Saturday, October 8, 2022






Searching humans  who dedicate,

A lifetime for regenerating nature,

Less personal benefit fame sought,

Little self-interest milking reputation,

Deserted professional career higher,

Left luxury, comfort, compensate gold,

Student career bright awarded capped,

Skilled, professional experience gained,

Remunerative salary lucrative offered,

Such a person rejected the job in a million,

Understood truly,  education an insight,

He can guide people to preserve race,

Today stands, the biggest dam proudly,

A huge water reservoir artificial lake,

Tomorrow it will be a dry bed reality,

People can hardly believe it, to be soon,

Positively climate devastates rapidly,

Catchment-area of rivers are barren,

Depleted forest, green cover, mudslide,

Scrapped fertile soil, bare rocky bed,

Industries mining earth for decades,

Vanished tropical forest long ago,

Huge pits, inhospitable or lifeless,

Eroded pristine nature totally extinct,

Gone with forest animals birds sadly,

Huge lakes got dried up as a result,

To add salt to injury highways run,

Expanding metros hunt vacant space,

Building concrete jungles require,

Clay for bricks, sand, granite chips,

Humans need astronomical eating,

Eating river bed, fertile soil, hills,

Mile-long metal road, bridge, flyover,

Earth is blasted for rock and soil,

Granite marble rocks for flooring,

Dredging machines collect stones,

Crushers running continuously,

Halt this process of destruction,

Who would believe a pleading voice,

Mafia strong gun loving will target,

Eliminate this voice of a person quickly,

Educated this human challenged,

Begged for arms of the law fruitless,

Still, villagers cutting wood hunt,

Killing tiger elephants for profit,

Rare birds animals are stolen, sold,

The person failed to advise people,

Know village women walk a mile,

Bring polluted water from a river,

Famine will be a prophetic reality,

Errant climate change rain failing,

Parched grain fields are empty cracked,

Not a blade of grass is visible, arid,

Hungry, weak, even sick in a crowd,

Listening to this human attentively,

Dig earth, build embankments more,

Conservation of water during rain perfect,

Build ponds to preserve water more,

Plant trees in forest areas mass effort,

Planting trees on the hillside voluntarily,

Helped villagers breed cows, cattle,

Develop milk production ways taught,

Fish culture, creating hybrid plants,

Got cooperation villagers are busy,

Neighboring villages learn quickly,

Big water bodies plantation growing,

Quadrupled animal population,

The renegade becoming famous,

Far-flung villagers inviting him,

Rural life becomes a renegade.


@ Bijayananda Mishra




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