Thursday, January 5, 2023





Confess my heart surprises life well,

Why eyes are attracted, rebellious often,

Stand inert, forgets place, time, walking,

Halt suddenly near the wall look at,

Minutes feel second look around alert,

Try to observe if anyone notices me,

Thank God no one noticed walked home,

The poster still lingers in heart thunder,

How beautiful that model, attire attractive,

Wonderful village girl looks behind intense,

Her cotton printed cloth, nine yards,

Catch sight of her picture magnetic more,

The dark eyes, famine waist, black hair,

Tied with colorful ribbon flower beads,

Bare feet, tiny, youthful gait postures,

Color brown complexion, long nose,

The attractive face piercing look enough,

The pitcher on the waist holds a hand rounded,

The colored glass bangles, shiny eye rings,

The incident minor that day is never forgotten,

The face of a village girl, she was a model,

Highest paid actor, model fashionably famous,

But the dress, her look, poses capture me,

The innocent emotive eyes probing,

Wait and turn, watching the figure,

The question, for whom, her lover,

Her child behind or friend was calling,

Listless questions floated in me, lingered,

I smiled, ashamed a bit of what is doing,

Remember how I left the place like a thief,

Was it a crime my heart rebellious fought,

What's wrong watch a poster on the wall!

Years progress, but not forgotten her,

Where the rich model, me an ordinary man,

Matured, educated, understood life,

Forgotten youth, its notoriety rebel,

Eyes mischief, ears quarreled, tongue tasty,

Mind behaved as if a sage wink at a poster,

Encountered dreams factious sit idle,

Floated this executive frame, imaginary,

She talks to me, gossips with me long,

Breaks the cruel dawn disappear like mist,

How sad, pseudo, missing  could know,

Love, attractions physical, infect a young heart,

Age advances, world illusive failed frustrated,

Gained now calm mind quietude demeanor,

Less reactive to attractive women, dresses,

Their eyes and nose, colored lips, slender a body,

Overtook politeness, respect womanhood,

Mischief monger the mind chained decent,

Move, in the car halt poster girl, perpetual youth,

Laughed silently, an aged man looking at her,

Dropped jaws through his glass glances,

Moves a rickshaw puller halts attentive,

Lit a cigar, smoke for a while, move further,

Hay, a group of boys are standing talking,

Know the center of the topic, the poster girl,

Ah, human life err, men's life hunted,

Back home on a sofa, think newspapers,

Television adds happily, the face for years,

From cigars, cloth, earrings, perfumes,

Listless merchandise urban life sick,

Her cajoles, enticing eyelashes, biting lips,

A cigar, one rupee foolish heart smoke,

Millions for the pose, poster girl, no joke!


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Poster Girl

Theme: Alas, the naughty men's hearts...

Date: 4th January 2023

@ Copywrite

Wednesday, January 4, 2023





Remorse shrouded the child with a book,

Unfit in merit list rejected admission,

The school is packed with parents agog,

Find their children are announced jump,

A few were in tears, checking emotions leaving,

Notices tender age kids  going out of school,

Thought, what will happen to these kids,

A year will be lost, no hope for study,

Caught sight of a child, dark eyes shining,

Ironed school dress tie, boots, book in hand,

His parent and elder sister telling to return,

He refused to go home, stay at school,

Difficult make him understand,

He is getting angry, trying to run inside,

Get keeper checked him, denied entry,

I, an onlooker virtually crying, wordless,

His father lifted him, kissed him a lot,

Look, baby, I shall get you admitted,

In another school far better, he was lying,

To see a tiny child get broken-hearted,

Standard seventh-class admission cost,

In private schools, glassy shine the best,

Magnificent compound buildings, a few,

The city boasts the best education talent skills,

Admissions cost per child a few hundred thousand,

Per year only, hostel boarding expenses,

Added a few more add donations two,

Half a million per year for a student,

Fixed were my eyes with the face of a child,

Now crying bitterly, shouting loudly,

I want to study, please, dad, please allow me,

The sight broke my heart fled soon,

Is it a crime to marry, get children,

This is an age so different than us,

No selection, donations, school free less,

With less family income, the fee was free,

I read till high school with a scholarship,

Twelve rupees per month in the sixties!

Large amount compared to the present time,

All my books, pen, pencil, geometry box,

Met from scholarship money, tuition,

Coaching class for matriculation for division,

It was free too optional for better results,

Could not remember children missed years,

Co-education of existing girls was encouraged,

Saw girl students are going back rejected,

Sad that day, I felt sorry this time,

Education has gone costly disbelieves,

Lost years for children, parents clueless,

Impossible to meet the cost of private schools,

Money sharks extract, proxy many,

Black money can only support reality,

The time, the current generation crucified,

Education now the business kids netted,

Sits on the sofa, watches television shows,

Highlighting the school, labs, libraries,

Hostels if a five-star hotels, class modern,

The gadgets, rows of computers, play fields,

Come here and join us, the school to know,

College, technical institutes, medical,

All are open later at a hundred million,

Per degree purchase contest a game show,

No more in tears, angry with time,

Appeal the system how money is siphoned off,

Is this way to build my country,

Promotes, rich, black money, tax cheats?

Got information institutions exist,

Poor students, free education, free boarding,

Inviting them embracing wholehearted,

No government help inland overseas donations,

Upliftment, children, education is free and fair,

Thank these unseen heroes, Lord cares.   


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Upliftment

Themes: Child Education

Date: 3rd January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite








Unforgettable journey well remember,

Years passed, the memory hunts often,

When alone, sit in silence, surprises,

Floats automatic, a question speechless,

The train coach, a common boggy crowded,

I was traveling for a pilgrimage, a distant city,

Two days journey from home town exhaustive,

Traveling alone noticed co-passengers,

An old couple, two families, children moving,

A young lady felt to be a student, a businessman,

All are strangers packed in seats,

Destination, origins, thought differences,

Their food, cloth, and languages spoken, I realize,

Unknown places, a few will get down,

The senior person I introduced smiled,

Before I enquired, faced questions,

A hundred questions baffled get silent,

Nothing I could know where moving,

A day passed on a train, and at dawn, I saw,

The lady was greeted by her parents, got down,

The businessman I could not find,

Must have reached his station in the night,

A few college students boarded,

They were gossiping, joking, making fun,

I borrowed a thriller book read,

Sleeping on the upper berth, comfortable,

The senior person shouted lost all,

His belongings were missing yelling,

The train was moving very fast, crowded,

The couple lost their tickets purse,

The onlookers gossiped discussions many,

Guess, in the night, goods were stolen,

Penniless, clueless, called ticket collector,

Arranged tickets for them, paid the cost,

They told me they were going to the city,

The city I was traveling to visit a holy place,

Socked to know they lost the ash pot,

That was that of their son died,

Died after an accident they were moving,

To immerse the urn in the sacred river,

The lady was crying inconsolably,

I introduced myself and invited them,

To visit the city together, stay at a hotel,

The story changed after we left the train,

A monk received this couple at the platform,

I left soon and stayed at a hotel,

The sacred river hundreds of pilgrims,

Saved, in the orange color, I met the couple,

No more sad, calm, and quiet greeted me,

I got surprised and enquired them,

They intimated me, renounced from the world,

The wealthiest couple own millions,

Lost their only son, donated everything,

Only to the holy ashram, the hermitage,

Decided to pass their life here, ascetic,

Fixed firmness of both calmness unreal,

Bathed in early morning meditated,

Roaming at the bank of the river happily,

Happily! how come both lost their child,

Loosen all property of millions willfully,

Still happy with life in the twilight years,

What changes this orange robe renounces,

I caught the hands of his senior person,

How come, sir, forgotten the urn lost,

Came a reply crisp immersed ours this life,

The train coach just two days I stayed,

Pushing me for a decision is answerless.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Rail coach (Fiction)

Theme: Met a renounced couple

Date: 2nd January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Monday, January 2, 2023





Immerse in deep thoughts, surprised,

Notice leaves sprout from dry wood,

Transforms through passing years grow.

Massive trunk spreads branches on an acre,

The plant depicts existence through a century,

Missed the wood once decayed absorb soil,

Switch of the thought to sight a megapolis,

A monolith settled at a marshy land,

Hundreds of channels of big river crisscross,

Dense forest inhospitable inhabitable place,

Near the ocean, deep water rocky islands,

A few hundred tribes ventured into lived,

A century after,  a few million people live,

The busiest port, a cluster of high-rise towers,

 A thousand miles of streets connected by bridges,

The narrow canals, blue water beautiful,

The heart of business commerce property,

The tribe is invisible people around the globe,

Disbelieve the panorama possible to rub,

The tree symbolizes human achievement,

Obscure courageous men, daredevil men,

Watch people dying sick, disease unknown,

Builder of future metropolis attests honor,

Looked minutely, an island people,

Green eyes bearded with hat leather shoes,

A wooden boat sails around the globe,

Discovers vast continents, unknown lands,

Left home for good, established settlements,

Unfriendly native savage weather, hostile land,

Died hundreds raised more but grew,

Tamed the land, natives, weather, impossible,

Standing vast civilization new culture race,

Melting pot assimilates world culture, faith,

Mighty once they were mightier, therefore,

Powerful countries, the mariners, sailors missing,

Decayed wood no more under the soil,

Sacred, their dauntless spirit lives inspire too,

The trees resemble spread over a continent,

Island continent sings for these impassible men,

Colloquial when naming their race language,

Island people covered worldwide in time,

Controlled a few countries, built a few more,

Wordless to believe, a language unites the world,

World citizen prefers to communicate,

Looked minutely from papyrus to trillion books,

The ingenuity of men transformed the world,

The press first printed fewer unknown changes,

These are impossible men thought, simple,

Write first print a book, a billion reads,

Understand  a race, history, custom, culture,

Progress science, technology, medicine, literature,

Not even the child of current age thinks,

A few impossible men printed a book,

That bridged knowledge the tree spans the earth,

Teapot steam throws out the lid,

Looks at this man and built a locomotive,

Unambiguous to a child, looking the transport,

Never that time imagined, steam engines grew,

Billion every hour travel unthinkable event,

Caught sight of a teapot, the world did change,

Kite, the bird, paper plane, if a message,

Few men followed intrigues, intricate rules,

A man can fly a plane, can fly once dreamed,

Speechless stumbled on ideas first flight,

A billion today catch flights the world over,

The human race stuns at impossible men,

Found missing this word impossible,

Their thoughts and courage were impossible.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Impossible men

These: A few men resemble miraculous

Date: 1st January 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Saturday, December 31, 2022






Open my wounded heart suffered,

Astonished own blood, gone toxic,

Wish for desperately once prayed,

Begged, just begged all merciful a child,

Graced not once four times a son,

Felt like the luckiest person in the world,

Happiness knows no bounds, turns to pride,

Hailed infinite blessings of the Lord, gifts,

Unparallel gift children precious,

Grew in my lap, loving care nourished,

Happiest husband duly recognize her,

Never did she like to display a lucky mother,

Her trust is in Lord, devoted extreme,

Still praying day and night alone,

Keep my children safe and sound,

Make them prosperous, give them long life,

Every ceremony with cakes sweet plenty,

A separate rook for idols to worship,

The bell rings in the morning and evening,

Perfumed scented-sticks oil lamp lit,

Hours of divine prayers read faithfully,

Prostate before idol tearfully begs,

Saw these rituals for decades, loved,

Lord has given to me four sons admit,

Love the Unseen, love more my wife,

Mother of four siblings fortunate,

Pious heart loving capable for home,

Her maintenance, majestic decorum,

Never demanding have seen for gold,

For travel or pilgrimage, food, cloth,

Only she needs items for worship,

Dress for boys, groceries she cooks,

Roars filled bedrooms with a loud noise,

Her action often angry teacher a stick,

Checks each bag, homework neatly,

Keep my glass, look at them and her,

Surround her, demand delicious dishes,

Surprised, she meets all of their demand,

Grew so soon, watch graying hair,

Finished college education leaving,

One by one left, children for careers,

In the twilight years, husband and wife stay,

Talk to each other, her interest letter,

I steal my glances less speak interest,

Nonchalantly ask their messages,

Happy children are well-settled families,

Stay in far-off cities, my wife homesick,

Her happiness in her home, the idols room,

No cinema or park, theater do interest,

Only interests my timing of food medicine,

Wash my clothes, irons a must, white,

My beetles in a box, glass on a table,

Inks a life story revolves around my wife,

Her son and children speak like that,

Love immensely, mother call frequently,

In her seventies, I found her illness,

A rare but long sickness, and passed away,

It was so sudden, changed me to clay,

Socked shook me to mute dumb and deaf,

Preferred silence, seclusion, less talk,

Presumed hard-of-hearing children taking,

Discussing in the adjacent room on me,

Sunned to know they planned to execute,

To leave me at the elder's home,

To dispose of all properties, my home,

Distribute the money equally,

Give some money to the shelter home,

The next day they all left, together the plan,

Come New Year, by January, it will be done,

Now the house is empty, stood me in silence,

Life, what a life, how was the life,

Good riddance now, remorse I prayed to God,

O' life, so mysterious, riddance is absurd.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Riddance (Fiction)

Theme: A good riddance, old dad

Date: 30th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Thursday, December 29, 2022





Crying in laughter on the shore of time,

That flows timeless, misunderstood,

Found time stays temporal seems eons,

Plundered pleasures that limbs sought,

Love feminine beauty bare glowing.

Bright, shining, ornate gold jewelry,

Immaculately dressed, gorgeous cloth,

Steals glances an embroidery if absurd,

Talked with her, her presence infectious,

The look, shifting eyes, tilting face, rings,

The eyes lashed hooked tentacles heart,

Lost my mind pilgrim surround dunes,

I passed moments passionately dreaming,

Let not unbelievable angel bid adieus,

Stays near me, I watch slipping saree,

Redecorate once again if desired falling,

Rebellious, her strand of black hair,

Covers her right eye, part of her face,

Lost in thought, a full moon in clouds,

Observing minutely, a thirsty heart,

Push back the strands again flashed light,

The eyes matching eyes hypnotize,

Wrinkles in cheeks smile hinting,

Lost as if a mirage conflicts state,

She loves or probing unknown,

Interactions if friendly guessing,

Her picture a picturesque immobilized,

Stood transfixed, listened to her,

Little penetrated into mind lost,

Still searched her demeanor captivated,

Her hand, bangles, gold chain, purse,

Tiny feet, her shoes, finger rings, unique,

Eloquence, urban aristocracy, slang,

Drummed, not musical forgot me,

Why am I here, who she is, any of a talk?

Any business with her where is a place,

What is the day, time, forgotten path,

Stumbled at her sight, dashed slightly,

She turned back, looking at me, asking,

No answer, mute speechless, just looked,

Slipped polite words forgive me,

She heard node slightly smiled all right,

I collected her purse from the ground,

Saw a mobile in her hand costly,

A few seconds seemed a century absurd,

I had to catch my train right time,

Announce  that broke the situation,

Quickly I had to move to catch the train,

Why defied my routine lied,

Continued gossip with her discussed,

Failed, miserable, she left hastily soon,

I missed the train, felt blank ashamed,

Why, why I stood unmoved engrossed,

Never knew her, her name, place in the dark,

Opaque her identity, a co-passenger,

She caught her train, I failed bitter,

Back home, sat alone, preferred silence,

An unknown lady this heart defied openly,

The question I posed to me, mysterious,

Still haunting the reason, Oh' men,

A man rises high and high in life,

Baffles beauty of female, entangled, sigh,

Defy time, purpose, routine, job,

Knows electric shock split second, throb,

The sight vanishes instantly, bells rectify,

Absurd, pleasing seconds heart defy.


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Defy

Theme: Surprises male heat defies

Date: 29th December 2022, Cuttack

@ Copywrite