on our duty, honestly,

Housewife embodied Goddess Durga.


@ Bijayananda Mishra




Thursday, October 6, 2022





Immersive devotees praying,

Divine mother Durga worshipped,

Picture perfect Indian woman,

Extraordinary beauty portrayed,

Fare complexions, long nose,

Red lips and black eyebrows,

Dark eyes, third on the  forehead,

Ornaments painted golden,

The crown on the head, ten hands,

Hands wearing weapons to fight,

Indian silk saree design fabric,

Feet small, one on a lion standing,

Another foot on a demon's chest,

A trident pierced oh his chest, killed,

Portraying an Indian village woman,

A fair-complexioned young woman,

Saree covered her head face white,

Dark hairs in the back, up to knees,

The bracelets, anklets, and earrings,

A necklace, nose ring in chains,

Glass bangles in color sparkling,

Ornaments, gold, silver or bronze,

But surprised as Mother is wearing,

Dark, loosen hair, wavy behind her back,

Starkly matches with Mother,

Neither ten hands nor crown golden,

Works hard in grain fields day long,

Maintains clay house thatched roof,

Polished cow dung floor walls clean,

Decorated with chalk white and red,

The art can fascinate the  artist's heart,

Cows in the back yard in a shed,

A balcony with an earthen oven,

Her life deals with earthen pots,

Cooks rice, keep drinking water,

In summer, ponds, village-well, dries,

She walks for miles to collect water,

The river provides water as her source,

Drew picture thus a village woman,

Divine Mother, how similar to her,

Children from her village prosper,

Today's baby tomorrow, youth,

Thousand years of generation tilling,

Village farmers feed the country,

Strong presence impresses females,

Wonderfully beautiful like a wildflower,

Relics of an ancient tradition of females,

Service equivalent to ten hands,

Instead of weapons, domestic tools,

Accomplishes victory kills poverty,

Poverty is as if the demon is killed,

Overwhelmed me the comparison,

The wrinkled face of aged women,

Still covered her head with a saree,

Revered as mother or grandmother,

Children take care of her duly respect,

Her advice is obeyed by her family,

Respect her much like a divine mother,

I was standing before the idol of Mother,

Owed to the face of an Indian woman,

She was a reality in cities, villages,

Hindu customs still live in homes,

Hindus worship Mother, believe,

She is the procreator, signs prosperity,

Matches with Hindu family females,

Worship senior women, their advice,

Relics to Hindu culture are perfectly seen,

Unchanged little through millennia.


@ Bijayananda Mishra


Wednesday, October 5, 2022




Ever caught dark clouds engulf quickly,

Bright sunlight changes to evening,

Alarmingly midday sun vanishes soon,

Horizon to horizon, dark cloud fearful,

Witness lightning branching out dazzles,

Blinding intensity illuminated seconds,

Dispels darkness resembles sunlight,

This sight watched in life speechless,

Female beauty, if that lightning matches,

Dark long hairs surround a bright face,

Felt this dazzling white luster for seconds,

Blinding for not eyes but mind thinking,

Disbelieves the radiating energy subtle,

Match eyes with eyes magnetic defeats,

Male ego, false strength, arrogant melts,

A pair of eyes compared to the lighting,

Felt the potential to kill spirit strongest,

Evaluated fatal weapon eyes radiating,

Radiating lust having powers to kill, truly,

Lusts changed a monk reason a pair of eyes,

Molded thousand years meditating sage,

Cunningly destroyed celibacy to win life,

Feminine spark equal to lightening acts,

An easy sufferer man for weakness,

Mahabharata depicts disrobing a woman,

War started on this point, a race wiped out,

Because disrobing brother's wife in lust,

It was his cause of death for a beastly act,

Ramayana tells a demon king wise ruled,

The learned, mighty conqueror of worlds,

He saw this pair of eyes, kidnapped her,

Unthinkable by the king wise committed,

This lust captured him, decided to marry,

Felt an entire family got killed but wished,

Perished; only because he failed to realize

His wife, son, and brothers advised, failed,

Noticed all died one by one, eyes captivated,

Think captured the mighty king slave,

Another pair of eyes a demon saw,

He was mighty heaven feared the most,

The moment he saw her eyes matched,

Lightning irrupted from skies resembled,

Black lose hairs long like dark clouds,

White like electric spark face dazzled,

Pair of eyes sighted, magically acted,

Male vigor cementing celibacy cracked,

Got weak fragile from demonic buffalo,

Strength of bull stolen by pair of eyes,

Killed easily that heavenly gods failed,

Read but thinking on feminine power,

These pair of eyes women acquire,

Got the procreative power only exists,

Grew in the womb, born her milk-fed,

Knew great emperors, conqueror history,

Fell for lust, pair of eyes, got weak killed,

History is a bloodstained empire wiped out,

Still, education fails to teach about power,

Power of a lightning a female hires,

Endless inhuman torture of women,

It devastates society and people.


@ Bijayananda Mishra