Saturday, March 16, 2024






Myriad happenings sock imprint,

Society a teacher sympathy hint,

I know a young girl forfeited love,

Served old father crippled above, (1)


God for her existence, father died,

Family life, children, rejects defied,

Scantly seen her unhappy single,

The boldness decision live, mingle, (2)


Is she alone, human spirit miracle,

Read, bold-humans watch triangle,

Left family, children serve people,

Selfless duty saves lives crumble, (3)


No food, clothes, money, bargain fit,

Write on such noble lives, defeat,

Defeats the allure of attachment,

Sleep peacefully, feel contentment, (4)


Dare life in flood swim, save others,

Children females from flood water,

Not duty sparing life men daring,

Inferno, burning houses, so caring, (5)


Seen their charred skins blacken,

Saved life bold savior life shaken,

Speaking the truth, a person in prison,

Inhuman brutality face no reason, (6)


Still reluctant to cower surrender,

Ultimate death sadly disappears,

The search for truth objective decides,

Leave home anonymous presides, (7)


Walk alone on forest river banks,

Live in a mountain cave in ranks,

How come humans win the mind,

Outward tendency mind unkind, (viii)


Revolt, rebellious, torture believes,

Conviction, stubborn life survives,

No food, water, clothes, shelter need,

Rejects sweet foods as tasty indeed, (9)


Rejects money, a mattress, a roof,

Conviction human shows proof,

Education and skill do not teach all,

Eyesight genius sing progeny call, (10)


Human, the ultimate conqueror, stays,

Prime virtue conviction lives sway,

Mind traps O human life capitulate,

Conviction evaporates lust insulate. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Conviction

Themes: Strong belief

Written: 16th March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite  



Friday, March 15, 2024





Effulgence position and status,

Busiest life at the zenith, frivolous,

Starry nights city hotel imbibe,

Mingles with lives discuss vibe,(1)


Show to the glittering lives stay,

Far from wine women to betray,

Different world money cements,

Checkmated cruelly, irk scents, (2)


The wheel ball in the slot that exists,

Roulette played millions lost list,

Earned overnight billion shares,

Drunken life luxury millionaires, (3)


One of the nameless spirals rises,

Worthless the world lives prize,

Believe Glass Towers fleet of cars,

Hundred of servant past is a scar, (4)


Don't ask past life ignominious,

Reluctant to confess, gets furious,

Parents educated fought divorce,

Left at the road, beast of course, (5)


Memory Lane, a blind alley hunt,

Fails to escape from past taunt,

Begged on the road, slept open,

Tattered clothes hungers torn, (6)


Missionary rescued me, I study,

Education gift of Lord a melody,

Won from those years succeed,

What is poverty money, I read, (7)


Never could forget humiliation,

Insult, assault, hatred, emotion,

Cried to none lonely nights sad,

Questioned a human birth mad, (viii)


No answer, wait endless patience,

Bitterness ingrained so nascent,

Single, no one in my life mature,

I live every day, save money here, (9)


Future hopeful, confident leads,

Bitterness may cripple, breed,

Life provides opportunities now,

Have patience, wait, time show, (10)


Seldom confess, convey, confide,

Bitterness past remnant reside,

The grace of the Lord forgets memories,

The raw wound of the heart series. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Bitterness

Themes: past sorrows   

Written: 15th March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite 


Thursday, March 14, 2024





Daylight I feel hunting fear,

Nightmare, night link horror,

Shrinks heart, shivers worry,

The world is delightful, feel sorry, (1)


Notices, baffled, bewitching,

Melodious melodrama wing,

What does not fly in the sky lit,

Like a kite and thread sight, (2)


Swings freedom essays stay,

Cut off the thread kite far away,

Seen such disasters melody,

Family happy gone a parody, (3)


Ink sequel to sorrows sweep,

Migrate people far flung ship,

Hope work food shelter lives,

Stay at my homeland strives, (4)


Fight a grain of food distant,

Mountain of food left instant,

Rich men spend millions on love,

Sick today know hunger solve, (5)


Want to be a kite freely swing,

What freedom means to sing,

Mother Earth provides me corn,

Fertile soil I hope life lovelorn, (6)


Born here, die here someday, 

The air, water, soil feel to sway,

Unique the salt in vein flows,

No roof food cloth still bows, (7)


Decided to stay at sweet home, 

Suffered clouded mind roam,

Tempted by luxury comfort a lot,

Voyage continental allure alert, (viii)


Hunting fears, alien tag, color,

Loose parent kin relative here,

The pain of missing them hurt,

Infinite torture separated most, (9)


Lost the river mountain beach,

Should leave homeland to teach,

The dream enamor scared me,

Stay here, my home, safe dream, (10)


Fresh air drizzle white noise,

The aroma of wet earth poise,

Clouded mind cleared now decisive,

The twilight cloud land is impressive. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Clouded Mind

Themes: Lure of homeland

Written: 14th March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Wednesday, March 13, 2024





Mesmerizing scenic lake blue water,

Sailing merrily singing think secure,

Drunken elixir of luxury plethora lit,

Boat of my life lake imaginary sight, (1)


Behold reality happening, automatic,

Hard effort aspiration hope ecstatic,

Thought money object of life ensures,

Gold is wine fame woman immature, (2)


Waylaid whirlpool drag underneath,

The dark bottom of a lake, scary beneath,

Though snake monsters exist in fear,

Reluctant to drop gold asset allure, (3)


Between horns of the dilemma, life,

It happened in my life terrify strife,

Tension worries risk endangering a lot,

Fight tooth and knell for gold effort, (4)


Licked people, feet for a penny loved,

The royal life, pompous work solved,

I rose and rose higher, unaware of a fact,

Fall is so sudden less alarm in fact, (5)


Popular, praise, bond, fade quickly,

Find today the bottom of the lake meekly,

Rich to rags hard encountered sad,

Life a destitute family left treated mad, (6)


Evening age creeping slowly, depresses,

The bottom of the lake image impresses,

Permanent darkness frigid exists,

Ghost of my spirit dream yet resist, (7)


Hope is the virtue I swim to the top,

Swim over the blue lake to save, luck,

Escape from the nadir to stability fit,

Abode of the Lord, heart wish merit, (viii)


Caught sight of lives amidst nature,

Rock bottom necessity lives enamor,

Serenity beauty freshness profusely,

Leads life bare minimum incredibly, (9)


The peace, happiness, and joy are scantly visible,

Lacks rich and famous nadir trouble,

I realized that day encountered a nadir,

The object of human life is not gold a fakir, (10)


Balanced life necessity for existence,

Nadir of my life warned consistency,

Found happiness and contentment, I believe,

For the rest of my life, ordinary survive. (11)  



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Nadir

Themes: Human needs a balanced life

Written: 13th March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Tuesday, March 12, 2024





Sleep on the grassy meadows,

A starry night moon shadows,

Imagined immensity above,

Silent, luminous attracts love, (1)


Part of the creation tiny exists,

Forgets the creator to persist,

Lily blossoms at full moonlit,

The first ray of sunlight sight, (2)


Lotus Blooms welcomes says,

Tearful, I felt divinity displays,

Hunting fear wolf roars fright,

Bats, night creatures fly right, (3)


Magnificent nature tiger roar,

Bird chirp noisy monkey fear,

Deer runs nature playful hail,

Ingrained divine wish prevails, (4)


Human life looks at me, pondering,

His abode in me funny ignore,

Every breath inhaled and exhaled fit,

Automatic in sleep, He exhibits, (5)


His command, I live, act, survive,

Fight for life, think fallen revive,

Wonderful tiny bird build a nest,

Collects twigs weaves the best, (6)


Ingrained ingenuity bird says,

Humans, intelligent life sways,

Look at the lighted metropolis,

Bustling cities, crowds polish, (7)


Schools, colleges, hospitals, many,

Growing people scares money,

Not ingrained divine features,

Mind plays separate pictures, (viii)


Gain and loss appropriate fit,

Losing lives, cruelty, anger, wit,

Swept these thoughts in my mind,

Human turned reason unkind, (9)


Separated from ingrained links,

Circumstance consequent sink,

Link with divine nature follows,

Nature living beings in hallow, (10)


Bee discovers flowers for honey,

Ingrained search love uncanny,

Ingrained human nature share,

Love, kindness, compassion, care. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Ingrained

Themes: Inherited divine nature

Written: 12th March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite